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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. What would the point be? The server load would be the same regardless because it's still the same server that has to handle the request whether it's file 1, 2, 3, or 4 that's being served.
  2. Not exactly related to the 2.0 upgrade, but I didn't want to create a new topic just for this. We've added a new bbcode tag which serves as a shortcut for PHP manual pages: [m]sprintf[/m] => sprintf
  3. I don't think you need a join for that. Try this query: SELECT p.playerID, p.playerFirstName, p.playerLastName, (SELECT COUNT(g.*) FROM games g WHERE g.playerID = p.playerID) gamescount, (SELECT COUNT(t.*) FROM tries t WHERE t.playerID = p.playerID) trycount FROM players p WHERE gamescount > 0 ORDER BY gamescount DESC;
  4. Oh really? Did the first sentence tip you off?
  5. Tone, sarcasm, irony, etc. often get lost in written communication so always assume that the recipient(s) take what you say literally. Also, as per the rules, if you have a problem with an action taken by a member of staff then contact a moderator or administrator privately. It's a personal matter, so deal with it privately. You might want to read the rules. That page contains all sorts of neat things that would've prevented you from getting all your three warnings.
  6. Gone again... ??? Have you restored or upgraded again the software? Orio. No. It was something we added, but it caused double breadcrumbs other places so it got removed again.
  7. Daniel0


    Yes... I meant using Zend as a company... in my code.... o_O I think you knew what I meant. If I'm telling you that I only started using Zend, what do you think I'm talking about? Either of Zend's products would make sense when you say that. Zend Studio, Zend Optimizer, Zend Guard, Zend Framework, Zend Core, Zend Platform. I've used all those things except for Zend Guard. They also offer certification, training, consulting, and support with your code. All of those are related to PHP so how the hell am I supposed to know which of those things you are talking to? It's not my fault you are not capable of communicating properly.
  8. Either you 1) don't meet the requirements, or 2) somehow messed up your install. My Vista install works great.
  9. Actually, what I said is only true if it indeed is true that Christianity prohibits homosexuality. Considering I'm not religious in any way I wouldn't possibly know. That depends on how you/they define Christianity. If you define e.g. as believing in Jesus Christ then they could be, if you define it as taking The Bible 100% literally then they may possibly not be. As long as their views do not contradict fundamental christian doctrine then why wouldn't they be christian? Why would someone have the right to dictate how Christianity/The Bible should be interpreted?
  10. I agree with CV. What if a person said he was a christian, but didn't believe in Jesus Christ? That would contradict Christianity and thus you wouldn't be a real christian. It's the same concept only "being homosexual is not allowed" is replaced with "Jesus Christ".
  11. Indeed and a lot of people move from Eastern European countries to work in Denmark. We do pay high taxes though and that's what is funding "SU" (Statens Uddannelsesstøtte, meaning "The Government's Educational Support" which is what I talked about earlier), free treatment at hospitals, visits to doctors, etc. The more you earn the higher you're taxed as well.
  12. Hmm... well, I don't know. For comparison, Copenhagen is one of the most expensive cities to live in in the world. http://www.forbes.com/2008/07/23/cities-expensive-world-forbeslife-cx_zg_0724expensivecities_slide_10.html?thisSpeed=15000 http://www.forbes.com/2008/07/23/cities-expensive-world-forbeslife-cx_zg_0724expensivecities.html
  13. I don't understand why people add polls to such topics. If I can get 6 people to say that 2+2=5 and only 4 people to say that 2+2=4 then it doesn't mean the former is correct.
  14. I'm sure that it would be considerably cheaper living where you do as well then.
  15. You could try to see if you can query the same API that they use themselves.
  16. Geeze.. I would hate to see the total amount in student loans for all of that! (granted, getting good paying, stable job more than makes up for it in the end) Education is free in Denmark. When you're an adult you even get money from the government. It's not much though, up to about $850/month. PhD students are, as far as I know, also employed by the university so they get paid as well. With a job alongside the studies it's entirely possible to complete an education without any student loans. Besides, I'm not really what you could call a "heavy spender". Also, CV was correct, the 21 years is all kinds of schools I've went to from when I started when I was about 6 years old.
  17. Daniel0


