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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. Yeah, Tom told me that his search bar was misplaced on Linux as well. Only his was positioned differently than yours... Edit: Added screenshots. [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. Ooops, btw, you should be able to edit that yourself.
  3. Keep in mind that the variable is just a container holding a value
  4. Logically you'd have them like this: /path/to/pear/PEAR.php /path/to/pear/Crypt/Xtea.php That's the standard directory structure of PEAR classes. If PEAR is correctly installed, then you can just run pear install Crypt_Xtea from a console and then do require 'Crypt/Xtea.php; in your source file.
  5. You might want to read this: http://pear.php.net/manual/en/installation.php
  6. You can always decrypt it. We're talking about the encryption algorithms supported by mcrypt, not hashing algorithms like md5, sha1, crc32, etc. Those two things are for completely different purposes. If you weren't able to decrypt encrypted things, then how do you think things like PGP, GPG, TrueCrypt, BitLocker, FileVault, EFS, SSL etc. work? I doubt it'd be easy to do. You could try to search for classes which does this. You could take a look at this one which would take care of TEA, but PEAR doesn't have a class for Rijndael.
  7. I guess two clicks is too much for you...
  8. Could you post an example of one of the emails you get?
  9. Those two things have now been done.
  10. Sure, I'll take a look at it later today.
  11. You only need to call the close function if you need to close the connection before the execution of the script ends. It's automatically called at the end of script execution. I didn't check, but I think the manual says it as well.
  12. Gamic, FYI, all three options are equally valid.
  13. echo '<select>'; foreach ($username as $element) { echo "<option>{$element}</option>"; } echo '</select>';
  14. In my opinion, neither, but if I must choose one then it would be the former. I would create a number of classes for dealing with the database and pass the object around.
  15. You could port the code in the extension which is written in C to native PHP.
  16. Seems like this one deals with the same problem. I'll close this one.
  17. You need to run an SMTP server on your localhost in order to use it.
  18. Do ORDER BY score DESC instead.
  19. The first one echoes the value of $a, the other one does nothing whatsoever.
  20. What value is it supposed to hold?
  21. What's the problem? The only thing I see is that you're not escaping the variable so it's vulnerable to SQL injections. You can use mysql_real_escape_string() for that since you're using the mysql extension.
  22. I've written a bit about how we did it here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/blog/the-creation-of-the-new-site
  23. Oops... It's not needed anyways, so I'll just remove it in a moment.
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