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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. However, you don't learn it by neglecting it and doing it in another way. You're better off just learning how to protect yourself.
  2. Xanza, that's a bullshit advice. He is better off fixing it.
  3. Well, as I said:
  4. Firefox 3 RC 2 running on Windows Vista. On hovering over the links I get the following error:
  5. I'll sticky this for further reference and in case other people might know books that people might find useful.
  6. Include in your Terms of Service that you cannot be held responsible for content posted by the users and the responsibility lies with the author of the post.
  7. In other words, with commander there is a 29.7% chance that it will have a random number between 1 and 9 and 70.3% chance that it will be a blank string.
  8. The links on the left side doesn't work. Your Javascript is broken. Besides, don't make Javascript the only option for users.
  9. LOL. Perhaps opening the source for us to review it might help. I don't know if the OP is interested in that though.
  10. You could create a gallery script. There are plenty of options for creating simple applications.
  11. I can't remember when I've last used FTP. I always use SSH, SCP and SVN.
  12. Daniel0


    Oh well, I didn't give it very much testing. We already have here and we can because we are a community consisting of programmers. People who should be smart enough to upgrade their browser to the latest version, or even better, not use IE at all.
  13. Daniel0


    http://www.my-debugbar.com/wiki/IETester/HomePage This tool is ideal for testing websites in multiple versions of Internet Explorer on Windows. It's especially useful on Windows Vista where it's not possible to install IE6 and below.
  14. echo 'http' . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . (!in_array($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'], array(80, 443)) ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; Edit: Fixed syntax error.
  15. Your realize that a little over 50% of all internet users browse through IE6 + ? ??? IE 6 and below doesn't work on PHP Freaks either. We have officially dropped support for it. Safari doesn't use Gecko, but WebKit.
  16. Well, doesn't that go for mostly all frameworks? I haven't touched symfony very much, but I suppose you can just take what you want with that one as well. Anyways, for frameworks I'd recommend Zend Framework (no surprise).
  17. Uploads doesn't even work. Neither anonymously nor while logged in.
  18. Why would they be too heavy? Just use the things you need and leave the rest.
  19. PHP code will always start with either <?php or just <? and it will end with ?>
  20. I've read some of SitePoint's Simply JavaScript. At the time I read it I found it pretty good.
  21. Indeed, so this would require moving it several times. Including moving the ones we reject.
  22. "All the basic features" encompasses exactly what?
  23. So basically you want us to move topics around all the time? I don't think the mods are going to like that idea at all.
  24. The denial would be public in the sense that the tutorial has been posted on the public submission forum but doesn't ever show up on the main site. Another alternative is having them email it to staff and then it could be reviewed. I know other large sites with more traffic than we get also do that.
  25. How is logging credit card information a crime when various login credentials are not? Some of those logins could be used for identity theft as well. Especially when they USE them without prior authorization from the owner. At school I'm required to document all my claims when doing written assignments, so I'd like the same from you in this instance. Which law permits the universities to do this (link, please)?
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