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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. Only youtube.com can set cookies for youtube.com. That's sort of the point...
  2. It might be because you're both declaring an XML namespace and setting the DOCTYPE to an HTML one and that's what's confusing it.
  3. https://cms.paypal.com/cgi-bin/marketingweb?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/library_code_ipn_code_samples
  4. No, it does not. You can configure your web server to compress the files instead of having PHP do it. If you use Apache you can use something like mod_deflate.
  5. Well, it will compress the output so there is less data to download.
  6. It would sound like your PRNG is messed up somehow.
  7. Funny thing, I see no 'Select' link in this specific post ?? Strange in itself.. The select things are only on tags, not [php] tags.
  8. Do you have any example on how to read the docs?
  9. The advantage of an iterator is that you can iterate over it...
  10. Arrays are zero-indexed, so the password would be in $row[0]. Also, you need to use mysql_real_escape_string to prevent SQL injections.
  11. Might want to use replace instead of match though.
  12. What are you talking about? g++ is a C++ compiler.
  13. If you set display_errors=On and error_reporting=E_ALL then you should see an error. Otherwise you probably didn't install PHP properly. Does it display something for "valid" PHP scripts?
  14. empty() is a language construct. It will work even if the variable is undefined. See: daniel@daniel-laptop:~$ cat test.php <?php $doesExist = ''; var_dump(empty($hello), empty($doesExist)); ?> daniel@daniel-laptop:~$ php test.php bool(true) bool(true)
  15. That's funny. Your profile suggests that you started with PHP at least two years ago You seem to be struggling a lot with syntax. I would suggest that you check out the Langauge Reference in the manual before you try to do anything further.
  16. http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
  17. No it doesn't. You cannot send a header after you start sending the body like you do in your script. What he is trying to do is not possible.
  18. 1) "If true"... seriously? True is always true, by definition. 2) You cannot send a header after you've started sending the response body.
  19. The solution to what? What are you looking to accomplish?
  20. Well, the more you abstract things, the more performance you sacrifice. That's just the way things work. If performance is the single-most important thing in your application then write it in assembly.
  21. Well, if there is a link, then it might follow it unless you use something like rel="nofollow".
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