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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. ah I see what you mean, so it would be useful then in this situation.  for like submit buttons.  Because if there clicked they are set, if they are not theya re empty.
  2. I think I need to rethink how I am processing my newsletters just in case, this is somewhat disturbing.
  3. It's not picking up my email, I have the email address coming from post, it's being submitted through a form to the page with the links Then I need to pass it from the page with the links over to that other page, to format into the email register_globals is off and I have no choice on that because my client is using yahoo, so I still initialize my variables I can do $emailaddress = $_POST['emailaddress'] But I tried it both ways, I did this, and passed it through post, and left it alone and past it with just get and neither of them worked, they both show up as blank.
  4. So what is the use of isset. This is the same situation, for instance, when I do a newsletter <form name="newslettertest" action="newsletterpage.php" method="post"> <label for="emailaddress">Email Address:</label> <input name="emailaddress" id="emailaddress" type="text" maxlength="80" /> <label for="verifyemail">Verify Email Address:</label> <input name="verifyemail" id="verifyemail" type="text" maxlength="80" /> <input name="subscribe" id="subscribe" type="submit" value="SubScribe" /> <input name="unsubscribe" id="unsubscribe" type="submit" value="UnSubscribe" /> </form> Processor down here [code]<?php if (isset($subscribe)) { // work here } if (isset($unsubscribe)) { // work here } ?>[/code] This is the exact same thing I am doing on this. [code]<form name="logemail" action="logpage" method="post"> <label for="emailaddress">Email Address:</label> <input name="emailaddress" id="emailaddress" type="text" maxlength="80" /> <input name="submit" id="submit" type="submit" value="Gain Access!" /> </form>[/code] Then over on the page I have it sort of like password protected, just limited access <?php if (isset($emailaddress)) { ?> //show entire page here <?php } else { echo "You suck put in your email"; } ?> It's the exact same idea, when I do the newsletter this works perfectly, when I do it here it doesn't.
  5. Ok, either way looks good, I tried this here, and I ran into 1 detail. I got it working, I even learned now fully how to pass variables via url's but how do you pass already populated variables through url's When I pulled in the email through post I did this $emailaddress = $_POST['emailaddress'] then in the link i did this <a href=""downloadhandler.php?redirect=dw/Adair100b.pdf&email=$emailaddress" and when it went through I have the page set up to [code]<?php if (!$_GET['redirect']) exit('bad link'); $page = $_GET['redirect']; mail("[email protected]", "Asic Ip Download Access", "Someone has access {$page} from {$emailaddress}"); header('Location: ' . $page); ?>[/code] The first part works it sends an email saying someone has accessed pagename, and it tells the name of the page, then on the email address area it's just blank, I know that they can be passed, but it must be a different method, how do I string an already populated variable into the url.
  6. Ah this is a good idea, this is similar to what I had to do when I did funnyemailforwards.  Thanks now I know how to do it, I didn't think it was possible, but I didn't think of doing this, I appreciate it, thanks.
  7. I was told this wasn't affective, I didn't believe but I think I was shown first hand. I was writing up some scripts, I wanted someone to have to enter an email address before gaining access It is for a client that has yahoo server, and there php ini settings are aweful, register globals is on for one, a nother you can't see your errors, and unless you can log into there account you can't even see the error logs, it's a nightmare working with yahoo, anyway, I also had to cuss them out on the phone 2 times, for not giving proper tech support, for like 3 different clients, enough rambling, well I set up a gateway page, it was easier for me to keep up with, with yahoo server, I co uldn't debug when using a form on the same page, so I put it in another page, an dran all the link access through that. I tried with my form at first like this if (isset($emailaddress)) and it didn't work I changed it to $emailaddress != "" and it worked but then I don't understnad this when I build a newsletter if (isset(subscribe)) if (isset(unsubscribe)) that is how I always differentiate my 2 scripts and I do them on the same page, any one got any wisdow to shed on this subject. By the way [code]if(!(getmxrr(substr(strstr($_POST['email'], '@'), 1), $temp)) || checkdnsrr(gethostbyname(substr(strstr($_POST['email'], '@'), 1)), "ANY")) { $errorhandler .= "The Domain name for the email address does not exist<br />"; }[/code] This tests the email address to 100% make sure the dns server exists. It doesn't say whether the email is valid but it's checks to make sure the domain name exists atleast, another thing to help decrease the chance of bad emails.
