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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. Nope. Check [url=http://php.net/setcookie]the manual's examples[/url]. And my example do work on my system, and it is without session_start.
  2. To set sessions session_start is required (or session.auto_start must be on in php.ini). It has nothing to do with cookies.
  3. You can create the array dynamically. Imagine you have your page files called this: *page*.page.php Then you could use this code to do it: [code]<?php $dir = "files"; $modules = array(); $dh = opendir($dir); while($file = readdir($dh)) { $module_name = explode('.',$file); if($module_name[count($module_name)-2] === 'page') { unset($module_name[count($module_name)-1]); unset($module_name[count($module_name)-1]); $modules[] = join('.',$module_name); } } $_GET['page'] = strtolower($_GET['page']); if(in_array($_GET['page'],$modules)) { include "{$dir}/{$_GET['page']}.page.php"; } else { echo "The page '{$_GET['page']}' do not exist."; } ?>[/code]
  4. Looks very nice, but something is wrong in the menu (perhaps a HTML comment). [attachment deleted by admin]
  5. [quote author=dharm link=topic=110339.msg453473#msg453473 date=1161130931] Is it accessible? can we change the text size? [/quote] Not in IE. You will have to use percentages instead of pixels/ems/points or whatever you use.
  6. Just do this: [code]<?php $pages = array( // GET var => file 'page1' => 'page1.php', 'page2' => 'page2.php', 'home' => 'home.php', ); if(in_array($_GET['page'],$modules) && file_exists("pages/{$_GET['page']}")) { // do stuff } else { echo "No such page"; } ?>[/code]
  7. Well, then you haven't turned errors on. I meant to type this: [code]error_reporting(E_ALL); setcookie("test","this is a test"); print_r($_COOKIE);[/code] But what I posted should give an error like this: [code]Parse error: parse error, unexpected $end in *file* on line *line*[/code] Set [tt]display_errors[/tt] in php.ini to [tt]On[/tt] to display errors. Then try with the fixed code (you might have to refresh).
  8. Is it just me or do [url=http://validator.w3.org]W3C's validator[/url] often load really slowly?
  9. Looks nice. Make a footer and [url=http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.j4r.org%2Fprojects%2Fzirc%2F]validate your code[/url] though.
  10. There is problems with the bar in Opera 9.02, Firefox and Internet Explorer 6 on Windows as well. And another thing: [quote=your site]OPTIMIZED FOR Firefox[/quote] Do [i]not[/i] optimize it for a specific browser! You need to make it work properly in [i]all[/i] browsers.
  11. I don't get it. People are talking about 3, 4, 5 etc., but I only see 1 and 2 :S
  12. Odd. Try this: [code]error_reporting(E_ALL); setcookie("test","this is a test); print_r($_COOKIE);[/code] and tell me what you get.
  13. Try to put [code]error_reporting(E_ALL);[/code] on the top of your page and see if it returns any errors.
  14. [quote author=dc_jt link=topic=111792.msg453617#msg453617 date=1161159188] Is it possible to create a button in the error form so that when the user presses this they are returned to the input form with the fields they entered correctly still input?? Or is a session needed? [/quote] You can read my tutorial [url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/145/0.php]Multipage forms[/url] to get an idea of how to do it.
  15. [code]<?php $files = array('file1.txt','file2.txt','file3.txt'); foreach($files as $file) { $contents[] = file_get_contents($file); } $fp = fopen('new_file.txt','w+'); fwrite($fp,join("\n",$contents)); fclose($fp); ?>[/code]
  16. Shorter: [code]<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="checkbox" id="checkbox"<?php echo $row['checkbox'] ? ' checked="checked"' : null; ?> />[/code]
  17. I would store them as files.
  18. Try enabling errors and putting error_reporting(E_ALL); on top of your page to see if it returns any errors.
  19. Try this: [code]runkit_function_add(array($object,"method_name"));[/code]
  20. Seems like a good idea skarecrow, but why not just use runkit_function_remove and then define it with the same name as the one you removed instead? You should also note that those functions are experimental and that they require a PECL extension installed, so if you are programming for a client, then you will require them to have the runkit extension, but the client may be at a shared host and therefor not having access php.ini to load the extension (or can it be done using dl()?).
  21. You don't need a constructor. If it is eg just a class consisting of random functions Then it is not necessary. [quote author=knowNothing link=topic=111785.msg453182#msg453182 date=1161099622] Am I supposed to be able to pass vaiables into this constructor [/quote] I'm not sure what you mean, but this is possible (if that's what you mean): [code]$hello = new hello("hi");[/code]
  22. Ok... "Opera Day". Let's see if it is as good as you claim.
  23. If you purchase Zend Platform there is some PHP code as well, but it is encrypted. That is sort of the same. I don't see any problems in encrypting your code.
  24. Where are your forum?
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