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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. There is an editor called LyX which you can use if you don't feel like typing it in plain text. I believe they call it a WYSIWYM (what you see is what you mean) editor. I think it's available on all platforms. You can of course also just use vim and the CLI.
  2. Can't you just store it in sessions? Incidentally, I once wrote a tutorial named almost like this topic.
  3. As you see, you've been given an exclusive preview to the new looks of (Sxy)PHPFreaks. Further preparations will have to be made before the final launch. The committee is still discussing your other points. [attachment deleted by admin]
  4. I've used them extensively when writing math for other purposes. LaTeX is a typesetting language that only has semantic meaning, kind of like HTML has. Things like typography, layout, hyphenation, etc. is done automatically.
  5. Daniel0


    Pfft... who needs data integrity? That's just a fancy smart ass buzz word.
  6. Well, you're doing things sort of the backwards way of what one would normally do. Normally you would start with the bare minimum (this means without CSS and Javascript) and make sure it works, you would then add on top of it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_enhancement http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unobtrusive_JavaScript
  7. See attached screenshot. As I said, Javascript isn't protection, it's user convenience. [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. $swf = ''; $thumb = preg_replace('#[^/]+\.swf$#', 't.jpg', $swf);
  9. parse_url
  10. You,,,,,,,,,,,,,, probably need to buy a barcode,,,,,,,,..!!!! scanner and it will likely_----------- come with software that can read from it..................................
  11. How about you make an attempt first and post your code here if you can't get it to work? We're here to help, not to do it for you.
  12. proud, yours is filtering, not blocking. This should do: function check_porn_terms($input) { $porn_terms = array("porn", "sex", "tits", "cock", "penis", "vagina", "pussy", "itakeithard", "hard_cock", "really_hard_cock", "suckmydickbitch", "fuck"); //add terms here return !preg_match('#\b(' . join('|', array_map('preg_quote', $porn_terms)) . ')\b#i', $input); } var_dump(check_porn_terms('essex')); // true var_dump(check_porn_terms('sex')); // false
  13. It was difficult to read because you didn't use tags. It's mentioned in this document which you were required to read BEFORE you even created an account here. I've edited your latest post. Next time, do it yourself.
  14. I'm afraid that is entirely impossible. The user will always have control over what is going on on his machine, which is why client-side validation can only serve as a convenience for the user, and not as actual validation because it is easily circumvented.
  15. The bbcode here simply just passes the TeX string to an external parser. Actually doing it from scratch is less trivial (search Google). There is also jsMath, which you can use.
  16. A thousand kittens will die each time you use the global keyword.
  17. Actually, it's quite accurate saying it turns them off. The way it works internally is that it sets error_reporting=0, executes the statement and then reverts error_reporting to whatever it was before. This is what makes it so inefficient. This: @someFunction(); is equivalent to $oldErrorReporting = error_reporting(0); someFunction(); error_reporting($oldErrorReporting);
  18. You might want to check this out as well: http://www.php.net/manual/en/migration5.php
  19. You shouldn't open a new connection in that function just to get that states array.
  20. You will have to pass the $conn variable by argument to your function. Lookup the word "scope" in the manual.
  21. The one provided by your distributions package manager.
  22. Your question doesn't make much sense. Could you provide some more information (see: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,129174.0.html)?
  23. Subversion will work under any Unix based operating system (and Windows) and has nothing to do with MySQL or PHP. http://subversion.tigris.org/
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