  8. This is really php related. I was creating a program/script to email someone everytime a page was accessed, but a little more than that.  He has a list of links, and I was thinking of a way to email him the page that was accessed everytime someone goes to it, and Icouldn't think of anything with php that would allow me to do this, naturally. I thought up something with javascript, to use an event handler, onclick, to initialize a javascript variable before page exit, that will capture mail("emailaddress", "Asic Ip Access Page", "Someone has accessed whatever page in Asic Ip Download Page"); That will be saved in the javascript variable, then I can pull the javascript variable to php, and it would read mail(whatever) like it was in the variable, is this possible, if so how do I pull javascript variables.
  9. I don't know what ot say, all I can do is ask one more time, hopefulyl someone will try to help or find the answer, or anything by tomorrow night, I have to turn this in on monday he gave me the weekend, if I don't figure out something by tomorrow night, I ahve to rebuild them based on the rest of the site just in tables, I hate to do that more than anything but if I can't figure out something else I have absolutely no choose, cna someone please help on this, anybody.
  10. Nothing is working, I pulled the stylesheet into a seperate test sheet and pulled just one of my pages, I tore apart both files and rebuild them 3-4 times with no luck on any approach.
  11. can anyone at all help with this, or see anything that might point me in the right direction, I have dissected my code 3-4 times over.
  12. It was worth a try but no luck, the quotation marks in css font-family style sets by the way, is there to show the browser it's 100% default and it should choose that above all else.
  13. I am creating a login page, should I leave it on a secure connection, meaning should I keep it in secure sockets mode. Should I make it to where whenever they go to the url, it replaces http with https, and makes it secure socket layers protected.  Or are there any special things I should do with sessions to prevent session hijacking.
  14. Here is a cut down version I am sure it's none of these Here are the issues I am having for some reasons [CODE]body /* Sets the body for the page, and background picture */ { background-image:url(http://www.betterchoiceloans.com/images/BG_COLOR_BLUE2GRAY.jpg); font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14px; background-position:top left; background-repeat:repeat-x; background-color:#688EB3; font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif; } a:link { color:#003399; } a:visited { color:#003399; } a:hover { color:#FF6600; } h2 { color:#003399; font-style:italic; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } h3 { font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight:bold; color:#003399; font-size:20px; } h4 { color:#003399; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } #logoarea { width:200px; height:100px; background-color:#333333; } #footer { clear:both; text-align:center; } #smalltext /* For small text in various places */ { font-size:10px; } /* Begin section, everything in this section sets the general format and allows this sets the top areas, and formatts the main section for body content */ #bottomwrap { background-color:#FFFFFF; } #mastertopdiv { clear:both; background-color:#FFFFFF; } #topcontent { text-align:center; background-color:#FFFFFF; } #mainnav { float:left; background-color:#FFFFFF } /* Everything in this section is related to displaying the actual content sections of the webpage */ #content {       /* get rid of this float:left; */ float:right; /* new*/ width: 500px; /* new, you can probably play with this value and make it larger */ background-color:#FFFFFF; margin-left:10px; } #masterpagediv { width:800px; margin:auto; background-color:#FFFFFF; } #masterpagedivguaranteed { width:750px; margin:auto; background-color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }[/CODE] I took out everything I am 100% sure has nothing to do with it, like modifications made to elements that couldn't be causing it, here are the pages that are acting up and how, there all based on the same layout, but I don't understand why they are messing up, first of all in internet explorer, they all look 100% like they should, except for some minor stuff I have to manually hcange about the top margins to make it look like the pages from his old site, but as far as looks decent, those all do in internet explorer. [URL=http://www.betterchoiceloans.com/upfront.htm]page 1[/URL] internet explorer- looks perfect Firefox- The white around the body isn't there, it should be there, it is in ie, I have a master div surrounding them but it's still not there in the other browsers for some reason like in ie It's severely off