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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. This is related to: If there is no pre-installed OS then they'll have to make a choice themselves instead of being "forced" to use something. I have nothing against Windows and I use it myself along with Ubuntu, but I do think people should have a choice and know their choices.
  2. If you use federated tables then you can join data on a remote server.
  3. It is a problem when the OS that ships with the computer is not free and you're almost always forced to buy it if you go to your local store and buy a computer. Why would I for instance want to pay for a Windows license if I know for sure I won't use it and that I'll install another OS instead of it? Vista has many under the hood changes from XP. Just because you cannot see it doesn't mean it isn't there.
  4. Did you read the post emehrkay linked to? There is clearly a problem here... It's still an incredibly stupid idea. It'll completely break all previous scripts and 5.3 is only a minor milestone! It has taken people forever to upgrade to PHP 5 and it introduced far less compatibility issues than doing that would. How long time do you then think it'll take people to adopt 5.3 or indeed 6.0 when it's eventually due? Besides, C# is not dynamically typed, so it cannot be used as an example here. Javascript will just always make it a string and that's fine because it has always done that.
  5. For logged in members we could track which things they've read and prune log entries that are x days old. For everybody else we could use cookies.
  6. You obviously don't understand the problem. You risk ambiguity by doing that. Again, ambiguity. Does '5' + 10 evaluate to int 15 or to string '510'? It's just not possible to overload the + operator to work with string concatenation in PHP as well.
  7. Daniel0

    Desktop SS

    And while we're at it... Linux = Kernel GNU/Linux = OS
  8. define('Example', 'foo'); function func() { return 'bar'; } namespace Example; function func() { return 'Hello World'; } Now what will the returned value be when evaluating Example.func()?
  9. Neither is "best". As long as you are consistent it doesn't matter much. As for the question, I follow Zend's standard except that I use a tab instead of four spaces.
  10. The "genious" way you could use is called the "modified preorder tree traversal" algorithm (or "nested set" if you'd like a shorter name). Using this algorithm you'll be able to fetch the entire tree in a single query. http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/hierarchical-data.html
  11. The deletion functionality is vulnerable to CSRF attacks. You can solve this using a token and validating it on the deletion request. See: http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/php-security/page8
  12. Daniel0

    Desktop SS

    No, both BSD and Linux are based on Unix, but neither of them are based on each other.
  13. Daniel0

    Desktop SS

    Your computer guy doesn't know what he is talking about. OS X is based on BSD, not Linux.
  14. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;sa=subscriptions
  15. You can put (almost) whatever you can put Apache's httpd.conf configuration file in .htaccess files. See: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/
  16. Since when did explaining something become the same as giving a solution? Teacher: Find x in: 5x=10 Student: How do you do that? Teacher: 2
  17. Are you serious?? Yes. All the PHP Freaks staff was at the funeral as well.
  18. Not possible. Mono- = alone/single/one. Space = space. I.e. a font where all glyphs have a single amount of space. Could for instance be Courier. That's opposed to for instance Helvetica where e.g. m is wider than n.
  19. Read the above posts: 1) No monospaced font face 2) People do use them for large amounts of code which result in a very long page Both of those two points make it more difficult to read the code.
  20. In a moment someone will tell you that you shouldn't use PHP4-style OOP. They'll also tell you that you should use the setter methods you've created and that you should just set default values instead of doing it in the constructor. Moreover, you'll be told that instead of tracking "changes" you should just use preg_replace_callback() to replace matches.
  21. Daniel0

    Desktop SS

    I just wiped the HD with my Vista install, so it's the default with a couple of icons. I haven't got grub back up yet so you can't get my Ubuntu desktop. [attachment deleted by admin]
  22. All of them are perfectly intact. They will, however, not be restored. The ones that were mangled were the ones we temporarily converted to forum posts. Those are gone now.
  23. With CS4 out, don't you think that buying something for 8 Pro is a bit stupid?
  24. Just quickly glancing over it, this is where you got it wrong: $artnr[] = secureFormInput($_POST['artnr[]']); $antal[] = secureFormInput($_POST['antal[]']); $_POST['artnr'] and $_POST['antal'] are arrays, so what you'd do is: $artnr = array_map('secureFormInput', $_POST['artnr']); $antal = array_map('secureFormInput', $_POST['antal']); That'll sanitize the arrays using your function. You can try to print_r($artnr); and print_r($antal); after you've done that to get an idea of how it works.
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