    What do you mean with "using Zend"? That doesn't make sense. Zend is a company.
  18. How would it cost you more money that two same-gendered people marry than if two different-gendered people marry?
  19. Indeed, and that's, in my opinion, a fault in the declaration of independence and American mentality. No, you cannot have complete freedom. There are too many people who would abuse that freedom. Seeing as it's impossible to tell who would abuse it it's necessary to put restrictions on everybody whether they like it or not. There is, however, a significant difference in being happy about engaging in a gay marriage and being happy about being a serial killer. The former does not inflict harm on other people whereas the latter does. There is a significant difference between those things, in your opinion. Serial killers and pedophiles and other people who do things that you feel are "bad" do not do those things because they feel it's wrong. Think about it. Nobody really does the "wrong" thing on purpose. Everybody justifies in their own head the actions they do and thoughts they have. You are right, there must be some kind of order. We cannot feasibly allow everybody to run around willy nilly doing whatever they feel is right in their own eyes. But I just want to make it clear here that the only "significant difference" is a matter of finding out majority opinion for practicality purposes, not what is more right or wrong than something else. To tell even one person what they are doing is wrong, even if everybody else agrees with you, goes against the whole freedom of belief that America is based on. You can restrict/restrain as a matter of practicality for the majority, but not as a matter of morality. Otherwise, you would be guilty of using the law to force your personal beliefs onto someone else. Wasn't my opinion. I was being objective. A gay marriage is a union between two people, that is there are two people in this action and both of them have agreed on it. I.e. nobody are hurt. On the contrary killing someone means you against the victim's will takes that person's life. I.e., there is no agreement going on. You are hurting the person. If the person wanted his/her life ended then it wouldn't be murder, but euthanasia which is something quite different. Incidentally, euthanasia is illegal many places though... What I said didn't have anything to do with the beliefs of the person performing the actions, but whomever the action is performed on. Another, perhaps clearer, example of that difference is the difference between rape and consensual sexual intercourse. In the former example either of the two parties involved does not consent to the actions taking place whereas that's the case in the latter. Thus in my opinion the former should be illegal (because it hurts someone) whereas the latter should not (because it does not hurt someone) which is also the case any place I know of.
  20. Easiest thing would probably be to get a picture of an open mouth and overlay it with key codes, e.g. G = Good, B = Bad, etc. Upon pressing a key (e.g. G, B, C, or M) on the keyboard it could move focus to the next tooth. Clicking on a tooth would bring focus to it of course. Upon saving it would overwrite the old values as well as perhaps save a "changelog" for the journal. I don't know how dentists work, but if you live near her then you could perhaps ask her if you can observe how she works so you can design the application accordingly.
  21. Indeed, and that's, in my opinion, a fault in the declaration of independence and American mentality. No, you cannot have complete freedom. There are too many people who would abuse that freedom. Seeing as it's impossible to tell who would abuse it it's necessary to put restrictions on everybody whether they like it or not. There is, however, a significant difference in being happy about engaging in a gay marriage and being happy about being a serial killer. The former does not inflict harm on other people whereas the latter does.
  22. Considering the fact that two people of same gender would be happy if they married each other, if you oppose gay marriages, are you then not a real American?
  23. Dunno if this counts as "mastering something", but my plans for the future is to get a PhD in computer science with the purpose of being employed by and doing research on a university. This might possibly get mixed with some studies in mathematics or linguistics. From starting on the university to hopefully finally getting a PhD this will take a minimum of eight years. By that time I will have been in school for a total of 21 years (minimum)...
  24. Daniel0


    I have a nasty habit of placing a lot of crap on my desktop. When I've accumulated enough items then I'll create a new folder (on the desktop!) and place those things in it. Then everything repeats.
  25. Daniel0


    Can existing members invite new members? *hint hint*
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