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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. I really am sorry to hear that, I hope that you never have to experience something like that again.
  2. What do you think of these logo's I am starting a new design, when I get a good logo, I am creating 4-5 layout ideas in photoshop, and getting some opinions on layouts to match the logo. http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/testfolder
  3. increase the space between them, add some more colors, something similar
  4. Yes I have topstyle, but so far I ended up hand coding everything.  Thank you for trying to help, I have it but never looked at it, I will take a look at it.
  5. Sorry to hear that.  If you don't mind me asking, what happened?
  6. Ok, but keep in mind, I apologize about your friend, you bypassed that it must hurt you a lot, I am sorry that, that happened to you, especially at such a young age.
  7. Actually I found something www.browsershots.org you specify the browsers, the screen resolution to see the browsers in, then a host of other options, it gives you a url, you check back in 15-30 mintues, and see screenshots, totally free, real pictures, I found something thanks.
  8. I currently test my websites, in browsers like opera, firefox, latest versions, internet explorer 6, and netscape navigator most recent version. However I had found a version of safari for windows, but didn't take the time to download it.  I am tired of always trying to download new browsers, like I was thinking of getting links, lynx, konquerer, and some others, but I decided to ask something here. Is there a place that I can have(for instance a website, or desktop application), hopefully something free if they have one, that can show me how it looks like in whatever browsers, and screen resolutions.  Like a picture of the layout, but actually be an accurate prediction of what it would look like witin that specific browser, like maybe a free resource or something similar.  I am picturing a website, where you can put in the url of the page you want to see, pick the resolution, pick the browser name, the browser version, nad have it create a jpg of how it would really look like in that browser, and that resolution, that would be the ultimate tool for me to test for cross browser compliance.  Then maybe if they also had something to allow me to test a bunch and make picture comparisons, I know I once found a safari tester, it returned a jpg of safari, but I don't know if it was accurate, and I don't know where that url went, and it wasn't that helpful. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  9. I apologize for the death of your friend, and I wish it hadn't of happened, and I hope your okay.  About the athiesm, I would advise you to consider christianity for a weak, I think you would be happy.  As far as the anger thing, those were just examples, yes unfortunately I find myself messing around when I get stuck, but I am trying to change that, and do something different, I appreciate the advice, and again I a apologize for your friend what happened.
  10. I know that browser sniffing is frowned upon, I know hacks are bad to use, but when does it come to the point where you need hacks, and you don't need hacks?
  11. Ok, then I will aim for 2.1, thank you for the advice.
  12. I saw these in a tutorial, are all of these true, based on your personal experiences. [quote]A float must be given a width A float must be given a directional value of left or right (there is no top or bottom) If you want a float to appear alongside another element, it must precede that element in the source order of the document A float never covers text or inline images Avoid using a width on a block element following a float; use a margin on the same side of the float instead Since a float is taken "out of the flow" of the document, a float inside another container must be cleared in order for the parent container to enclose it properly [/quote]
  13. Thank you friend, can I ask one more question? I was wondering based on your experience, 2 questions 1. How do you code css so fast? 2. What version at this specific time, to remain the most browser compliant, should I focus on in CSS.
  14. I was wondering, how do you specify what css version you are aiming to use.  Do you specify it somewhere in your css, or what?
  15. People have different things they do.  I sometimes get frustrated, sit there, and do nothing, all day, all work day, do nothing.  Some people I would expect get frustrated and cry, some end up breaking(and having to rebuy) there computers.  Some seek help, and some don't know what to do.  Some just pray, and learn and pray, and learn.  Maybe some people out there have some ideas on what they can do when they are stuck, for me I start praying after a minute.  Other things, are the helpful people here, and you can search code a kruggle.com I think it was or fruggle.com that was something someone gave me for you to view source code, what do you do, when you get stuck
  16. Something changed inside of me last night.  I am not the same person, I am someone different.  I wanted to offer a bit of general advice, if you find yourself stuck even on something small, pray about it, you will noticed a difference in the amount of time it takes you to fix that problem.
  17. Ah thank you, the original poster hasn't posted back, did we help you at all?
  18. I meant https, I knew what ssl meant. I don't however know what ssh stands for, just ssl, and https
  19. If it is mysql, then simply close the connection at the bottom of each page that isn't using it anymore.  If it's session force it to destroy the session after the browser closes, put the garbage recycling to 50% or something.
  20. make a regular php file, and put it as <a href="style.php" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> it works perfectly if 1. you send a css header using php to the browser 2. you make sure everything that outputs from the php is valid css, same for javascript files.
  21. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=css+support+in+email+clients very top search result should cover everything.
  22. it would be easier for you to get this to work if you would just write out the form in html, maybe even php, but you are making almost everything that is going to hit the screen into a function, it would be easier to keep it simple, for what you are trying to do you could rewrite it in a neater, simpler way and chances are you would fix all of your problems.
  23. off topic again- I saw your other site, I am amazed at one thing, you have some good ideas behind the sites you are building.
  24. Off topic- the site has a good idea, I would suggest unpixelating your image though. On topic- have no idea
  25. I think it's a very dangerous site, I could see yesterday, now I am using contacts, you really should kill that background.  Way to bright when 2-3 of them start chaining together.
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