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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. America, the only place where you play football with your hands.
  2. 64-bit is good enough. We'll run out of time on December 4, 292277026596.
  3. The reason why we have hourly backups is to minimize any loss that might happen. I remember one time where some people complained about a few posts being lost even when we had so frequent backups. Backups every three days is way to rare for such a large database IMO. If we take the last three days then we had 2532 posts, 481 topics and 156 new members. Besides, in relation to server load it doesn't matter how often we do it. There will still be a latency once in a while. We have plenty of space for the backups. We keep a backup for a week so we always have 336 (one for the main site and one for the forums) backups stored. Anyways, I have a solution already, but I just can't use it. I need an additional server for database replication. Backups will then be run on the slave server which will then take all the load.
  4. Well, obviously the rice is only to improve the famine problem. Having rice will not get rid of corrupt dictators/governments. Having rice will not unite former rivaling tribes that was put into countries made by the former colonial powers.
  5. It must be network problems if it isn't what I mentioned above. I check the "page created" thing on the bottom quite frequently and it's been relatively constant.
  6. Hypothetically, country X's laws regarding usage of weapons might be different than country Y's aswell... Anyways, you missed my point. TheFilmGod claimed that this matter was unresolvable if it was international. That's bullshit.
  7. I think I'll lock this before 20 other people over the next days jump in to inform us that it is working...
  8. No.
  9. Maybe that's your problem? It's pretty difficult to write when you haven't got a target audience... For instance, everything we write in my Danish class is targeted to "the generally educated and culturally interested reader".
  10. So you're saying that if I stand on X's side at the border of country X and Y and shoot at someone who is standing at Y's side then I'm all good because it's an international matter?
  11. Overkill is in one word. Muphry's law
  12. It doesn't matter. A hard disk is a hard disk. You can just burn and boot a Linux live CD like Knoppix on a computer that has both drives connected.
  13. Something like dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb can do it. There are probably other ways as well.
  14. Here? The "page created in x seconds" message is how long time the server took to generate the page. It has nothing to do with your connection. mysqldump takes up quite a lot of resources on the hourly backups, so if you request a page during the 1-2 minutes it's running then you'll get slower response times.
  15. Yes.
  16. I recommend that you do not claim your prize for being the 106th visitor, that you don't visit dodgy sites and generally just have common sense. With that you won't need an anti-virus scanner.
  17. Lol. =P You must be seeing things. I have no idea what you are talking about. See attachment.... Lol... Norton :-X
  18. Gedit doesn't come with Linux, it comes with Gnome. If you use KDE then you'll have Kate. If you use XFCE then you'll have, well... I don't know...
  19. Or perhaps teach them how to prevent pregnancy.
  20. You'll have to get the connection from somewhere and those people might set rules for you.
  21. I wonder if I can get a job as a surgeon. I suppose I'll eventually learn how to cut people correctly.
  22. I was just answering your question regarding why Crayon Violent posted the number 42... The answer to that question is ON the result page, not in one of the results listed.
  23. http://www.google.com/search?q=the+answer+to+life%2C+the+universe%2C+and+everything
  24. Multiply the weight of one grain with the total amount of grains to be donated.
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