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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. Nothing is over your head. Everything has to start somewhere. I think building something to compete with big systems right now is stupid.... However, you don't have to do it to compete with them for now. Start small.... So perhaps start it yourself. Just build. Nights, weekends, whenever you have some spare time. I am pretty sure by the time you put 200-300 hours into development, you will have a very good starting point. Also, do a lot of learning. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/MakingOS.aspx The first step would be to spend some time getting an idea of what you want to get out of the OS. I would not just build to build. But sit down and get an idea of how you want it to work, what you want it to do, what features you want it to have, decide how you will test it, decide your release protocol. Are you going to just throw it on Sourceforge and make it open source project and work with other people or just start off with yourself. Or are you going to work on it on your own web server (for releasing download builds) on your own private site. Or will you build it internally and not release it to the public until a certain point. You need to ask, and answer some of these questions and first create a development plan. If your very passionate about the idea then after doing all of the preliminary stuff and having a plan, you can start development. Once you get a rough build, it's not unrealistic to try to get funding to get together a development team to work with you if you wish. Those are just some thoughts. But it's definitely not a bad idea, and any idea has to start somewhere. Some of the best OS systems out there now eventually had to start with one persons ideas. Not all ideas have to start with 10,000,000 dollars. All it needs to start with is an idea, a plan, and the first few lines of code to get the idea to work.
  2. Congratulations, that is quite an achievement. I wish you luck on the world championship.
  3. 1. Might want to cut down the size of that initial image at least a little. That's a little bit in your face for the first thing someone see's. 2. Might want to change the "unread" to another color at the top. It looks too bright with the other colors around it. 3. Maybe rounded corners on the headers? Would not be a bad idea to help enhance it a little graphically.
  4. "Is it possible with PHP to write an application where it sends an email to everyone in an users Gmail + Hotmail contacts list if they provide the email address and password?" - Yes, almost anything is possible. You can either use Curl, or you can use the built in API's as mentioned above.
  5. As mentioned, I would be careful going down this path. It's really hard to setup your own hosting system. It is do-able, but requires a great deal of work, and a server technician. I would make sure you get consulting from an actual server tech, as well as make sure you have the start up capital for something like that. A friend of mine started his own hosting company and did quite well (Stealth Central) but it cost him an arm and a leg for the first year.
  6. Anymore ideas? I have implemented a few of them. I am actually working on a few more larger tools based off the feedback (like large conversion tool). Anyone else have feedback regarding other random tools. Always could use ideas.
  7. That price seems fair. You get the money, plus the experience.
  8. Do you recommend doing: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(void) { cout << "Test Text"; } or #include <iostream> int main(void) { std::cout << "Test Text"; } Throughout a variety of reading, I have been leaning towards std::cout instead of doing use namespace. What is your personal preference? What are the pros/cons of each? I know you can setup your own namespaces: #include <iostream> using namespace std; namespace mystuff{ int value = 5; } int main() { cout << mystuff::value; //outputs 5 return 0; } As of yet however, I have not found a really need to do this. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1452721/why-is-using-namespace-std-considered-a-bad-practice-in-c - This link has also gotten me doing some additional thinking. If it is bad practice to use "using namespace" then "why" is it a bad practice to begin with. All in all since I have read it's bad practice I have been consistently using the std::cout way of doing things, but I have always wondered as to "why" it is considered more proper.
  9. http://trac.edgewall.org/ This is the biggest one currently out there. It can be very simple, or it can be very advanced if you add a lot of plugins to it.
  10. Any good source of information to get the prices for various types of metals, up to date. I found an XML listing that updates daily, but I need something live. Any feedback?
  11. What I want to do, I have seen done before. Just can't find any information on how to do it. I have a zoomed out map in Google Earth on a website, this website has been zoomed at a perfect level to show each of the 7 major countries of the world. What I need is to set an overlay around the borders of each country a specific color (maybe even be able to specify the color of the overlay), and then once that overlay is clicked I would do something with the code (zoom in, pull up a small box perhaps, or redirect somewhere). The clicking part is easy. What I can't figure out right now, is how to get an overlay just over each specific country, is that possible?
