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Everything posted by Corona4456

  1. Yeah this may be more of a debian linux support question than PHP... since it should be enabled by default then they may have disabled it somehow but who knows... maybe you can go to their support forum and find a better answer :).
  2. Hmm... that's odd.  According to the php site: [quote]Session support is enabled in PHP by default[/quote] What distro of linux are you using?
  3. Here's the code of how the $posts array is constructed: [code]$posts[] = array( 'board' => array( 'id' => $row['ID_BOARD'], 'name' => $row['bName'], 'href' => $scripturl . '?board=' . $row['ID_BOARD'] . '.0', 'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?board=' . $row['ID_BOARD'] . '.0">' . $row['bName'] . '</a>' ), 'topic' => $row['ID_TOPIC'], 'poster' => array( 'id' => $row['ID_MEMBER'], 'name' => $row['posterName'], 'href' => empty($row['ID_MEMBER']) ? '' : $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['ID_MEMBER'], 'link' => empty($row['ID_MEMBER']) ? $row['posterName'] : '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['ID_MEMBER'] . '">' . $row['posterName'] . '</a>' ), 'subject' => $row['subject'], 'short_subject' => strlen(un_htmlspecialchars($row['subject'])) > 25 ? htmlspecialchars(substr(un_htmlspecialchars($row['subject']), 0, 22) . '...') : $row['subject'], 'time' => timeformat($row['posterTime']), 'timestamp' => $row['posterTime'], 'href' => $scripturl . '?topic=' . $row['ID_TOPIC'] . '.msg' . $row['ID_MSG'] . ';topicseen#msg' . $row['ID_MSG'], 'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=' . $row['ID_TOPIC'] . '.msg' . $row['ID_MSG'] . '#msg' . $row['ID_MSG'] . '">' . $row['subject'] . '</a>', 'new' => !empty($row['isRead']), 'newtime' => $row['logTime'] );[/code] Here's how it is outputted to the screen: [code]echo ' <table border="0" class="ssi_table">'; foreach ($posts as $post) echo ' <tr> <td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> [', $post['board']['link'], '] </td> <td valign="top"> <a href="', $post['href'], '">', $post['subject'], '</a> ', $txt[525], ' ', $post['poster']['link'], ' ', $post['new'] ? '' : '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=' . $post['topic'] . '.from' . $post['newtime'] . ';topicseen#new"><img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $context['user']['language'] . '/new.gif" alt="' . $txt[302] . '" border="0" /></a>', ' </td> <td align="right" nowrap="nowrap"> ', $post['time'], ' </td> </tr>'; echo ' </table>';[/code] It shouldn't be hard to look at the code above and figure out how to output the data. Using the above code as a reference.
  4. [quote author=jetpacmidge link=topic=106115.msg424121#msg424121 date=1156870907] I know that the passwords are correct as I can access mysql using root and its password. [/quote] How do you try to access mysql? Through the command line? Try inputting no password when logging in.
  5. Well if you would like to create your own format (instead of the table format which is the default output formate of ssi_recentTopics() ) you can pass in a variable for the output method and it will return the posts in the array.  You can look at SSI.php in order to figure out how to output what. To do this method ... do: [code]$posts = ssi_recentTopics($output_method = "custom");[/code]
  6. [code]$_SESSION['apwd']==$new[/code] You check for equality and don't actually set the password for the session
  7. Well the way to find out if your php is working on your site... all you have to do is upload a php script and try it out Try this simple script: [code]<?php echo "Hello world!"; ?>[/code] That should give you a page with "Hello world!" on it.
  8. The password should have been given to you by your provider.  Do they provide a web admin interface.  If so you should be able to go into your admin control panel through the web and find out the user name and password for the database. As for inserting into chunks... what you could do is export each table one at a time. This may take sometime depending on how many tables you have.  unless you don't have access to that database anymore to export your data table by table. If so then this could prove to be quite challenging.  Since it is a 50MB file.  I would suggest trying to do it through the command line.  It will definitely be faster that way :).  Just ask your provider how to find out your username and password for that database.  Once again make sure that your .sql file doesn't try to create a database... this will cause problems when trying to import your .sql file.
  9. If your ID field is auto_increment then you don't have to worry about it... don't give it a value and MySQL will do it for you or you can pass it null... as follows: [code]mysql_query("INSERT INTO BLAH (ID) VALUES (NULL)[/code]
  10. I've been using www.1and1.com
  11. Using the commandline... the username is the username you would use to login to the database.  In this case, whatever your new provider gave to you (unless you were able to create your own).  The password should be provided with this user name that was created or that you created. Make sure your .sql file contains the write information for your database as well... (if this is the case anyway). Sometimes it may time out because you are trying to access the wrong database or someting like that. Running the command that local host suggested should work though if the .sql file doesn't contain any commands that the mysql server at your provider doesn't like.  In my experience in the past with providers is that they give you a database server name, a database name, a database user name and a database password for that user.  This may differ from provider to provider but so far that's been my experience. the ftp account is totally separate from your mysql account ... if they are the same then it may be coincidental that it happened this way. Another alternative is to try an import your data in chunks so that it won't time out.
  12. using exec() you can do as follows to caputer output that is outputted by a certain program. [code] $output = array(); exec("your_cmd",$output); [/code] $output will contain every line in an array. Loot at http://us3.php.net/function.exec for more information. If there is a way for this program to output text with a certain command then it may be possible.  Although... I don't know if you can login and then capture all the data.  Anyone?
  13. Bleh... IIS can be a pain to configure sometimes.  An easy starter kit would be to download WAMP (google it) which uses Apache, MySQL and php all in one.  It's easy to manipulate extensions, configuration ... so on and so forth.  Give it a try and your server should be up and running in no time.  Next thing you do is write up some scripts in php to test it out.  There are plenty of tutorials out there for php.  Especially here at phpfreaks.com :)
  14. you don't need to pass it anything... $a will be global in fruit.php so you can do it just as you are doing it in your code
  15. if it works on and off then it definitely seems like a server host problem.  Isn't there a contact number that you can call?  They should be able to find a better solution to your problem then here.  Specially if these problems are just intermittent.
  16. Try require(), I believe this will give you an error or warning if it can't find the file.
  17. I'm not familiar with people putting "php_self" as part of the action.  Is this correct?
  18. I don't know ... it seems to encapsulate all sorts of different languages for web programming.  How about phpDevLibrary?  It just seems like it would be a huge library for web programming through some sort of API. Others that come to mind are: phpDevStudio phpDevTools phpVisualStudio (lol) It seems like some sort of development environment for me hence the names :).
  19. Heh... it's a funny name but I think you have to go with a name that will describe your product well.  Normally when i go search for a php tool I do "phpToolName" in google and in most cases you'll find something you need.  This will draw more people to your site (wherever you plan on having it) and quite possible download the tool.  I know it may seem quite a bit uncreative but it will give your framework more publicity.  Maybe the project codename can contain something like banana :). Those are just my thoughts though.  :)
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