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Everything posted by Daniel0
(My) sequel sounds stupid too and the official way of saying MySQL is to say "my" and then the letters: If things have an official way of saying it or it's in a dictionary then that's the way I'll pronounce it.
Err... no it isn't. * corresponds to {0,} and + corresponds to {1,}
Not in the code you posted.
I agree with 448191 and Jenk as well. I think that is taking OOP to far. simple variables and function are still very useful. I take it you don't know Python or Ruby then? It is indeed very useful that everything is an object.
Try running SELECT * FROM terms WHERE cereal=1; from the terminal or using some GUI tool (MySQL Query Browser, phpMyAdmin etc.). Does that return multiple rows? If no, then there is your answer. No it doesn't, the query could still return more than one row thus going through the while loop multiple times.
The setQuery() method might replace it with something else. Perhaps he has a list of table names and their corresponding "codes". That's the only explanation I see.
What is the error? Also, why do you have that for loop? It will only do one iteration.
http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=WYSIWYG I think that settles it... it says that the pronunciation is wiz-ee-wig (or in IPA: ˈwɪziˌwɪg).
Where does $fetch come from?
There is no such things as PHP injection unless you run a string through eval().
I fail to see why you would do that except if you are running it through eval().
sleep() will sleep in the execution of the script thus resulting in the script "hanging" (at least it will look like that to the user). You should simply use a Refresh header instead of a Location header if you wish to delay the redirection. Refresh: 5; url=http://example.com
If you do that instead of overwriting it then you will make an array containing the locations. Note that it will results in an E_NOTICE if you don't initialize the array before doing that.
if(ctype_alnum($username)) { echo "valid"; } else { echo "invalid"; } Faster
// within foreach loop... $location2[] = $e[2]; ?
mb_detect_encoding() can do that.
Try echo $fetch->notes; instead of echo "$fetch->notes"; Also, see: http://php.net/string#language.types.string.parsing.complex
Won't work, if your way of pronouncing acronyms work by spelling them out then it's impossible to pronounce recursive acronyms. Take this for example:
Not really. Just don't recurse them. P H P W I N E Duh, how will the problem of not being able to spell it out be solved by not doing it? This is how, explained with PHP code, spelling out acronyms works: <?php function spell_out_acronyms($text, array $acronyms = array()) { $found_again = false; foreach($acronyms as $acronym => $spelled_out) { $text = str_replace($acronym, $spelled_out, $text); if(strpos($acronym, $text) !== false) $found_again = true; } return $found_again ? spell_out_acronyms($text, $acronyms) : $text; } echo spell_out_acronyms("PHP is a scripting language.\nThe headquaters of the CIA is located in Langley, Virginia.", array('PHP'=>'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor', 'CIA'=>'Central Intelligence Agency')); ?> As you see, CIA, which is not a recursive acronym, can be spelled out without any problems, but PHP, which is a recursive acronym, is not possible to fully spell out. Therefore it is neither linguistically nor programmatically possible to spell recursive acronyms out. If you were to spell it out linguistically then you would never stop talking. Programmatically the script/program would never end.
If you are going to spell out acronyms then you are going to have major problems saying recursive acronyms like PHP and Wine.
I haven't played Halo, but AFAIK all those thousands of users are not playing on the same server.
The installation differs from distribution to distribution. You could check their documentations. If you use the GUI installer then there shouldn't be any problems providing it recognized all your hardware.
Some claim it is easier to read. Other claims that using underscores is easier to read. It's just a matter of personal preference.
I was actually just considering this from the perspective of the employer. I'd be most comfortable employing someone with proven skills than someone who claims to have learned things himself and therefore knows things. If two people came to me for a job, the first one being a Ph.D. and the second one having a "portfolio" then I would certainly employ the first one.
Sorry, but I have to correct you. Action Script 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 is nothing alike PHP not C#. I think he is correct, in syntax it does look a bit like it. Languages like Python and Ruby doesn't though.