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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. Finally got it.
  2. Perfect, thanks.
  3. Oh, I didn't notice that. Thank you for showing me that, I fixed it after I saw that. Thanks for the help.
  4. Is there a relatively easy way (one built in function), that does nothing else but put commas for longer numbers. Like it would automatically make 3999 => 3,999 25000 => 25,000 7000000000 => 7,000,000,000 I am hoping for a quick fix, if I set down a minute I could do it anyway with some longer way. just checking if there is a built in function that does this instead.
  5. Still having problems, any advice is appreciated.
  6. I was trying to find the right board, I guess it's apache since htaccess is directly related to apache. I have this code in htaccess php_flag register_globals off php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off it turns off register globals, but it doesn't turn off magic quotes, php info is still coming up with it being on. What do I need to do to get it to work.
  7. That'll work, thanks.
  8. <?php $connection=$_GET['connection']; echo "<br />"; echo "Connection: " $_GET['connection']; echo "<br />"; if ($connection==english) { require_once('english-databaseconnection.php'); }else { require_once('theotherlanguage-databaseconnection.php'); } ?> Try that and paste the output here.
  9. Is there a way (using php), to allow someone to upload a PDF, then having it create an image of the pdf (I guess the first page of it, or the whole thing doesn't matter), and with that image, allowing it to be displayed on the site, or is this impossible?
  10. Does it really have to do with it sending a post request instead of a get request. How is the server misinterpeting a url, as being a post query? Or is this something else entirely.
  11. Still having some problems. I ran some tests on it, I can't figure out why it worked on my old server and not the new one. If anyone can see something that might be wrong (the files are 100% the same here as they were on my test server, and they worked perfectly on the test server.
  12. What I don't understand is it's telling me that I am trying to use a POST method, when it's a url. It's obvious using GET. However on my test server it worked fine, now as soon as I load it up it stops working. I don't understand, does anyone know what might force it to go into POST method. I also copied the php.ini file on my test server over to my life site, and it returns "session headers already sent" just by changing the ini file (session auto-start was not set), I don't understand what is going on. Any advice is greatly, appreciated.
  13. I got something to do tooltips. I tested it out on my test server, everything worked perfectly, when I brought it over the the actual web space, and uploaded it to the internet, I get this where they are all suppose to work at. http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/skillsandservices.php Every tooltip is having problems, has anyone ever encountered this problem before, or have any idea on how to fix it.
  14. I am assuming you 2 are good friends, and you were just joking. Because if not, that was very inhumane, he could have died. He is also a very good addition to this community, as I recalled he has helped countless people countless times.
  15. @redbullmarky Good point, I will keep that in mind. Thanks.
  16. @Nameless I have been slowly going over your PM. Heavily reading into everything you said. {snipped quoted PM} I spent most of the morning looking through license. I looking at the GPL, the Lesser GPL, and BSD, and numerous others. I ended up hearing some problems about the BSD license. http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/bsd.html Since you use it, maybe you can offer some feedback into this. I have followed that advice, I rewrote the copyright information on that site, I also released it as BSD. After looking through multiple license that sounded the closest to what I wanted. Ok, the 2 things I didn't get. You mentioned a Cache, and Abstraction Object. Isn't the Abstraction a layer between the database and the program. For instance Browser -> requests page -> Page is sent to server -> DB queries sent through abstraction layer, php sent through php parser -> Output to browser Is that the general idea. As far as a cache Object, is this similar to the cache system in Code Ignitor. In code ignitor when something is requested, it's cached. Later it's retrieved from cache to go through security processes to make everything faster (based on the flow charts on there site). Are the thoughts I have on both of those objects correct? Thanks edit by redbullmarky: i snipped the PM as I believe personally that PM's should be just that - private, regardless of its content.
