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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. I know it's almost nothing, but would it be possible to change the forum url from [url=http://phpfreaks.com/forums]http://phpfreaks.com/forums[/url] to [url=http://forums.phpfreaks.com]http://forums.phpfreaks.com[/url]? I just prefer typing the later one and I think it looks nicer...
  2. Change it to: [code]'wisdom2.php?MAXIMID=%d[/code] then do this: [code]echo sprintf($the_thing_you_got_from_the_db,$row_menu['ID']);[/code]
  3. Here is an example: [code]<?php header("Content-type: text/plain"); function read_contents($directory='.') { if(substr($directory,-1) != '/') { $directory .= "/"; } $contents = @scandir($directory); if(is_array($contents)) { foreach($contents as $item) { if($item != '.' && $item != '..') { if(is_dir($directory.$item)) { echo "{$directory}{$item}\n"; } } } } } read_contents("/home/daniel"); ?> [/code]
  4. [quote author=shocker-z link=topic=108295.msg435554#msg435554 date=1158421034] I'm not seeing the problem.. your creating an image.. and it say's PNG in title bar.. it's a png so whats wrong? sorry probs just me having long slow day at work.. [/quote] He sent a wrong header.
  5. [code]<?php $number = '000123'; echo number_format($number)."\n"; echo intval($number); ?>[/code] outputs [code]123 123[/code] for me...
  6. I'm not sure what is meant, but could it be something like this: [code]< script type='text/javascript'> document.getelementbyid('something').onclick = function(var1,var2) { // bla bla } </script> <div id='something'>bla bla bla bla</div>[/code]
  7. number_format($number); intval($number); Pick one :)
  8. Heh, check this: http://digg.com/tech_news/PC_World_Names_MySpace_the_1_Worst_Site_on_the_Net
  9. Many people are annoyed by background music. It's one of the most annoying things on the internet.
  10. Why? So people can have a place to spam?
  11. Because the only variables you can define using [tt]var[/tt] is arrays. Others have to be defined in a function. Example: [code] <?php class day { var $day; function day() { $this->day = date('d'); } function display() { echo $this->day; } } $speak = new day(); $speak->display(); ?> [/code]
  12. [quote author=effigy link=topic=108180.msg435025#msg435025 date=1158341226] Thanks for the catch; however, textarea's are not platform-specific. See [url=http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.4]application/x-www-form-urlencoded[/url]. When dealing with form data: [quote] Line breaks are represented as "CR LF" pairs (i.e., `%0D%0A'). [/quote] [/quote] Then it should be [code]<?php $string = "Hello\nNo\nYou"; print_r(explode("\r\n", $string)); ?>[/code]
  13. [quote author=zanus link=topic=107919.msg435015#msg435015 date=1158340003] lol...I got one. just for the reason that all my friends have it.  I can't quite figure out why it's so popular either, it is kinda overated. I got facebook as well...but it's turning into this stalker news feed thing.  About tells everyone everytime you fart. either one, I'll never get used to posting a blog about my life, which is all MySpace is.  Blogs........and gossip, and chain letters..bleh [/quote] Man... looking at the background image on your MySpace-profile-thing makes my eyes hurt >_<
  14. If you wan't to learn more about accessibility, then checkout this page: http://www.sitepoint.com/subcat/accessibility
  15. No not braille, but you can make it accessible by using proper coding. Not using images to display text, adding alt and title tags to images. Using accesskeys etc. stuff that will make it easy to navigate the site and will enable you to use text readers.
  16. Why don't you just make it one big form ???
  17. Instead of all those files in the end, just make it one file.
  18. I believe it is "OOP-ish"... the only things in the entire application that is written outside a class is those things in that file and the initiation file (index.php).
  19. Only two or three, and that is typically something like users and groups or forums, topics and posts.
  20. You need to put everything in either single-quotes or double-quotes. The only types where it's not necessary is integers and floating numbers. If it's a boolean then there may not be quotes around it.
  21. [quote author=ober link=topic=107919.msg433595#msg433595 date=1158167488] I haven't used that... is it any good? [/quote] Niether have I, it is probably just a prejudice I have against such sites. I have never tried such sites, so in fact I can't know, but if people have fun using those sites then that is just fine, I just don't want to take part in it.
  22. [quote author=obsidian link=topic=107919.msg433581#msg433581 date=1158166317] ... [i]all the rave[/i] i hear people talk about are the skins for your pages which 99% of them are incredibly poor use of CSS to do things that don't work half properly in decent browsers anyway... why condone such poor use of technology? lol [/quote] Talking about poor use of CSS, check out the results the validation of MySpace's CSS: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspace.com&usermedium=all and the result of the HTML validation: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspace.com Both contain errors.
  23. Here is an example of how I/we have done it in [url=http://icebb.net]IceBB[/url]: http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/icebb/trunk/icebb.php?revision=HEAD&view=markup
  24. I don't think you can use [code]$aname == 'height' || 'width'[/code] You would need to use [code]$aname == 'height' || $aname == 'width'[/code]
  25. I don't. I think places like that are lame. There is a similar website in Denmark, where I come from, and it suck too.
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