alignment and if I move the alignment at all, then in the other browsers it kicks them down ot the next line. opera- exact same problems as firefox. [URL=http://www.betterchoiceloans.com/marketnichespriced.htm]page 2[/URL] internet explorer- perfect note-this was my special page, it's the one I worked the hardest on, and I don't understand why it's even worse than the others. ff-opera- the white problem is still there, it's not showing my background, it has the bottom bar, allt he way up somewhere in the middle of my content, I used clear, and it even fixed it on the other pages, even in these browsers, but this page is causing some sort of problem with these browsers, here are my css styles directly relating to the table of tabular information pertaining to this page. [CODE]/* Market Niches Priced Table */ #markettable { text-align:center; width:540px; border-style:double; } #markettable td { border-width:medium; border-style:double; } #xmarket { background-color:#FFFFFF;; } #middlemarket { background-color:#FFFFFF;; } #leftmarket { background-color:#FFFFFF;; } #marketheader { background-color:#3399CC; } #rightmarket { background-color:#FFFFFF;; } /* End Market Niches Priced Table */[/CODE] [URL=http://www.betterchoiceloans.com/guaranteedclosingcosts.htm]page 3[/URL]This page is confusing me too I have a little css different on this one but it's still messed up just the same. Its giving me the same issues in the same browser as above, and this is hte only thing added into the css for specifically this page only [CODE]#masterpagedivguaranteed { width:750px; margin:auto; background-color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }[/CODE] [URL=http://www.betterchoiceloans.com/ratelockpolicy.htm]page 4[/URL] This is giving me the same problems, but nothing new in the css. So I know 100% it has to do with my css file, because htey are all having the same issues because they are all basd on the same external css file, I normally haven't been seeking help much lately, I have figured out a lot for myself, but I never encountered this, never before, and with me only have like 3 hours or so left, I really, really need help on this.  I am stuck, I tried collapsing all my code, pouring through it line by line, what pisses me off is I know that it's only 1 tag in there causing this, just 1 css command is making it all look like this, I am thinking 1 thing hcanged, and everything will pop back into proper place, I have never encoutnered this big of an issue before, can someone see anything, please, I really really need help on this, I have been working onthis for him for a few weeks, and now he finally rounded up the deadline, a list of changes, adn he is callling me, we are making some color touch ups, and gramatical changes, and then he is turning it into his boss, this could be a lot of projects down the road, if anyone sees anything that might help me fix some or all of these issues I would greatly appreciate it.
  15. Does anyone notice any reason why this might be happening, I triple checked, i have something wrapping the entire thing, with the background color set to white.  It should be making the whole entire page white, but it's not for some reason, and I really, really, don't understand why.
  16. I also had one more issue I couldn't seem to fix, on the other browsers, the background isn't working, ont he main one the whole area is while, on internet explorer, the whole thing looks perfect, but in the other 2 browsers, the background isn't staying all the way white, it's broken, do you see an obvious reason for this.
  17. Actually it was something I did wrong, i left content on there 2 times, thanks that fixed almost everything, I should be able to handle some of these other issues.  Thanks for the help, that fixed a majority of it, I get confused on when to use float left, and when float right, because a lot of times if I have 2-3 columns side by side, float left on left one, float right on right one, the right one kicks down below the left one, I end up having to double up float lefts those always confuse me
  18. I see what you mean, it made some of the issues go away, but take a look now www.betterchoiceloans.com/upfront.htm it kicks them all the way over there now, I don't know how to fix that, any advice.  Once I get it back in place, atleast where it was, originally, then I can do modifications to get the margins at the top like he wanted, and he is about to call me in an hour.
  19. I can't do that unfortunately, believe me, I hate that too, I am obsessed with clean code, but for this project, I can't the errors are all caused by issue's relating to some flash files that were already tehre, I already rebuilt the general design greatly, in css div/span instead of tables, but I can't modify those because if they mess up I am screwed.  Any advice any more on this issue?
