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Posts posted by JasonLewis

  1. Your parents were wise. They bought the better machine. Bet the Nintendo fanboys will have something to say about that, eh.

    Ha! Xbox fanboy to the rescue. Xbox is the better machine. :P

    The XBOX only came out when the PS2 was released

    Hence why they called the 2nd installment the Xbox 360. :)


    But back on topic(ish). Did anyone actually get a Nintendo console after the 64? I never had a Game Cube, and I refuse to become a Wiitard.

  2. Your parents were wise. They bought the better machine. Bet the Nintendo fanboys will have something to say about that, eh.


    Ha! Xbox fanboy to the rescue. Xbox is the better machine. :P

  3. That's awesome, they're doing an awesome job.

    I remember this government application form I filled out on the web not long ago, there was a textarea and it said no more then 4,000 characters. I wrote in probably about 3,500 then went to submit and a JavaScript warning said "Please limit your response to 2,000 characters".  Fail.

  4. Run this, it's the same thing, but it'll look cleaner. I'll then explain how the array would look.


       $ip = ''; // Just an example IP address.
       echo 'Your IP address is: ' . $ip . '<br />';
       // Now let's create an array by exploding the IP by the peroids
       $array = explode('.', $ip); // I'm not sure why you were provided a limit of 6
       // This will display the preformatted array, so its easier to read.
       echo '<pre>', print_r($array), '</pre>';
       // And now echo the first element.
       echo $array[0]; // will echo 192


    The resulting array from exploding the IP address would look something like this:

    Array (
         [0] => 192
         [1] => 168
         [2] => 0
         [3] => 1
    ) 1


    So $array[2] would hold the value 0, $array[1] would hold 168.


    Now, to join the array together you can do it manually.

    $joined = $array[0] . $array[1] . $array[2] . $array[3];


    Or you can use implode to save you the hassle.

    $joined = implode('', $array);


    Good luck.

  5. Hi, Yeah looks better to me. Some people might think you still have a bit to much space up the top.


    With the copyright part, I think it you need to separate it from the content, maybe enclose it in a bar so you can see its not part of the main content.

    Hm, I'll see how it looks smaller. The size (for me on 1280x800) would show most of the first blog, which is good. But I'll see. Yeah I have a different copyright on my local, haven't uploaded the latest yet. Thanks.


    Cheers for the crit man.

  6. Conkers Bad Fur Day, greatest 64 game... ever. :D


    I loved Goldeneye as well though, I was also a pretty big fan of Pokemon Stadium when I used to play my 64.


    Oh, and how could I forget.. Super Smash Bros! That was an awesome game, great to play with 4 people. I still have my 64, it's plugged in at the moment as well. I have my 360, 64 and SNES hooked up at the moment, my girlfriend prefers to play Donkey Kong then Halo. :P

  7. I think he means the colors are two bright. You can hardly read the orange unless close to the screen, and can not at all read the bottom copyright info.


    Thanks, I was assuming that. I only ask because I can read them, must be my awesome eyes or screen. :D I'll make them a bit darker I think.


    Thanks for the crits so far guys.

  8. There's a lot of wasted space at the top, between your navigation and introductory blurb.  I'm not a fan of content appearing so low on a page.

    Mmm, I know what you mean. I might scoot it up a bit.


    Some of the colors for the text (green tags, the orange links at the bottom of your blog entry, the gray copyright) make it hard to read.

    Do you dislike the use of the colors in these spots or just the color in general, perhaps make them darker? I'll make the copyright darker though.

  9. Hey all,


    Thought I'd post a link to my recently coded layout, which is all just static content at the moment and none of the links work. It's just to see what it looks like and how it runs in different browsers really.


    Would love some feedback on what you guys think of it.


    The link is: http://www.iamlewybabes.com


    I've tested it in FF3, IE6/7/8, Safari5 and Chrome5 with 1280x800 and 1024x768 resolutions and it looks okay. IE makes it a little crappy, but meh. Also found that on some CRT screens the colors (mainly darker ones) are hard to distinguish and it looks basically black.


    Critics welcome.

  10. It's pretty self-explanatory isn't it?


    Your if statement at the start isn't setting $id to anything, so it's echoing that error message but you haven't used exit or die to stop the script, it just keeps executing which means when it tries to echo $id it can't because it hasn't been defined.


    The first part of your if statement should be like this as well:


    if ( (isset($_GET['id'])) && (is_numeric($_GET['id'])) ) {

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