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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. That's why I am having such a difficult problem here. I have worked for clients in the past never had this problem, by the third try I had a logo, background color, and basic layout they liked. But with me, maybe it will help if I look at it like I am working for a client. I never encounter these kind of problems unless I am building them for myself, I have built them in the past, just basic Xhtml/css before I learn php, sql, javascript.
  2. I will rethink some things. I will try and see what I can come up with a logo, and see what I can do to work somethings out. I don't believe in some things, as using flash for entire websites. But there are a lot of clients out there that like the idea of "flash intro's" about links, I am not sure, I get annoyed to when I have to wait for quick time to pop up completely before all the links pop in there, so I think I will try something different.
  3. Thanks I appreciaet I did stop studying and started building the website for now. I am also teaming for the most part, or partially with a programmer from lamp geeks. Later on, someone on this form called grim, I will be working with him on some teaming for a couple of sites helping me learn faster.
  4. I redid the entire thing so far, I was looking for more feedback when people had time. I also wanted some ideas. I am thinking of doing a navigation at the top with just like 4-5 of my main pages, with buttons. Have them done in mostly css and xhtml to avoid javascript problems. Then have the images set to preload. I am going to try something different on the top right hand corner, I also was thinking of 3 navigational structures. One at the top like I said with image rollovers, probably in css/javascript/xhtml. One on the left hand side, regular text, and have them try to match the rest of the site. and one at the bottom, with just like 3-4 main pages, on the left will contain links to all my pages, but the top and bottom links will only have the most important. I am thinking of creating the top button links in flash. Because with the text links on the left, and important links on the bottom, search engines won't have a problem finding the links on my site. THe flash might allow it to stand out better, but to avoid me having to redo my flash file every time I add new pages I will just have my 3-4-5 MAIN webpages put at the top with flash. I don't know i will work on all this tomorrow, any ideas as for the new pictures would be greatly appreciated, it took almost 4 hours to figure out how to wrap text properly with photoshop cs2.
  5. Like css, is it better to stay away from php shorthand, the .= operator is to quickly add something to something, what is the long way, and which is better.
  6. so I will look around and see about working something else up, thanks for those ideas.
  7. how is it now . www.freelancebusinessman.com I redid an entire photo I found off a free site, that had no restrictions on usage. I put in the name, and a line I came up with. Then when I stretch it, it looked really bad I tried doing a imagecreate() and setting it up that way, but it looked wierd. So I decided on moving it over in the corner, and trying something completely different afterwards with my navigational structure I am working on that now, does it look better.
  8. I am I just got photoshop cs2, and I am getting used to it now, I am going to rebuild something again now, and go a little slower with it, see what I can come up with.
  9. ok, I am going to redo the whole thing then again and see what else I can come up with. The feedback is helping me understand what is good and what is not.
  10. How does it look now www.freelancebusinessman.com I will probably move htem around some,when I start building navigation but for something to start with.
  11. I am redoing the entire thing, I am not a graphic designer, I am just trying ot get the ability to do logo's backgrounds, and manipulate photo's, so I am trying something different for the logo now.
  12. Thanks I will be doing something different with it then, I will be posting on here alot throughout the building, but I will try to use this same post as long as possible. After awhile I will start another, but I am going to try something more along those types of lines now. Thanks.
  13. I don't want to get off on the wrong track, last time I asked for criticism it helped, so I am wanting to keep up with it some as I go, I am worried, does this image, look pixelated or bad. I don't want to build my entire website and find out at the end that the logo sucks because that is what I am building my entire website around. [a href=\"http://www.freelancebusinessman.com\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.freelancebusinessman.com[/a]
  14. I started on my website, I have created a logo in .psd but when I create an image link, it doesn't show up, I imported it into fireworks, and changed it to jpg, because photoshop wouldn't let me, then I could see it, but for some reason it looks pixelated, and of bad quality, I will admit I just recently started using photoshop, I don't want to be a graphic designer, but I am trying to learn enough to do. logo's, backgrounds when needed, banners when needed, and general photo manipulation, I have learnt a lot just working with my logo, but I ran into this problem. Thanks. and a .psd file is so heavy, it is going to cramp up my web page's load time, and that is somethign I definitely don't want, as with .jpg, .bmp(i don't like using this), and .gif(don't much care for this either), it doesn't do that. Even in fireworks a .swf file(that and flash) even have a less of a size that the .psd, what should I do with this, to still retain the quality you can only get from photoshop. [b]MAJOR EDIT- I have completely fixed the problem. I was unable to switch it to jpg, and other types of formats because I had the rgb set too high up to be able to get that format. I lowered the rgb, and .jpg, and all the other familiar ones appeared there. Thanks.[/b]
  15. that will make it easier to learn, thanks
  16. what all programming/coding languages do you know.
  17. No, I was messing up at the first, I was misposting, I was posting about topics I shouldn't and in places that were incorrect. I had a lot of bad comments at first, then I rethought the way I posted, I posted more carefully, only on stuff I really couldn't find anywhere else, I tried helping other people so I was giving something back, and I also tried posting in the right places for what I had to post about, even after all that thought and redoing, Alot of people on here have still had bad comments to say, and stuff to say, you have helped me a lot, and frankly your website is nice, I was looking at it earlier, but I asked this question to get advice, and instead you insulted me by saying I was 10 years old, just because I was asking not really for help, but more for advice on how to develop something. I am 22, I am in the mindset to learn everything about web site design, programming and coding I can, and make something of a business. I wasn't expecting because I have a childish view on web design to be called 10. I am far more mature when it comes to web design, adn I take it a lot more "maturely" than a 10 year old.
  18. just wanted to think everyone on the board so far. You have been of great help some especially. You have helped me realize my potential, and frankly learn php and mysql. I however keep getting criticized and made fun of simply because I have a passion for what I do, thanks for the people who gave me advice and helped me along.
  19. I have been studying on here alot, I learnt all the basics of php, and sql. i am ready to take everything I have learnt so far and turn it into my website.www.freelancebusinessman.com I am wanting some advice on a few things. I am going all out on this website, this will be what I put my money into advertising. I am going to start taking on new projects after the website is up and running. I have recently gotten into the idea of "website plans" and getting plans together before a website is made. Does anyone have any links to places that I can use to plan website construction. I am also wanting to create an initial form, and have a list of questions I want to ask at first to get basic information. Then I wanted to create a plan like a folder that says web plan, and has a few questions, and some information, then after I get that back I was going to create a website plan, and present it to the client with a nother list of preset questions, then from there recorrect the plan and start on the website. Or whatever else hte project was instead, then work on some type of process to make things go more smoothly during the planning phases, once I get planning phases. Any ideas, feedback, or comments.
  20. more of where to start learning, I don't want to go real deep as to be a graphic designer, I just want to be a web coder, programmer, designer. I want to know, using photoshop cs2 what skills do I need to acquire to be able to do roughly anything I need with a website. as far as logo's banners, backgrounds, photo's excetera.
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