  20. I was able to work through most of these but a few things I am confused about www.betterchoiceloans.com/upfront.htm For some reason it looks perfect in ie, but bad in the other 2, I even fixed quite a number of issues already like the bottom, it was all the way at the top, I threw in an id for it, and clear:both, and text-align:center, and it went to where it was supposed to, but now the main text for some reason is down one on ie, and ff.  It looks good in ie, I had to get this part fixed, because I have to get the top logo area pixel perfect after I am done with all of that, if I release this to a major organization like this, they might never hire me for a project again, any advice ,here is my current css, but it's not just upfront.htm, if you look on that page there are a bunch of links, and 1 page to an external site, but for some reason all of them are doing the same thing.  They are all based on the same css page, and all of them are having the same problem, I think I just have 1-2 things wrong in my css, I used tables for some of the tabular data throughout those pages I did, and the rest css div/span tags, my css was validated, for this project, and since it's not getting portfoliod I didn't entirely validate the xhtml, because the previous designer has the stuff set up like that and I don't know enough flash to mess with those components, any advice on the alignment issues. CSS [code]body /* Sets the body for the page, and background picture */ { background-image:url(http://www.betterchoiceloans.com/images/BG_COLOR_BLUE2GRAY.jpg); font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:14px; background-position:top left; background-repeat:repeat-x; background-color:#688EB3; font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif; } a:link { color:#003399; } a:visited { color:#003399; } a:hover { color:#FF6600; } h2 { color:#003399; font-style:italic; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } h3 { font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight:bold; color:#003399; font-size:20px; } h4 { color:#003399; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } #logoarea { width:200px; height:100px; background-color:#333333; } #footer { clear:both; text-align:center; } /* Market Niches Priced Table */ #markettable { text-align:center; width:540px; border-style:double; } #markettable td { border-width:medium; border-style:double; } #xmarket { background-color:#FFFFFF;; } #middlemarket { background-color:#FFFFFF;; } #leftmarket { background-color:#FFFFFF;; } #marketheader { background-color:#3399CC; } #rightmarket { background-color:#FFFFFF;; } /* End Market Niches Priced Table */ /* Evaluate An Arm Styling Tabular Data */ #armtable { text-align:center; width:554px; border-style:double; border-top-color:#000000; border-bottom-color:#000000; border-left-color:#000066; border-right-color:#000066; } #armtable td { border-color:#660066; border-width:medium; border-style:double; } #leftarm { background-color:#006699; } #rightarm { background-color:#006633; } #alonearm { background-color:#666666; } /* End styling Tabular data for Evaluate an Arm */ #smalltext /* For small text in various places */ { font-size:10px; } /* Begin section, everything in this section sets the general format and allows this sets the top areas, and formatts the main section for body content */ #mastertopdiv { clear:both; } #topcontent { text-align:center; } #mainnav { float:left; } /* Everything in this section is related to displaying the actual content sections of the webpage */ #content { float:left; background-color:#FFFFFF; margin-left:10px; } #masterpagediv { width:700px; margin:auto; background-color:#FFFFFF; } #masterpagedivguaranteed { width:750px; margin:auto; background-color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } /* top loan */ #loanamountleft { float:left; font-weight:bold; } #loanamountright { float:left; font-weight:bold; margin-left:55px; } #loanamount { margin-left:65px; clear:both; } /* end top loan */ /* Section 1 */ #section1 { margin-left:100px; clear:both; } #section1left { float:left; } #section1right { float:left; margin-left:100px; } /* End Section 1 */ /* Section 2 */ #section2 { margin-left:100px; clear:both; } #section2left { float:left; } #section2right { float:left; margin-left:100px; } /* End Section 2 */ /* Section 3 */ #section3 { margin-left:100px; clear:both; } #section3left { float:left; } #section3right { float:left; margin-left:100px; } /* End Section 3 */ /* Section 4 */ #section4 { margin-left:95px; clear:both; } #section4left { float:left; } #section4right { float:left; margin-left:95px; } /* End Section 4 */ /* Section 5 */ #section5 { margin-left:85px; clear:both; } #section5left { float:left; } #section5right { float:left; margin-left:70px; } /* End Section 5 */ /* Section 6 */ #section6 { margin-left:85px; clear:both; } #section6left { float:left; } #section6right { float:left; margin-left:70px; } /* End Section 6 */[/code]