  12. I am having a major issue. I have a project that is due soon, but can't seem to get this working. Here is the general information. I have Ubercart setup. I have a Vocabulary for "Category/Subcategory". That has terms "cat1, cat2, cat3, cat4 (subcat1, subcat2), cat5) Whatever. Then I have Vocabular called "Pets" for example. That might have "Dog, Cat, Gerbel, whatever). I can easily set this up to filter by one or the other. What I need though is to be able to filter by perhaps both cat1, and dog. I need to have a simple URL structure so I can do both or something. I am having MAJOR problems doing this. Is there a way to achieve this functionality. I have been fighting with Taxonomy filter for 3 hours, and just don't understand how it works or what it's for..there are no solid instructions and I really don't get the point of it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I want to be able to do something like a url call: www.website.com/someurlwhatever just somewhere in the url perhaps list my terms. Whatever I need to do to get this to work right. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Here is what is driving me crazy. http://www.testsite.com/category/vocab1/dogs,cats This doesn't work. That's what is annoyiing me. This should simply get together all of the "dogs" and "cats" within vocab1. There is no way I can get it working between vocabularies if it won't even work with 1 vocabulary. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. So the idea behind this is simple, I just can't get it to work. I have the standard taxonomy working right. I have the menu setup for one of the vocabs (it's a custom menu on the primary menu links) I set all ofthat up and it works (of course). I also setup the secondary filtering and it works. However, on the secondary it's going to have some multiple vocabulary searches. It might search 1 term from vocab1, and 1 term from vocab2 and filter them together (finding ones that only match both). That's all I need to do but having a lot of issues with this. Thanks again.
  13. I ran something called....Windows Loader, accidentally. I think that's what it was called. Either way, it did something to my computer. I have an Alienware MX17. I have my C drive, but it added some empty drive into my system called "Q" or something. It's the Q drive. There is nothing in it, and it takes up no memory. What happened is I accidentally used this Windows Loader to install an illegal copy of Windows 7. So i fixed that by re-entering in my original key. Once all of that was working, that extra drive has been there ever since. My original C Drive, Laptop, all programs and everything else still works just like it always originally did. I am just wondering now how to get rid of that stupid Q drive.
  14. I respect your opinion, but I don't agree. Codeigniter is a very sturdy framework. They recently dropped support for PHP4, and released a new version. I don't feel that it's outdated at all, I prefer it over all the other frameworks I have found so far. I didn't know about those other posts, I will check them out. Thanks for the feedback.
  15. Hey, your right. Strange I didn't notice that.
  16. Please post all of the code, including the queries. We need to be able to see all the information to really understand what you are trying to achieve, and instruct you on how to achieve it.
  17. Echo out the contents of the variable that is returned from your function. <?php $variable = getInstructorSchool($read, $user_id); echo '<pre>'; print_r($variable); echo '</pre>'; ?> Do something like that, paste your output here, and I will tell you how to get it into a variable.
  18. Perhaps you have your languages mixed up. In PHP, you cannot "re-load" classes like you can in Java: http://www.developer.com/java/other/article.php/3606401/Dynamic-LoadingReloading-of-Classes-and-Dynamic-Method-Invocation-Part-1.htm Maybe you were mixing up your languages.
  19. First off $_REQUEST is just a way to grab the variable regardless of whether it's get or post. Second, your code that you posted 'will' work if it's done correctly. On the page that shows the link "Create New Section" set the URL as a get parameter. <a href='page.php?URL=correcturl">Create Section</a> Then in your section code page add this <?php if ($_REQUEST['URL'] == 'correcturl') { echo "<span class=\"textError\">Section successfully created!</span>"; } ?> Of course you have to be aware that just echoing out success doesn't mean it does anything with the database...you actually have to handle that part.
  20. Get all of them into an array in PHP. At the location where you are creating the hub in Javascript, loop through the PHP array and redo the same thing for each one of the items in the PHP array. This should dynamically add each and every one of the markers. Alternatively you can pass the PHP array into a JS array and then loop through it that way. Either way is do-able.
  21. http://www.wellho.net/mouth/158_MySQL-LEFT-JOIN-and-RIGHT-JOIN-INNER-JOIN-and-OUTER-JOIN. http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2007/10/a-visual-explanation-of-sql-joins.html The second link will be the most beneficial in learning the basics of Joins.
  22. He already explained how. Basically you set a variable ($content for example) and then capture everything your currently echoing into that variable instead ($content .= 'whatever') and then use that variable to setup the mailing, once the while loop is done.
  23. You can do exactly what your wanting INSIDE of wordpress. No programming required. Go to the post you want to set a date for, and go to edit mode. Over on the right hand side you'll see all of the publish options. The publish date is listed there as well. Edit that, and change the year to 10 years in the future. That will show the date you have entered all throughout the site for that blog posts. Rinse/Repeat for any new or old blog posts that you want to post into the system. Very simple, no programming experience required.
  24. Please post all of the relevant code here. Use code tags and PHP tags where relevant.
  25. Essentially, yes. It would be much more efficient if you set it up as a join instead. Something like (untested) "SELECT * FROM topics LEFT JOIN replies ON replies.topic_id = topics.ID"
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