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Everything posted by pocobueno1388

  1. You can store that part of the URL into a session like this $_SESSION['url'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; Do that before they post. Then to redirect them, you can do this: header("Location: {$_SESSION['url']}");
  2. These lines shouldn't have two equal signs $error_email == "Invalid Email"; $error_name == "Name was empty"; EDIT Hah, yeah, I was just typing that out as you can see above. Did that fix the problem? Nevermind, I see that you pressed solved.
  3. You have all the grids values labeled from v1-v24 which will be stored in the $_POST['R1'] variable. So you will know which part of the grid is selected because they all have different values. Now you would just do a query based on that to see if it matches the one in the database or whatever. If that isn't what your trying to do, you need to explain a little more.
  4. $message = nl2br($_POST['message']); That should take care of it.
  5. You just had to change all the $input variables to $output, to keep the variable changing. Don't forget to solve.
  6. Give this a try <?php function parse($input) { $output = nl2br($input); $output = stripslashes($output); $output = preg_replace("`\[b\](.*)\[/b\]`sUi","<strong>\\1</strong>",$output); $output = preg_replace("`\[i\](.*)\[/i\]`sUi","<em>\\1</em>",$output); $output = preg_replace("`\[u\](.*)\[/u\]`sUi","<u>\\1</u>",$output); $output = preg_replace("`\[url\]([\w]*[:\/\/]*[\w\.\?\/&=\:;, \-@%\?]+)\[/url\]`sUi","<a href='\\1'>\\1</a>",$output); $output = preg_replace("`\[url\=([\w]*[:\/\/]*[\w\.\?\/&=\:;, \-@%\?]+)\](.*)\[/url\]`sUi","<a href='\\1'>\\2</a>",$output); $output = preg_replace("`\[img\]([\w]*[:\/\/]*[\w\.\?\/&=\;, \-@%\?]+)\[/img\]`isU","<img src='\\1' alt='Image' />",$output); return $output; } ?>
  7. Post your code so we can see whats going on. Do all the options have the same name attribute?
  8. Quickly looking at your code, I found a problem that might just be throwing everything off. In display.php, you have this code. $actualrating = $row2['AVG(rating)']; That isn't the correct way of doing that, you need to change your query to this: $query2 = "SELECT AVG(rating) AS avg_rating FROM ratings WHERE affid = '$affid'"; Now, change the first line of code I posted to this $actualrating = $row2['avg_rating']; See if that changes anything before I look at the code any further.
  9. Both of your links are not working. The first one I think you just left out the 's' in options. The second one goes to your site, but gives a 404 error.
  10. have you tried putting that query in your phpmyadmin to see what it brings up?
  11. You can always test it. On the top of the page it is redirecting to, put this: <?php if (isset($_SESSION['fromurl'])){ echo "It wasn't unset"; } else { echo "The session was unset!"; } ?>
  12. You will have to check for a completed answer per required question. Here is an example from your example <?php if (!isset($_POST['questionOne'])){ echo "You did not fill question 1 out!"; } else { //They filled everything out, do the next thing } ?> <body class="bg" style="margin:20px;"> <form action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" name="userinfoform" method="POST"> <h2><p>Please enter the appropriate responses and then click on the submit button:</p></h2> <span style="color:#FF0000"></span> <table width="603" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan = 9>1. Are Company X complying with your original and ongoing brief (Score from 1-9)?</td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="radio" name="questionOne" value="1">1<span style="color:#FF0000"></span> </td> <td><input type="radio" name="questionOne" value="2">2<span style="color:#FF0000"></span> </td> <td><input type="radio" name="questionOne" value="3">3<span style="color:#FF0000"></span> </td> <td><input type="radio" name="questionOne" value="4">4<span style="color:#FF0000"></span> </td> <td><input type="radio" name="questionOne" value="5">5<span style="color:#FF0000"></span> </td> <td><input type="radio" name="questionOne" value="6">6<span style="color:#FF0000"></span> </td> <td><input type="radio" name="questionOne" value="7">7<span style="color:#FF0000"></span> </td> <td><input type="radio" name="questionOne" value="8">8<span style="color:#FF0000"></span> </td> <td><input type="radio" name="questionOne" value="9">9<span style="color:#FF0000"></span> </td> </tr> </table> The answer they chose from that question will be stored in $_POST['questionOne']
  13. Oh I see now. This line $q->insertUser($user,$pass,$email,$sid,$time); probably isn't in scope (the $q) since it is inside the defining of a function. So maybe create your $q object right before that line.
  14. Try putting this: <?php if (isset($_COOKIE['lala'])){ setcookie("lala", "lalala", time() -3600); } else { echo "This cookie doesn't exist"; } ?>
  15. <?php $num = "16546981"; echo number_format($num); ?>
  16. Try putting quotes around the variable, like this <input type="text" name="city" size=20 maxlength=20 align="center" value="<?php print $row['city']; ?>"> You also forgot the semi-colon to end the print statement.
  17. Regex isn't going to be able to detect existence. Just the format of the email. Such as it has to have the @ symbol.
  18. Your probably never initialized the $db variable as an object. You use it here $db->query($sql); Before that did you ever do this? $db = new db_class;
  19. but it is valid to have a email of me@something.somethingelse.somethingelse.com I guess in this case that regex doesn't do much good. I use it on my site for registration, but the users also must validate their email...so it works fine in my case.
  20. Thats true. That regex only validates that the format is correct.
  21. Here is the regex to check the email. <?php if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $email)) die("Invalid Email!"); ?>
  22. To get all of them, you could do something like this: <?php $query = "SELECT user FROM tbl ORDER BY intelligence DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error()); $i = 1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ echo "Rank #$i - {$row['user']}<br>"; $i++; } ?>
  23. <?php if ($rating > 5){ die ("Error: Rating must be between 1 and 5 please contact the support team"); } ?>
  24. Yeah, that can do it =] The Broncos lost tonight, and I'm still angry
  25. <?php $newtxt =explode(" ",$txt['bio']); for ($i=0; $i<15; $i++){ echo $newtxt[$i].' '; } ?> There could be a better way...but that works. Teng84 - They didn't say they wanted 15 words per LINE, they want 15 words total. At least from what I understand.
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