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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. I know I shouldn't, but this was the funniest post I have ever read in my entire life.
  2. ;D I have them. That's all I can say. ;D As far as using them, I didn't know which ones I would use, so I got them all.
  3. Thank you, finally I was able to get someone to help, I was trying on 2 different paypal forums. Now in reality you see why I come to phpfreaks, for every single question I have, except some php questions, adn a few css questions at w3schools.  90% of the time phpfreaks is the best place to ask for questions.
  4. photoshop cs2, fireworks 8, fontographer, authorware, director, dreamweaver, frontpage(I hate frontpage but have 1 client i had to help troubleshoot), flash 8, flashpaper, freehand, contribute, corel draw(never touched it), bridge, now gimp(thanks to advice from the guy), notepad 2, phpedit, illustrator, and a few other off brand ones that I havne't even installed. I just jump around, I mostly use php for developing, just in the code view.  ANd I use photoshop cs2, now for learning graphics.
  5. I don't know anything about them, I don't think I have any need for paypal's api, I have so far only needed the ipn,  I think they are for different purposes, I can always go back to testing it with 1 penny at a time, but I was hoping the sandbox would fix that, is there another way, or another idea.  Like for instance how to use the paypal email's in the sandbox to test the stuff.
  6. anything out there can be built.  So build it, I would start with a text area field. Then you can try adding some stuff, like an interface to read, and perform the bold, italics functions. I would have to do a lot of thinking to come up with programming ideas bhind it, but that's all I can say, if I think of anything else I will let you nkow
  7. actually that's a good idea, I used that idea for a few things, for instance when I have a messaging system, I store all the messages in one table, and use the userid of the fromsender and to sender.  So yes, thanks for the advice, that will get me past that part, thanks again.
  8. I finally got in, I set up 2 paypal email accounts, in the sandbox.  I was wondering how to figure out one thing though, I choose 2 test email accounts, but how do I use those accounts when I am trying to mess with the form, that I am putting through the payments.
  9. The way I do a standard text editing cms.  I have a table, for instance if they have control over the text in there privacy policy I have a table in the db called privacy policy it has id, header, text fields then they can add/edit/delete them through there admin, rather smoothly Here though, if I had a different table for each person who signed up, I don't know how well that turned out.
  10. I build cms's all the time In this situation however, I have to be able to build them dynamically, everytime someone creates a sub-domain, and the page get's moved there, it has to have a seperate area for that cms???
  11. I am working on it.  EIther way this is more advanced file handling, I never did heavy file handling like this before.  I have to create a dynamic cms, for pages that are dynamically generated, and create dynamic folders with that info, and dynamically grant admin access. I was wondering about the cms part, I have to allow them to edit the text within a content div, on the template page.  I have spent all day, learning and setting up a paypal account on the development center, and created 2 test email accounts, 1 for sender, and 1 for reciever.  So now I have setup the paypal form, I am preparing to be able to test it, I have some ideas how I am going to function this, but I still have a ways to go, any advice, or ideas on the cms part would be appreciated.
  12. I was wondering, here https://developer.paypal.com/devscr?cmd=_signup-run I have a paypal account with my email address. I also use paypal alot during development, and I have always had issues getting it to work, and to test it, I sit there and send the person 1 penny at a time, over and over again during the testing phase.  As well as send all the money back to me, and when I did 2 projects back, I noticed I had sent here nearly 2 dollars in pennies, through paypal.  I was figuring there had to be an easier way, so I went to paypal dev center, to see if I wanted to use.  I don't get a few things go, I set up an email there, if I use the same email tosign up for that as my original paypal account what happens? Can someone also tell me a little about how this works.  I know quite a bit about it, I have read what I could find about it?
