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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. I've installed the mod we used to display the disclaimer again, but that's unfortunately the only thing we can do.
  2. He could have been the person establishing contact with a person seeking developers through that board.
  3. What do you propose we add? I'm sorry that you got scammed, but we cannot check every single individual who posts in there. It's merely there to act as a channel of communication between prospect developers and clients. We used to have a disclaimer in there stating this, but it got lost during an upgrade. I can post a sticky topic in there outlining this, but that's unfortunately the only thing we are able to do.
  4. I don't hope you are managing anyone's economy because you obviously don't even know what money is. It doesn't matter whether a house costs $200k or $50k or $1 for that matter. A house is still worth a house obviously (I know there are different kinds of houses, but that's irrelevant in this context). It doesn't matter if there is an overall price drop, this just means that your currency will have higher value (purchasing power). The money itself isn't worth more than the material it's made of though. Its real value lies in its ability to be exchanged into goods. If it's decided that $1 is worth 1 house then it is so. If, however, its decided that you need another amount then it so instead. Money is thus an illusion. Let me explain why money is an illusion... Many years ago you traded goods for goods. Like for instance you have those pretty stones and if you give them to me then I'll give you my chicken. Fair enough, goods for goods. This was later found impractical and goldsmiths started crafting coins so you could easily trade. Even later the goldsmiths started offering that people could store all their coins in his vault such that they will not be robbed. Paper money in form of claim checks were then created because they were easier to handle. Have you for instance ever noticed how it explicitly states that on some modern bank notes? On the British bank notes, possibly American as well, you might for instance see: "Bank of England - I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of ten Pounds". Right, so far so good. The goldsmiths started lending money and charging interests for that. However, they also noticed that people never took out all their money at once, so they started lending more money than what was actually available. I.e. they created money out of nothing. This has carried on into modern day banking. If you take a loan on $10k then $10k is invented on the fly. They didn't exist before, but now they do. The amount of money a bank is allowed to lend out today is dependent on how much money they have actually got. I can't remember the exact ratio. This means that money is debt as there exist more debt than "money". It is thus completely impossible to pay out every single debt in the world. Now guess what happens when your bank closes... Seeing as your money didn't exist you get absolutely nothing. Your money is then lost, but not really, because you and nobody else, really had them. There is actually made a movie about this. "Money as debt" I believe it's called.
  5. I'd imagine it is someone who has been employed as a PHP developer for a long time thus is no longer a "junior developer".
  6. No 5 is not a script kiddie. They do generally not have superior knowledge of computer systems. They just use programs other people created instead of finding ways to do it themselves or find new holes.
  7. The difference between .html and .shtml is that the latter will support SSI (Server-side includes), .html will not. It will be like that on standard configurations at least.
  8. I hope you meant morally bad, because the majority of "real" hackers are very good programmers. To hack something is to make it work the way you want it to. Doesn't automatically mean haxoring teh krap outta sites lol!!!11 Uhm... not in this context. See: The common public does not know hackers as people who modify stuff or as programmers. If you tell someone who doesn't know much about computers that you are a hacker then it will immediately have negative connotations. Even though the word originally meant something else that's not to say it cannot change meaning. When the majority of people define a word in a specific way then it must be valid. Indeed you may be referred to as a hacker even though you're just a script kiddie who cannot actually program. The word has changed and the "old hackers" need to accept that.
  9. No of course not, and to be honest, I would imagine that any girl would prefer conventional means of contraception to abortion. I wouldn't imagine it being a very nice thing having to go through.
  10. As I said earlier, just because you use objects then it doesn't mean it's OOP. OOP is a different way of thinking than other paradigms so you can't just go step by step and make every page an object and every function within that a method of that object. It just doesn't work that way. OOP is about how objects interact with each other whereas for instance procedural programming is about procedures and the state of the application.
  11. I've split this from this topic. Please do not hijack other people's topics with your own problems.
  12. I've never understood those who claim they're "pro-life". You are ending life constantly. The food you eat has all been alive. The water you drink likely contains living organisms that will die due to the acid in your stomach. Sperm cells are also alive so that makes it impossible to reproduce because only one of the many millions of sperm cells will reach the egg which, by the way, is also alive meaning that each time a woman has her period she is taking a live. It's quite simply just not possible to live without ending other life. It's the way of nature... If you think what I said is stupid and that it's not "human life", then guess what? Legally speaking, abortions can only take place when it's not yet legally considered human life... This effectively means that it is not a human you are killing when you perform an abortion. Seeing as prohibition of abortion is a legislative thing then it must conform to the other definitions in the law. I've yet to see a good reason why abortion should not be allowed.