  17. No, it doesn't work like that. I am a custom programmer. I do 100% custom programming for clients UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUESTED. When I work on my own site's, I don't have forever amounts of free time. My own personal site's, I use a "third party" template for the design. That's only on my site's, because I don't have the extra time necessary to create an entire one from scratch. As far as clients, everything is custom built design, programming, layout, everything unless otherwise requested. Most of what you said really pissed me off, my main image is about being a custom developer, and you come out here in the open and attack my image. Iam going to bypass most of what you said, you didn't come here to advice me on this post, you came to attack me personally, adn criticize my business, it would have been better off this time if you had of kept this pathetic attack to yourself. I don't like being criticized, if you want to talk shit, then just do me a favor and don't post. If you intended to help, then thanks. Next time you want to ramble on with insults like The logical advice you did offer, you were offering based on a misunderstanding. I wasn't talking about a click to install interface, never would. One component later of my framework is going to be a "tools" section that WILL have a GUI. The reason is, it's a set of tools, it's meant to be used with a GUI. It's a list of forms, and other things that do different things that I consider "developer tools". This was a rude personal attack, keep this kind of stuff to yourself, Iw ould rather you never post in any question I ask than bring up this kind of shit. If you want to help it's appreciated, if you want to criticize about something related to what I ask it's appreciated, but random personal attacks are not. This wasn't related to my framework, you brought something up about me saying I do custom program, you go to my site, and find 1 client that wanted a third party blog, third party forum,and he chose his template by request. Then you bring it on here, and attack me personally with ti. From now on if you want to help thinks, if you don't then don't bother. Some of the advice you offered help quite a bit, but it was still out of a misunderstanding. Nameless - You at first seemed (I feel maybe a little harsh), when I really looked at your advice there was NO personal attacks. It was all related to what I asked about, and really gave me a lot to work with (the same with red, he never attacks me personally, he just gives harsh criticism, but only about what I ask, not about me when I never asked something). as for jink, after looking over the whole thing, it seemed the only cussword used throughout the whole post was "bullshit". You seemed that you were mistaken that I was upset at nameless, he was very helpful. I misunderstood, and he helped me a lot, by sending me 2 pm's with a MASSIVE advice, about a whole new slew of ideas of what I can do with my framework, and what to focus on. You said I wasn't offended, but some of the stuff that was said earlier were personal attacks not even related to what I originally asked. I don't mind getting criticism, even harsh criticism, but personal attacks totally towards me or my career, I am getting tired of. As far as this, I may still have a lot to learn (everyone does), however I am far from a beginner. That is why I don't like people insulting my intelligence, just because I just started picking up OOP, and MVC doesn't mean I am just starting. I am FAR from beginner level with what I do in web development. I have a lot to learn, almost everyone with decent knowledge on the forum knows more than me, but I am far from beginner at web development. The weak points I originally had, have ever started getting better. As far as I knew as well, MVC and OOP are ideas. I never heard anyone say they were law, so honestly, I could eventually become an "expert" without ever learning OOP, and MVC. My point is MVC is just 1 pattern out of a million, a good programmer can still be good without ever touching OOP, and MVC. IT's all based on personal taste (me personally I tried them and liked them, so of course I am learning them). Thanks for all the help, and thanks again nameless for that massive advice pm you sent me. Thanks again.
  18. Thank you it's apprecaited, I will respond to confirm when I get it, thanks again for caring. anybody else, later on is welcome as well.
  19. Actually you are right. Could you please pm me a full critique, if you wouldn't mind. I will take what advice I can get. Thank you for the feedback.
  20. All the "bullshit" you said (negative remarks/comments) I am going to ignore. For all the helpful advice you offered, based on what I asked, I will take into account, and build that into the upcoming version. You gave me some ideas to work with, thanks.
  21. Ah ok, so you just open the file, then you dynamically insert the header to have it display to the page. That makes sense, thanks.
  22. I didn't undertand what you meant, let me rephrase the question. I know for a fact that .txt, .php, .htm, .html, .js, and .css files can be setup to where when someone clicks the filename, it comes up and displays all the text inside the file on the screen. Like it was general text on a page. I know this is possible nad have even done it. However I was wondering about .doc files. Can someone do the same thing with a .doc file, because using fread and just echoing the information (which works with the other filetypes) doesn't work with word document files. Is there another method (even a long workaround) that does allow you to do this.