  13. I have set up the framework almost for a program.  I know it's not a good idea to create new tables dynamically(database tables).  At this point though, I have a lot of information going throughpaypal, and coming back to paypal's IPN system.  The thing is if I am not careful this could be riddled with security issues, when they finally payout.  I am taking either template1.php or template2.php depending on which one they have chosen(more are getting added later), and I am opening it, reading the contents of it, and saving it in a variable.  Then I need to find a way to create a cms for it, I need to get the cms put within the file information somehow, as well as decide what table structure in the database I can use for something like this.  So they will be able to login to there administration area later on, and do what they need to do??
  14. Ok, so I will do the layouts in photoshop, I will start the logo's training using coreldraw, freehand or illustrator.  I have them but I never thought about using them, when I had photoshop, but I am going to give them a try for that, thanks.
  15. Sorry I accidentally titled it dynamic css, instead of dymanic cms
  16. I have set up the framework almost for a program.  I know it's not a good idea to create new tables dynamically(database tables).  At this point though, I have a lot of information going throughpaypal, and coming back to paypal's IPN system.  The thing is if I am not careful this could be riddled with security issues, when they finally payout.  I am taking either template1.php or template2.php depending on which one they have chosen(more are getting added later), and I am opening it, reading the contents of it, and saving it in a variable.  Then I need to find a way to create a cms for it, I need to get the cms put within the file information somehow, as well as decide what table structure in the database I can use for something like this.  So they will be able to login to there administration area later on, and do what they need to do??
  17. Good idea, I didn't think of that, I will do that from now on.
  18. I know, I don't normally do it, but if I say something about someone, or related to something I shouldn'y say.  Or get mean to someone, I would rather have a number there than what i said.  I normally get mad, or end up saying osmething I didn't want to say, I would ratehr have a number, than have my text.  And recently I was deleting ones, that I accidentally said stuff I shouldn't have, or was not the right thing to say, they removed that, so I can no longer do that.
  19. Well I did some modifications, I am going to have to instead carry all of this information over into paypal's IPN, and then do all this stuff there I think.  I will have to store the text, and template they choose into a session, and let the stuff that comes back from paypal deal with it.  I can only hope that when paypal sends the ipn back to the script that I can have the sessions available to do what I need.  If not, I can pass it all through paypal, I think that would be the best time to do all of this, so I can have a full system built.
  20. I will play with this, I have to come up with something rather wierd, it has to be a cms added into each one of those pages, but now I can build the framework for the filehandling, and go from there, thanks
  21. [code]$infile = fopen("myfile.txt", "r") // as readonly while (!feof($infile)) { $buffer = fgets($infile, 2048); // or $buffer = fread($infile..... } fclose($infile); // do whatever you want $outfile = fopen("mynewfile.txt", "w") // open writeable fwrite($outfile, $buffer) fclose ($outfile);[/code] Now to break this down. So the open, that is opening the file as read only.  I got that part. Then [code]while (!feof($infile)) { $buffer = fgets($infile, 2048); // or $buffer = fread($infile..... }[/code] I can look up end of file function on php.net, but what would the difference be in fgets and file_get_contents Which would be better Also what is the 2048, I appreciate the help so far, thanks. It looks like the top part opens the file, saves the info in a variable. then closes the file then it attempts to oepn another file, if one doesn't exist then obviously it creates it, then it writes that information to it, and that's it right.
  22. I don't use third party scripts unless I have to, but thanks you gave me an idea, I will turn it into a pdf, so they can view it like that.
  23. Is there a way to take an image of a file For instance if you had a .php, or a .htm file and you wanted to screen shot the layout, is there a way to get php to form a picture of it?
  24. Ok. say I have a file. I need to take that file, work with it, and save it, as another copy using php. I use get_file_contents, or file open to get the file open, then I can make my changes, then I Have to resave it, is this with file copy or something?
  25. What made me wonder, is people have told me photoshop is for people who do graphic design specifically.  THey said that fireworks is much better for Web Work for some reason.  Nothing but logo's, banner's(with logo's), layouts, buttons, and stuff used on regular websites.  I have heard fireworks works a lot better for that purpose, or is that not necessarily true.  I know for a fact that photoshop cs2 is more powerful, I just didn't know which one would be better to learn for web development alone.
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