  13. You can also modify the timezone settings here so you can get the times and dates displayed in your local timezone.
  14. The last post will always be near the page bottom where the button already is, or am I missing your point?
  15. Not true. Check out Zend_Json_Decoder (note that it's a noun). It provides an interface for getting JSON strings into arrays thus making JSON support possible for PHP versions below 5.2.0. An analogy is a car factory. You order a car with specific specs and the result of this is a car. You don't care how the car is made, you just want a car. This is the same concept. You provide a JSON string and you get an array back like you expected. How this is parsed is completely irrelevant. The JSON parser is thus a logical object providing a known interface, but an unknown (and irrelevant) implementation. This is one of the design principles in OOP: "Code to an interface and not to an implementation". It would be impossible to encapsulate this in procedural programming and it would thus be more difficult to maintain. Although you might have created a wrapper/main function that will call the individual other functions, there is nothing preventing the people using the API from doing that instead. Your implementation is therefore locked unless you want to upset the developers of the dependent components because you break their stuff. Had you taken an OO approach and encapsulated the process then you would have overcome this problem. You can change the implementation as much as you like as long the the interface remains the same (and it still returns the expected output of course). Now tell me, how is an function more suitable for this task?
  16. Damn CV your posts are huge. [daniel@phpfreaks ~]$ cat > cv_chars.php && php cv_chars.php <?php $db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=', '', ''); $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT body FROM smf_messages WHERE id_member=22533'); $stmt->execute(); $chars = 0; while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { $chars += strlen($row['body']); } echo $chars . PHP_EOL; ?> 3196237If we say there are 2,600 characters on one page then you've written a total of 1,229 pages... I guess you have enough material for your quote generator in your sig. Oh yeah, and if anyone bothers, all users have written 202.566 pages (or 526,672,253 chars). </facts> Edit: Inserting missing word.
  17. object: - anything that is visible or tangible and is relatively stable in form - a thing, person, or matter to which thought or action is directed Even in English a person is an object.
  18. Give me an example of a specific thing that cannot logically be an object.
  19. No, you're right, it does not need to be OOP, but neither does it need to be any other programming paradigm. It's entirely possible to create poorly designed application using OOP and it's also possible to create well designed applications using imperative programming. However, saying that it's ridiculous making everything an object in OOP is... ridiculous. In object-oriented programming you make objects. OOP applications generally lead to good maintainability and design when it is actual OOP and not just procedural programming with objects so to speak because OOP is closely tied to OOD. I often see people here who are "using OOP" when they are in fact just emulating namespaces using objects so to speak. That's not OOP and just because you have an object doesn't mean the paradigm is OOP. Also, if making everything an object is ridiculous, does that mean that major languages such as Javascript, Python, and Ruby are ridiculous? Because you know, in those languages everything is an object.
  20. Well, zero comes before one so that means we're in lead
  21. Alright, you can use this team. I use WhatPulse when I'm using Windows. I just think it's interesting to see how much I actually type...
  22. You could store the numbers in an array: form.php <form action="process.php" method="post"> <label for="number">Enter number:</label> <input type="text" name="number" id="number"> <button type="submit">Send</button> </form> process.php <?php session_start(); $number = intval($_POST['number']); // do stuff to number and get $finalNumber if (!isset($_SESSION['finalNumbers'])) { $_SESSION['finalNumbers'] = array(); } $_SESSION['finalNumbers'][] = $finalNumber; echo 'Your final numbers: ' . join(', ', $_SESSION['finalNumber']); echo '<br><a href="form.php">Back to form</a>'; ?> Not tested, by the way.
  23. http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/sessions-and-cookies-adding-state-to-a-stateless-protocol
  24. According to the given definition you are a hacker if you illegally intrude IT systems. This means a hacker likely is a programmer, but not "just" a programmer.
  25. In that case, 1 or 2 are true. 3 may or may not be true. 4 would likely be false if 1 or 2 are true. 5 would likely be true for that group.
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