  21. I have a little issue, I am trying to work through, I am trying to create an ebay close, lost and found system online. I have to set up something for an email system, or message system.  I just finished creating a giant custom file management system, and I loved it so, now that that was finished I started on this. I have 2 choices, I want to know if anyone has any advice on which  one would be better The system is under php 4, and mysql what I am trying to do is I have a registration form, that gives them login access, there are 2 types of accounts, free and paid, it starts logging the field under paid to no, and paypal id, as not applicable.  Then when I pull my info from my database, I register my cookies to the username and password, and then the id.  Then they can search the site, maybe even paid sections, but the db is searched for there id, and the paid column is checked, if its yes, they get access, if it's no, it is denied.  So that is my overall system idea, the next thing, is a feature to allow people to message each other, by what I have brainstormed I have 2 choices, I want some feedback on these, because I know how to do either,but I don't know which would be better, worst, slower, or whatever. First of all the people will be able to message other members, it messages with a userid, and that userid pulls the rest of the information from the database. I already am going to set some stuff in place to make sure that the username, and other stuff don't already exist, because the username is going to have to remain different. I can do either 1. The person sends a message my scripts pulls up there username, and all there information, I have 1 table, that is labeled messages, with the info pulled up by the username, the table is like this id message userfrom the id is going to be the id of the member where the username was found, for instance, if I have member number 50, he signed up, his username is danny, then paul user number 20 sends him a message, he types danny in the username field, types the message and clicks send, all simple.  Then the scripts takes $username = "danny"; and it searches my userreg table to see if danny exists in the database, if it does, it pulls out all the information in his row adn get's his id number, then in my new table the message table I log the id number who the user was that sent it, and the message. THen if I have more than 1 message it'll just show up in the database as multiple entries with the same id, and I won't auto-increment them in that db, I will put them in there manually each time, to make sure they stay numbered right. The thing is I would have like id 2 5 2 6 9 235 2346 those are the current people in the db that have messages for instance, when someone say id#2 user signs in.  he signs in with his username and password, it checks the db, pulls out the info registers the sessions, and has his id on hand.  Then it runs that id against the other database, if one is found I have  a message somewhere that says you have messages, then I just pull those messages from the db,all teh ones under that id. 2.  Second possibility Everytime someone signs up under a new username I create an entirely new individual table with that persons id, and call it id#, the number is replaced with there id number, and each person has a new table, and the new tablew ill be able to record however many message are sent to that person. I was thinking this, but I am afraid it will be slow, which way do you advice.
  22. What the hell dude, you shouldn't put your username and password down like that, XXXX or #### them out, no matter what you do now, chances are someone is going to get into your db, unless you made up a random username and password for that, that is something you will probably regret.
  23. Then the function isn't set, are you using it in an include, if so use require_once() instead o because it won't runt hte script unless it's included. Then go to the other page where your function exists, and test the script there, the one I showed you, if it says it doesn't exist, even if you use it on the same page where the function is, then something is wrong with the function itself, in that case display the function here.
  24. It is still not working, I did that, and it's still only deleting one file, and not the rest, I did some minor changes, but I am still reaching my limits, I know a lot about php, more than I did, but not everything, and this is somethign i have no knowledge on, I am trying to create foreach, or while loops but nothing is working.
  25. In the db it's named whatever the file was named off there computer, I am working in features into my script later that strip the names down, and make the modified for the server, and make it to where they can't rename files duplicate names, some other small things, after I finish the admin script, and get everything else situated.  But for now it's giving me t his problem, there is an id for each entry yes, the funnyurl field in the db has the following uploads/filename.ext It has that exactly with each filename,a nd extension, that way I can modify it with php to match the sitaution, some situations I had to have absolute url, some relative, so I cna change that based on the script, then the url links when  the thing is called is called with whatever they name the file like www.funnyemailforwards.com/file/whatever The script searches the table fileinfo under the column funnyname, for any match that everything after file/ Then it pulls the information from the db based on the name, getting id and everything, then breaks apart the url pulled from the db, based on extension and routes it to the proper viewing method, at that time, well you get it, but at this section I am feeding it what I need for it to reach the file, I will try this, I just need it to do this, for each occurence, and when I tried a foreach statement, of some sort, it started spassing, or actually that was a while loop, and the error kept going, over and over again, until it almost crashed my browser.
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