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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. FF's tag system works quite well. I'm just lazy to apply tags to the bookmarks when I bookmark. Fortunately, if I rate something as "I like it!" using StumbleUpon then it'll tag it automatically.
  2. Oh, nice, Jeff... I'll put in among my thousands of bookmarks and forget I have it
  3. Based on the fact that I never touch the spam folder and that Gmail removes messages that are over 30 days old, I've had 898 on my @gmail.com and 47 on my @phpfreaks.com the last 30 days. Strangely, it seems that a lot of the spam mails I get on my @phpfreaks.com are specifically addressed at both me and thorpe at the same time... There is a contact email on phpfreaks.com, which just forwards to all admins, and it gets spam as well even though I actually never told anyone about it. I guess that 'contact' is just a very generic email that's likely to exist.
  4. Not just in the US, but any country which have signed one or more of the following international treaties: - Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works - Universal Copyright Convention, Geneva - Universal Copyright Convention, Paris - Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) - WIPO Copyright Treaty There are only a handful of countries in the world that hasn't signed either of those.
  5. So, were your issues resolved?
  6. Personally, if someone colors an entire post then I'll edit it. Had I not been able to do that then I wouldn't read the post at all.
  7. This should be blatantly obvious, so it's a wonder that people actually need to be told this.
  8. That's weird. We're offloading the feed hosting to Feedburner. I'll try to contact them about it.
  9. Why don't you ask Microsoft, Adobe, or perhaps the entire game industry how to battle piracy? Oh wait, even with their billions of dollars they still haven't figured it out... AES is open. Now go crack it for me.
  10. That is the basic gist of the client's request, i.e. that you will not have the same content both after and before the form is submitted. The client is trying to prevent it from submitting the forms. However, spiders do not submit forms at all nor send any POST requests. I think you misread the post. His client is trying to prevent content duplication because it can have a negative impact on the ranking. The thing is just that it never was an issue to begin with.
  11. Instead of describing how you think you should do, how about describing what you want the result to be? Are you just looking to get a list of people and their opponents? This is essentially a many-to-many relationship for which you'll need an intermediary table to store relations. Sort of like this: SELECT a.player_name player1, b.player_name player2 FROM player_opponents x INNER JOIN players a ON x.player_id = a.player_id INNER JOIN players b ON x.player_id = b.player_id; The player_opponents table just has two integer fields referencing a row in the players table.
  12. You need to actually read and send the file to the client. See this post: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,95433.0.html
  13. Welcome to PHP Freaks. Are you saying that you cannot see the menu items such as "Profile", "My Messages" etc. even when you are logged in? Your topic is here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,232064.0.html You can find all your topics/posts by going to your profile and click the "show posts" link. Moreover, you can see updates to any topics you've posted in by using the "show new replies to your topics" link on the top of every page. Finally, please do not color all your posts. It just makes it look annoying and you risk that people who would have otherwise read and answered your question might turn away.
  14. Either it's a bug in SMF or Chrome then.
  15. I cannot reproduce that using Chrome.
  16. Uhm... you're posting it without newlines...
  17. It works fine for me in Chrome.
  18. Headers are split on a newline (\n).
  19. Alright. We'll discuss the rank titles, the incrementing intervals and the kinds of graphics we are going to use as indicators.
  20. Open the terminal and type: ping server.atomicriot.com The address resolves to, so if that's the right IP address then it works. The machine on that IP address does not respond, however. If you don't know your home IP then you can see it at a site like whatismyip.com.
  21. Ping the hostname and see if it resolves to the correct IP address.
  22. Again, proof please.. I can by example equally counter claim that "a crawler bot is indeed 87% regex, and 13% additional trade secret algorithms which not many people know of". Doesn't make my claim correct, despite me stating that indeed it is this or that. Provide reputable links..evidence. He has his own proprietary definition of regex, so in a sense he can easily claim that it is, with absolute certainty, X% regex.
  23. You are probably not going to see Google's algorithm anyways, and if you do, then you're likely under an NDA and won't be able to tell about it in details. They keep it secret so other people cannot copy them and so people won't exploit in-depth knowledge to get a higher position. We need to rely on observations from the outside and make guesses about how it works.
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