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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. Uh... dude, we only allow humans to login. Locked.
  2. Traditionally a model represents an object. E.g. an instance of Person could be me and an instance of Book could be one of my books. If I have more books then I have more Book objects. You can save resources by using lazy loading and thus only initializing the objects in the book collection when needed yet still fetch all of them from the database.
  3. Exactly. Also, if you're going to display the form again then you'll have to remember to use the indexes as well.
  4. If you give a form field (or multiple fields) the name foo[] then you can access $_POST['foo'] on the processing page as an array. You can also add an index inside the square brackets exactly like you would when working with arrays normally.
  5. If he has five items he has to load?
  6. I believe it's getting washed and I'm quite sure it's alive. It was just a picture I found on the intertubes.
  7. Or: http://speaklolspeak.com/page/LOLcat+Odyssey
  8. Daniel0


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdpqH1_EC7A Should've done it that way
  9. Executing $fu==$fu+1; will simply just evaluate to false. It does, however, not do anything because the return value is not stored nor used anywhere. Syntax-wise it's perfectly legit.
  10. Right, that's what I'm telling you. It's the only reason why they allow you so much space and bandwidth, because you don't use it. Considering they have 179724 accounts hosted that means a total additional of 1.7 PB per month...
  11. Lamez, I challenge you to use it all. Just write a script that will repeatedly download large files thus use both a lot of space and bandwidth. Damn overselling companies. Only reason why they can sell it is because they know that people don't use it. Like with airplanes, sometimes they expect that not everybody will show up so they oversell. When everybody then actually shows up they're screwed. It's when you actually need to use a lot of bandwidth like YouTube does that it gets really expensive. I mean it's pretty easy to sell you a bazillion-million-gillion gigabytes because I know you won't even use all that within the fair use/tos conditions. Check this out in your TOS for instance: If they suddenly cannot live up to what they've promised then they can just drop the rates on all accounts. There is nothing you can do about that because you agreed to the TOS when you signed up.
  12. redarrow, .doc files are not plaintext. See: http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/B/E/0BE8BDD7-E5E8-422A-ABFD-4342ED7AD886/Word97-2007BinaryFileFormat(doc)Specification.pdf
  13. That kind of defeats your "low on money" argument...
  14. We have the PHPFreaks Recommended group. People in that group are chosen by the admins, mods and other PFRs. There are also the gurus whom we've found to be especially helpful in certain areas.
  15. I haven't got any certification myself, but I tried the ZCE preparedness test which allegedly is harder than actual test. I found it pretty easy and had half the time left when I ended. I suppose it'll always be a plus to have certification and I've heard from some people that they benefited from it.
  16. See the sticky.
  17. Well, if you are serious about starting a website then I am certain you will be able to find $10. I know about the global economy crisis and such, but $10 is nothing. If you're not serious about starting up then your project is doomed before you have even started. Besides, who would take a site with the address ghqwerty.freewebhostingpro.com?
  18. Why not just pay ~$10/year for a real domain?
  19. What? You mean there are other places than America?
  20. Depends on the kind of DSL. For instance, in ADSL the A means asymmetric so they're not equal, but in SDLS the s means symmetric so that means they are.
  21. Yahoo's crawler went crazy.
  22. Wicked... you have a USB port connected to your brain?! Man you need to tell me how to do this so I can just carry a flashdrive around with all the info I need. Then I can just like scan in my textbooks and load it into my brain flashdrive and I'll ace my classes and exams. This is going to be awesome!
  23. Personally I like learning new languages (except German, I hated that language). Also, even though many people speak English there are also a lot of people who speak crap English and would rather prefer to communicate with you in another language they know better. Furthermore, if you're into such things then learning a new language will enable you to read things in that language, watch movies, etc. Personally I prefer to read/watch something in the original language if my proficiency is good enough in that language. You'll also be able to travel in places that aren't just for tourists thus getting the true picture of the country so to speak. In many less developed countries, if you travel outside the tourist zones then you'd probably be hard pressed to find someone who speaks decent English. I certainly do think it's worth learning a new language. I suppose that you, from a somewhat cynical point of view, could say that English is the only language you actually need to know. As an analogy, say for instance I work in a super market. I'd probably only need to know the number system so I can tell people how much they're going to pay when they check out. I can then get my paycheck and thereby buy food, pay rents, etc. Now I don't actually need to know anything more in order to survive. I don't need to know anything about books, movies, politics, history, sports or whatever interests me. That's just redundant information after all. How does that help me survive if I just work in a super market and all I do is tell people a number. My point is of course that just because you don't necessarily have to know something then it doesn't mean you shouldn't do it or wouldn't want to do it. This is kind of what separates humans from the rest of the animals. We don't just rely on whatever we absolutely must need in order to survive and then ignore everything else. A fish for instance just cares about 1) not getting eaten 2) getting something to eat itself and possibly 3) reproduce. This, of course, doesn't mean you're stupid if you're monolingual, but I'm just saying that there may be plenty of reasons why you'd want to learn something despite the fact that you strictly don't need to. This website is evidence of that. I'm quite sure that many of us started doing PHP as hobby and there are probably a large share of our users who still have PHP exclusively as a hobby. Likewise, learning languages can also be a hobby. It doesn't have to be some lame teacher forcing you to memorize verb conjugations or whatever.
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