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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. Why don't you read your University Handbook... Not only is it 100% legal for them, but they can use that information for just about anything and everything... (I'm a notary... I know my law dude) Pfft... that's bullshit. So if you make an online purchase using your credit card, are they then also allowed to rip your accounts as well?
  2. It'll probably be easier to just code a new section on the main site. All we need is basic CRUD functionality as well as a way of "moving" the tutorial to the table where the other ones are if it's accepted.
  3. Limit viewing of other threads to moderators or the approved team, you have a big enough fan base to support this That's not possible using SMF.
  4. SOAP requests and responses are basically consisting of XML data. Therefore, if you learn the SOAP syntax then you can just generate the XML yourself. However, it'll probably be easier to use either PHP's built-in functions or pre-existing classes such as SOAP from PEAR.
  5. Store the files outside document root.
  6. You don't have to use PHP's SOAP functions. Those are just for convenience, so any server supports it.
  7. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,95433.0.html
  8. Uh... look at the date... February 27, 2006
  9. You can read this tutorial to see how to parse XML data.
  10. See this page: http://dk.php.net/manual/en/domnode.removechild.php The DOM methods use camelCase as naming convention.
  11. You might have trouble getting inside somebody's face :-\
  12. I'm quite sure you're doing something wrong. It works for all other people.
  13. In most cases, yes, so don't bother asking. Instead, asking how is a much better alternative.
  14. BAMP? BSD, Apache, PHP, MySQL UAMP? Unix, Apache, PHP, MySQL
  15. date('F', strtotime('-1 month'));
  16. One thing I hate is when people start using weird characters in their usernames. I.e. usernames that doesn't match [tt]^[a-zA-Z0-9 _.-]+$[/tt]
  17. Yeah...tell that to 99% of the people who come here who have no formal education in php or even programming in general. The bottom line is that they don't care, nor will they ever care. They want a quick and dirty solution, so I give it as much as possible. This isn't some hospital or dr's office where people strive to go by the book 100% of the time. This is a warzone and we're field medics pulling McGuyver-like operations to keep the soldiers up. Suck it up soldier! That's a shame, because I could name a few people (but I won't, at least not publicly) that I would hate to take over a project from. Also, if I were to buy anything I don't just want it to work, I want it to work properly, but the problem is that I'm not competent enough to say if it's good or bad. Why not just write the error handler on before hand and use that? The PHP5 argument you used above doesn't hold. PHP has officially stopped supporting PHP4 so there is no reason whatsoever not to upgrade. Furthermore, why do you think exceptions would be overkill? Sure, and it did, but he would've been better off designing his application properly from the start. 1) Some webhosts don't have PHP 5 yet, sadly. Kind of strange, but it's true. Also, like CV said, lots of people on these forums have never even HEARD of exceptions. 2) If he had designed it properly from the start, he wouldn't be posting here. At 1: Switch host. They're not worth bothering with. Regarding the exceptions. IMO people should read the syntax chapter of the manual before even trying to create any code. At 2: True, but that's the reason why we should teach them the correct ways instead of just continuing bad practice just because the rest of the application is written so.
  18. Why not just write the error handler on before hand and use that? The PHP5 argument you used above doesn't hold. PHP has officially stopped supporting PHP4 so there is no reason whatsoever not to upgrade. Furthermore, why do you think exceptions would be overkill? Sure, and it did, but he would've been better off designing his application properly from the start.
  19. Well, what are you going to do when you go live with the application/site? I sure don't hope you're going to leave the or die() after the function call.
  20. I disagree. That's a crap way of doing error handling.
  21. Or just to be sure, get written permission from them first.
  22. I don't understand why it matters that the second order is c,b,d,a while the first order is b,c,a,d...
  23. Yes, it resembles an if-else statement. It's called the ternary operator. See: http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php#language.operators.comparison.ternary
  24. For the last option, this would probably be better: echo "<td bgcolor=\"$color\" width=\"12.5%\">" . (isset($info[$a]['telephonenumber']) ? $info[$a]["telephonenumber"][0] : ' ') . "</td>";
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