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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. I am a little stuck I want general advice or direction. I posted awhile back www.freelancebusinessman.com the website critique wasn't good, with me wanting to be a professional web designer, coder, programmer, there is a lot I thought I should learn, so I took a step back, I already has mastered xhtml, and was above professional level with css. I was into hand coding, which gives me some control, I also am obsessed with standards compliance, so I was on the right track, after research I picked a server side to start with, php. Then after studying it for awhile getting to the poitn where I could now start on websites and learn more php as I go, I picked a database language, I studied and create a quick reference for basic sql, so now I know how to create and put together databases, and studied all the database stuff, like different versions where to use what, got all that under my belt. Then I started digging into some other stuff, I wanted to increase my overall abilities with web layout and design, and content writing (I haven't dug into those 2 yet) I ordered adobe photoshop cs2 for images. I don't want to be a full blown god-like graphic designer. I just want to be able to 1.Create banners, logo's, backgrounds(myself) 2.Edit, manipulate images(to make them look better 3.Be able to work with text in photos 4. basically I want to be able to build websites, I need atleast intermediate graphic design skills to do what I need to do, where do I start. ANd I have no way to get access to photos they are all for sale, how deos everyone here get ahold of there photo's
  2. hmm I will keep that in mind, I appreciate the advice, thanks.
  3. Ninjakreborn


    I was wondering about something PEAR DB is a powerful object oriented language I read that somewhere it began telling me about it, I was wondering is this a replacement for something else. Meaning I am planning on using MYSQL as my main database when working for clients, I will want to know how to do the rest in case, but what I am trying to figure out, using MYSQL, and PHP, is there anywhere inthere for PEAR DB, is it something I can use WITH MYSQL AND PHP. Or is it something to replace one of them, I am confused a little on the concept of PEAR DB.
  4. thanks
  5. there are a few things I am trying to figure out the meaning of but haven't seen any information about what these specifically mean, or do 1.INT 2.NOT 3.NULL 4.AUTO INCREMENT And when doing a mysql connect like [code] mysql_connect("localhost", "west", "darkwind"); mysql_select_db("test"); [/code] The password I changed here, but basically what I am wondering is, say for instance someone playing around with a website, they can pull the website pages so they can see hte php source code, it's not that hard, they can get it to where they can read it, I have done it just to try and get some knowledge on how other people use code, so I can understand some of what is going on, well if someone does that, won't they automatically get ahold of your username, password, database name, and be able to connect to your database using that, without that much hassle, hopefully someone can explain this so I am not so paranoid.
  6. alright thanks.
  7. I finally delved into the world of databasing, as always I start comparing what is available and I run across this. Again, I am obsessed with standards compliant, I believe compliant on anything related to web design that can follow some sort of standard, I try to follow. About mysql, I do some searches and I find this. [a href=\"http://www.geocities.com/mailsoftware42/db/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.geocities.com/mailsoftware42/db/[/a] now keep in mind it only compares open source, so it doesn't do the other databases. But this is what I have a problem with I want advice on. I don't like MaxDB, Firebird, Ingres I just don't like the way they look, but on Mysql, and Postgresql, I had a few problems here I wanted advice on it seems to be a throwdown, there is one thing I am confused about I will get to that, but when I look through it I see. Mysql supports more platforms Mysql has a possibility of High speed, while postgresql doesn't Mysql seems to have a higher ability for stability mysql security features seem to be higher Mysql has more programming interfaces more storage engines Load balancing The thing that turned me off to mysql and hte main thing bothering me is the SQL STANDARDS COMPLIANCE The post gre sql is higher on that that mysql. Isn't that a bad thing, or compared does that mean nothing, I am really confuseda bout this, should I sacrifice some compliancy, for the benefit of extra functionality. [b]Edit- also would MySql be acid compliant. [/b]
  8. i don't have time now but if noone answers you my monday morning 9 eastern standard send me an email. I will fix it for you, or look at it and tell you how I am not working onthe weekends but I will do that for you on monday. or if I remember I will check the form and help you out.
  9. thanks for the answers again.
  10. PERFECT, more than what I was hoping for thanks for the answer.
  11. I have asked this but noone has ever understood what I mean so I took the time to word it correctly here ok. I have been fighting with this for months but I am confused and don't understand this at all. Ok I think like this. There is my computer(local copy) of a website I am working on. A server(hosting company) when I speak of this I mean mostly someone who has an internet hosting company like www.bluehost.com or www.startlogic.com or something like that. ok I am wanting to know if I have the general idea of a database. For instance my web host www.bluehost.com has the following databases or something they say in there control panel. MySQL Databases phpMyAdmin PostgreSQL Databases phpPgAdmin ok so what I would do postgresql, is using postgresql, but I don't understand the difference between MYSQL databases, and phpMyAdmin. And what I don't udnerstand more of, is what do I do, I use a "program" ON my computer, like microsoft access, or oracle, or another software program on my computer to create the databases. Then I UPLOAD them to the server as I would xhtml, or do I take the files on my COMPUTER I created with teh database, put them on the server, and then link them to phpadmin, or do I just build the database int eh first one, then edit it through php admin. If I creaete a database in microsoft access, then link it to phpmyadmin, or the mysql above it, then use php mysql functions, then I am still "using" mysql right What I keep getting confused over, is I am thinking of like I use dreamweaver for xhtml, css, php files. So I create a file in php in dreamweaver, I upload it to the server, when the browser calls it, the php "module" parses it and kicks output into the browser. Very simple to understand, is a database the same way. GOd this is hte most confusing subject I have ever ran across, any help or insight would be greatly appreciated/.
  12. thanks
  13. Ninjakreborn


    I know about phpadmin, is msaccess mysql too, if I create a database and use it and connect to it using msaccess, I am unsure of this, I know phpadmin is my sql, and it's written in php, but I am still figuring out, a lot of people tell me not to us msaccess, what are the reasons, it's the only reason is because I already have it on my computer from office 2003, I thought i was convenient. I have had other web developers telling me they have multi hundred thousand databases on there server done in ms access, what is so bad about it, and why does everyone here and other places tell me to stay away from it.
  14. thanks
  15. what does that mean. I hear it alot, php core hackers, and php hackers, they are actually programmers, but they do something like hack there php code:?
  16. Should I make every website I do with php templated, or just on certain situations.
  17. ok thanks.
  18. is it easier for php to read form information if it's laid out using tables, I always like div-space(css) but I read somewhere to do forms in tables, it makes it easier to validate, is this true.
  19. thanks
  20. thanks
  21. don't I need it once for it to send, and once to test it to see if it sent??
  22. bump
  23. can anyone help with this, it's the only thing holding me back< I am still trying to figure out something but everything I try is not working, I can't get the function to access the form field no matter what I put in, I know my own submit works, I have tested that, it has something to do with me accessing the fields, my function structure is good, I triple checked it to make sure I set up everything the only thing I can think of is I am not accessing the form field right.
  24. ok, thanks
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