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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. 1a) Get a kickass idea OR 1b) Take another person's kickass idea and make it better 2) Make sure people know about it 3) Make revenue from it
  2. wget -r -l 1 http://example.com http://manpages.debian.net/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=wget
  3. You can't. PHP does not have multiple inheritance.
  4. http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/present/frames.html#h-16.5
  5. There is authorize.net as well.
  6. When some people quickly glance at the online list they think "oh a red (or blue/green/yellow) name. he's smart, i'll pm him". Sure, people can figure out that if someone posted two minutes ago then they're probably online.
  7. Windows up to and including Me used a DOS kernel. Alongside 9x was Windows NT and Windows 2000 was alongside Me. XP was the first consumer oriented Windows operating system that utilized the NT kernel.
  8. Perhaps not, but bash (and any other *nix shell) is way better than Windows' CLI is. Also, as far as I know it's not possible to run Windows without a GUI so that means you'll have to waste resources on something that's not used so often. On a server (or perhaps any system) you shouldn't have things you don't need and you certainly don't need a GUI for a server.
  9. Dude, when really smart people holding PhD's in computer science and/or linguistics struggle with natural language processing, do you then think you can compete with them with your "minimal JavaScript knowledge"?
  10. Well, I'm quite sure CF is able to handle file uploads as well.
  11. How about a basic form with a PHP backend? http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.php http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.multiple.php
  12. Actually, there is a fault in your design, aschk. Considering jane cannot hurl, then it shouldn't have that method defined. You could've used the strategy pattern to overcome this.
  13. I used to browse hidden because as an administrator I used to get a lot of PMs and IMs when people spotted my red name on the online list. I found it annoying so I made myself hidden. Other reasons might be that people just don't want other people to know what they're doing. I don't. I just see names in italics
  14. Run a linux distro without a GUI.
  15. Hmm... I don't know then. JDK works fine for me on Vista when its bin folder is in PATH.
  16. What does your PATH variable look like? Oh yeah, and use the system variables. Not the user ones.
  17. Not necessary, just open a new console. The old ones will still have the old PATH loaded.
  18. Here is how to figure it out: Go to wmware.com, then you look around and you'll notice the "Products" link where you'll check out one of the ones you mentioned. We'll start with VMWare Server and you click How To Get It. On that page it says: (my emphasis) End of my ultra short "how to browse the internet and find your answers"-guide. I don't mean to sound condescending, but if you cannot figure out how to compare VMWare's products, are you then competent enough to manage a server and its VPS nodes running in VMs? Furthermore, why did you pick specifically VMWare if you have no idea of what their products offer? There are several others such as VirtualBox, Xen, or OpenVZ that can create virtual machines as well.
  19. Well, still... If I have to allocate 1 GB ram for a VM to run Photoshop or whatever, then I'll already have used half of what's in my computer.
  20. It takes more resources to run an OS plus a VM than it takes to run an OS only. If you have a lot of resources then it isn't a problem, but not everybody do. Also, if you have to use more resources, then you'll have a lower battery time if you're using a laptop that's not connected to a power source.
  21. Officially, anyone who has a special rank and has been inactive for half a year will be demoted. Admins are exempt.
  22. I'm so 1337 that I can decode it just by looking at it
  23. No, sorry, it isn't a "grate [sic] solution"...
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