  23. There is a way to take a text file and display it on a screen rather easily. Is there anyway at all, to take a word document, and open it in the browser like you can do with a text file. Like click on the file and it shows on the screen. Same with php pages, and/or xhtml pages. Is there a way to have them just output on the screen (mostly word documents). Thanks.
  24. I am looking for some feedback on an open source project I am creating. http://www.ppassistant.com I have two things I want to build into this, and I am tossing around ideas as to the best approach. I am starting to build its core into a framework. I am getting the rough edges fixed over the weekend, and trying to move it in the direction I want to go. I have two ideas I am trying to build into my system. 1. Programs - Stand-alone programs meant to make a developers life easier. They are normal things that are generally needed to get larger things done. For instance, my admin system, it is shitty right now and I am going to rewrite it once I am done passing these ideas. Right now for the programs, they are in a folder inside PPAssistant, called programs. Each one has its own folder, and they are all install and/or used differently. For instance to install the admin program, it simply is moved into the root, and it is ready to go (or from it is starting position if you wanted. The thing is these programs are always going to be reliant on the system. For instance the admin program itself, the “include” for the configuration file of PPAssistant on every page. The purpose of this is to make putting in programs easy. For example, suppose that later on I want to create a program to handle ads. I would want a div (copied and pasted) then set properties, and that would setup the area. Then just passing a few lines into the admin program (They can go together), it is automatically installed, and ready for modification. I simply have other ideas, I cannot really explain them here, because I do not even know what all. It is just when I do projects; I build programs, and notice I end up rebuilding the same stuff, or copying and pasting old code. I am intending on starting to build these into systems that can be fitted into any situation, and easy to install. 2. Tools - this is an idea I created. It is in a folder called tools, it is controlled by index.php, and it is stand-alone (but still tied) to PPAssistant. This is a group of tools to help developer’s lead better lives. Some ideas I am tossing around are the encryption form (an idea that I don't really want to explain here right now), plus some other tools, to help make things programmers end up doing (for example, I am going to create a calculator, to instantly allow them to get access to it through tools, as well as, other ideas). This is going to be constantly built upon. Both the programs and the tools are both things I want "built into" the system, and I want to expand upon them over time. Add new stuff and make old stuff better. This is separate from my other stuff (I will still be creating JavaScript, Ajax, and PHP functions and classes. Those are specifically with PPAssistant. There are three concerns I have really. 1. I do not want it to be murderous to keep this thing documented 2. I do not want it to get so heavy it loads slowly, or takes forever to setup to start a project. I am trying to think of ideas how to implement the programs idea, and tools idea, and still keep it within scope. The programs/tools would build themselves. When I built a program for a website, I will build the skeleton to be very flexible and easy to plug-in/pullout of a project without touching the core of the site, and then I put the skeleton in as the program. Whenever I use it again, I build onto it naturally, and put the new version in the programs folder overwriting the old. This way I do not waste any valuable time building programs, they just are built naturally, while doing projects. The same with tools, if I find out later that I need something else I can just spend some spare time, building something to accommodate for that need. Then I have it within tools. This method will allow me to both expand programs/tools indefinitely, while the whole time working on old versions of them whenever I get around to using them again for projects. Always expanding, cleaning up, and enhancing the skeletons to do more and more without ever going beyond the scope of "easily flexible". That is pretty much it. What I need advice on is how to implement these two ideas properly into my system "PPAssistant" without it getting too heavy. I thought about having a download area sort of like Moo Goo JavaScript. To where they can pick which programs they want included, as well as which tools they want included when they download, then based on the information, the file structure is put together dynamically, and developed into a zip file. It might take a few minutes to get that up and running, but if it will allow me to indefinitely expand, while still keep my program light with the "take what you want, and leave the rest" mentality, then I am up for it. However before definitely choosing between either what I mentioned (or just putting everything I build into the core structure by default), I want to hear the feedback from everyone else. See if anyone else has any ideas on this. Thanks.
  25. I see the data. If it's not working in ie, but it's working in firefox (which is what I am checking it in), it's a browser issue.
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