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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. Ok, I have a current system from someone Data feed (xml based datafeed) Current program * He manually get's the xml file from the site, and updates it everyday * The "system" on the site does the following   * Xsl file to format (show) the xml in readable format (for viewing the data through a browser)   * PHP reads the xml file, and hte xsl file and parses it, adn shows it all onto the page Advice needed. I am wondering, should i keep the current system, build onto it, take some time to get into xsl (someone said doing xml you will know to know xsl at some point) Or do I convert the entire system, and let php parse (format), the xml file and display everything with that instead. Or better yet, pull the xml file, database it, and then run off the database.  Whenever the cron job run's the php script, dump that table (with xml data), and repopulate it, so it stays up to date. Advice appreciated?
  2. In php, it has a whole set of built in xml handlers, and parsers, and functions. There is an attribute to one called, call back. http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.xml-set-character-data-handler.php It's on a lot of them but that's just one example [quote]( resource parser, callback handler )[/quote] I have tried to locate the definition of the word in relation to PHP, or what this specifically means, I have see it on a few functions.  Any help (or links to the correct usage of the word in relation to php, and this purpose), would be appreciated.
  3. Yes, I was planning on it, I am going to use something.  However if you have ideas on how to make it better. or a better format. Now that I have mentioned what I want to accomplish, I am open for advice on it.
  4. Yes, I was hoping to get feedback on that form. I want to redo it, Ic ouldn't decide. I want an all in one way to get project information, so I can quote someone.  Also for people have have 10-15 different projects at once.  I have had multiple people come to me, one needed 2 site's and one small app. I want a way to accomodate for all of those, the form can be found on www.freelancebusinessman.com/quickquote1.php it's also linked on the main page. What do you think I should do with it, I saw it on other site's. I tried live chat support with help center live, but it looked ugly on the site, it slowed things down, and noone ever used it, it was a waste of time, so I was thinking quick quote form, I was going to build a pricing engine into it, to tabulate the information and give rough prices through it. However I want to get the perfect form, before I move forward with that.
  5. In firefox atleast hte navigation is screwed on the homepage horribly. It immediately gives me a bad impressions. For security you should have a password AND a username to get access to that. It makes it more secure Correct that, navigation is messed up horribly throughout multiple areas of the site Top of layout is messed up on some pages
  6. * It helps search engine ranks * it's the new standard * It's a great movement from all developers to get better standards for newer browsers * It's a lot easier to mantain when validated Just a few reasons google "Why validate XHTML" and "why validate CSS" I think that should rest the case quite well.
  7. Hmm good points.  Thanks. I will keep these things in mind, and think about these things you brought to my attention. Then I will make a decision I find necessary (advice given by you redbullmarky). You told me no matter what to make the decisions I feel comfortable with, after hearing opinion, so that's what I have been doing. I will think about this stuff, thanks for the advice.
  8. [quote]it looks good. about 10,000,000 times better than your current effort. i have a couple of pointers/questions: - too many links. there are links across the top, links down the left hand side, etc. for someone with only a handful or so of sites on their portfolio, that's far too many links. - the text based header could do with something still along the lines of what jcombs produced for your old site. - if it IS a template, you'll need to give credit... - a lack of images kinda bugs me a bit. even screenshots of your portfolio, and maybe a link on the homepage such as "latest project" would help add some liveliness to the proceedings i have to ask ask well - why did you register fbtest2.com just to mess with, instead of just using a subdomain? otherwise - i'm not sure how much is yours or how much is coutesy of a template, but if it's your own doing, then kudos - this is one hell of a step up and towards the right direction...[/quote] Thanks for the feedback. [quote]Frankly, I'm disappointed.  Your original design, though not as good looking as this one, was better in the since that it was YOURS. This one is work someone else done.  Stick with the one you had, and just keep improving on it. [/quote] I don't know, I really don't.  I have been going over this in my head hundreds of time's. I have had hundreds of opinions on it. Your opinions, redbullmarky, ober, everybody.  Many more.  I have had a lot of people tell me a lot of things, I made a lot of decisions that took a lot of time to make.  After talking mostly with redbullmarky for a very, very long time, I finally decided to choose to create my own framework, even if it take's time.  After going over other people's advice I know based on all the advice, I made the following decisions * Make my own framework * Learn MVC * Learn OOP * Only do my own javascript library if I feel like it, and if I want a 3rd party one, there is no shame in that. I have made those decisions. My site, I for some reason feel, I can easily build site's for clients. I always do, they are generally always custom, and the client always likes them.  However, I can never come up with something decent for my site. I had a layout for my site from a graphic designer, I coded it.  It wasn't good, after heavy modification over months, it finally worked out, and turned out proper.  Everyone here liked it, so far.  Then I noticed my clientel triple decreased over my last site. So I am redoing it again, I was thinking of doing it myself, but when workin gon something for me I can never decide, when I saw this template I loved it.  So I went with it. I decided to use templates where decided, I pulled this off a source were i didn't have to mention who the template belongs too.  I won't lie if someone asks, but the template was modified, I always rewrite the code as much as I can too.  For now, if I hear more than a few people on here say I should keep the old site I am going to.  However I have to have the opinions of a lot more people So basically should I go with my old site www.freelancebusinessman.com I created the whole thing, and set it all up, and got it up and running.  However I got project decreased, and don't feel as good about that one www.fbtest2.com (will replace the old one if I use it) that released anew along with a site for my framework I am releasing.  I know this will increase clients, as well as make me feel better about the site (it already is).  It is "based" off a template, so will my framework site. I wouldn't have actual time to build a site from scratch again (personal use) for awhile.  So in order to get these out there, I used a template.  I still do mostly custom layouts from scratch, this time I wanted to cut some corners, becuase naturally, I even removed the tutorial segment from my site.  I have to decide what I want to devote my time to, and what I don't.  Right now I want to get a new site, but want to mostly devote my time to working on projects, and releasing these 2 quicker, so I can work on my framework instead.  And work on projects..
