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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. This should be a fairly straightforward change. I'll see what I can do.
  2. How is it password protected?
  3. Use the DirectoryIterator to get the contents of a folder and use the GD library plus some simple math to generate a thumbnail.
  4. Any reason why you don't use htmlentities?
  5. Yeah, you've already told us what it is, but you haven't told us how it is a benefit.
  6. You can. PS: MS Paint blows. [attachment deleted by admin]
  7. I'm not sure I get the point, to be honest.
  8. Post count is not entirely removed. It's just hidden from the topic view for regular members.
  9. That's because you haven't read the manual
  10. Instead of trying to "beat the game", why not try to create quality content that is well structured? A good positioning on the SERPs will follow naturally from this.
  11. Daniel0


    I don't think it makes sense classifying programming skills like that. It's a continuous process without an upper bound, but 10/10 would imply "perfect" or "knows everything possible".
  12. Well, I've got space invaders on my TI-89.
  13. Well, I don't how your math classes are, but you can get through all math courses here with just a basic scientific calculator (just because there is no reason to calculate e.g. 20! by hand). It's not so much the result, but how you get to the result that matters after all. Anyways, TI-89 has CAS and I don't think TI-84 has. I think that's one of the major differences. I have got a TI-89 Titanium, but I rarely use it.
  14. What do you need a calculator for in a computer science course?
  15. Why don't you ask them? The worst thing that will happen is just that they say "no".
  16. Daniel0


    Hi JBlaze. Welcome to the forums
  17. Sorry about that. It was my fault. Fixed.
  18. Actually, this topic is the first one he made. Either way, this one gets locked because the other one contains more elaborate answers.
  19. <?php $string = "This text should be converted to upper case. [leavealone]This text should remain the same[/leavealone]. This text should be upper case. [leavealone]Don't change the case of this part[/leavealone] etc..."; $parts = preg_split('#\[/?leavealone\]#', $string); for ($i = 0, $m = count($parts); $i < $m; $i += 2) { $parts[$i] = strtoupper($parts[$i]); } $newString = join('', $parts); echo $newString; I believe the code is rather self-explanatory, but I'll explain it in details if you need it.
  20. You'd also (in this case) get three E_NOTICEs.
  21. I think "Bing goes the internet" is better.
  22. jQuery++ I also like the fact that it has a lot of plugins adding additional features.
  23. The logo artwork will be "auto copyrighted", as you put it. You cannot copyright a sentence, and that is what a slogan is. A slogan is a trademark.
  24. What are you talking about, and how is this related to application design?
  25. Write valid markup.
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