  9. I do, I thought the grammer was pretty good, I will run them all through a word document spelling/grammer checker before I release it live. I want to finish my other website too, so I can release them both at the same time, and have 2 of them in my network.
  10. Thanks.  Well I had been putting off developing it for awhile, then I ran across something I loved the way it looked, so it used, it.  Something off of google, using one for my personal programmer assistant website too.
  11. What do you think of hte new site I am about to release in place of my old one http://www.fbtest2.com/ I am working on one for my framework to, but I haven't finished it yet.
  12. I know what a cms is, either way all in all it's for managing (if not creating) site content.  Creating attributes is still content.  What I am building is farthest from a cms. It might not be a framework yet, it might need a lot of work, but I will work on it.  For now, it's far, and allways will be far from a cms.
  13. A content management system is far from that.  A content management system is a system to allow people to manage there own content, this is giving them abilities to edit text on there site, or manipulate where images are located, or anything. Far from a content management system. The other comments are taken into consideration, thanks for the advice, and tip's on some positive changes.
  14. Yes, I know they can be .tpl If I ever create a template I will use .tpl.php I always do that, like file.class.php file.inc.php file.function.php (sometimes) file.ext.php I do this to help me stay more organized, I have always prefered that method, as you have to have php specifically setup to parse .tpl files through the browser, and I never bother doing that.
  15. I can, I am a little confused as to how.  One thing I mentioned, I am rebuilding my site now, then building a site entirely dedicated to the framework, within the next few day's I am finishing all of that up. I could go ahead  and create a demo section for it. However I am still gearing it to be (and even calling it), a framework even if it's only a mini-one right now. When I go to code ignitor, or cake, I don't see a demo.  How do I set one up for something like that.  It's meant to be totally backend, no front end, or graphical user interface, but you have to actually go into the programming to use it/do things with it.  Can you give me advice on what you mean?
  16. Yes, after talking to redbullmarky for quite awhile.  I decided that I was going to go ahead and build the actual framework, folder structure, and any special systems (that run automatically).  Then later build in functions, classes, extensions, plugins, during the time working on projects, or during spare time. RIght now I am rebuilding my site, and working on a stand alone site for hte program I released, then I am going to go aehad and create a directory link on all my site's showing all the site's I created for personal use. That will be something I start doing right after those 2 things are off my list, I wanted to have functions too, taht was why I was originally leaning towards code ignitor, I was very happy with the amount of helpers and everything else, then I thought I will eventually have my own stuff that helps me just as much, just in my own style.
  17. http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_pos_vertical-align.asp Uh, is this as useful as I think. Can it be used to align footers at the bottom, and everything. I have asked questions so many time's related to needing this, and no-one ever mentioned it, it also is supported in most browsers. Is there a negative to using this, or tips I should keep in mind "when" using it. why isn't this recommended for things like that more often.
  18. So basically template file's, are file's in a folder that model an entire site. For instance you have index.tpl.php that is the template for the homepage. You can reuse that one template (and have it just output different content, different meta tags), and everything else.  So that one template can server for ALL the pages, is that what a template is for?
  19. Here is the new version. I am still considering a few things, redbullmarky is offering me some advice on it, plus I want to see what the people here thing. I am going to definitely consider * Building in something to start using MVC pattern * Build in something to rewrite url's as segment url's * Build a front control * Build in some automatic variable cleaning that handles cleaning all variables automatically These are just some ideas I am tossing around for future versions. So far the admin panel has undergone some rewrite, but I will have to redo it again later, right now it's meant to be pulled into the root.  If anyone wants to test it out, or look at the source and tell me what you think or anything it would be appreciated. http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/personalprojects/programmerassistant/programmerassistant.php
  20. Hmm, very interesting points. I have yet to see a templating engine I like, I thought about building my own, but I can't think of anything but the same type of syntax I see for smarty.  I used it once, said I hated templating engines, never second thought one again.  Is yours personal or can I see it in action, like see the file's for it, or something as an example, so I might be able to create my own.  I don't like seing file's named .tpl, and .tpl.php that part annoyed me, and the stuff I see in some of hte applications.  They have a .tpl file with all this thrown in code, that (to me), look stupid, bulky, and hard to read.  Me being a PHP programmer, looked at the php code they called a templating engine and had to spend 30 minutes before I understood any of it.  So far I hate them, do you  mind sharing what you have with me.
  21. Remove this post if you want.  I am reposting (later this week or next), a completely new version of hte framework, rebuilt from the ground up, this version is obsolete, unless you just want to leave it on here for hte sake of it.  The url itself will even be different shortly.
  22. All good advice, except one opinion I have.  I hate templating engines, the main reason I like code ignitor over cake php, it doesn't force a templating engine on you. I am starting to learn OOP, and thinking of using MVC, but using a templating engine hasn't even attracted my attention, I hate templating engines, adn the philosophy behind them.  (Personal Opinion However), I just don't see me ever using one.
  23. It works fine, as mentioned up there. However there is another problem. if (isset($config['system']['error'])) { foreach ($config['system']['error'] as $k=>$v) { echo $v . "<br />"; } // kill script if errors are present.  Program should run error free. } Here when I test for the array, I had the die there, where it says kill teh script, and it's killing the script whether there are errors or not. I need it to test for config, if it's got values in it, that didn't work.
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