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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. Why don't you just try it out?
  2. They can handle any protocol they want. You can register any protocol in Firefox.
  3. We were talking hypothetically, and bandwidth was an example.
  4. The queries run on that page are rather resource intensive, so adding them to every single page would slow things down.
  5. It doesn't matter if doImages() returned anything. It's not syntactically incorrect. You cannot call functions or methods there. You can only assign constant values in that way. redarrow, the post in your first post here was syntactically correct PHP code, but it was not OOP. OOP is more than just creating a class. Two of the books I recommended you to read yesterday deal with OOP.
  6. You probably just need to stop searching for resources about PHP and start searching for resources about programming in general. There are so many concepts that are universally applicable to programming (regardless of language choice) that they aren't written for a particular language.
  7. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Pragmatic-Programmer-Andrew-Hunt/dp/020161622X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1253825256&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Design-patterns-elements-reusable-object-oriented/dp/0201633612/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1253825272&sr=1-1 http://www.amazon.co.uk/PHP-Objects-Patterns-Practice-2nd/dp/1590599098/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1253825293&sr=1-1 But remember, skills do NOT come from just reading. You need to practice as well.
  8. Maybe you need to transcend the stage of reading boring books covering rudimentary things like PHP's syntax and start reading books at a more general and/or theoretical level. How about The Pragmatic Programmer by Hunt and Thomas, or Design Patterns by Gamma et al. ("Gang of Four")? Maybe PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice by Zandstra if you still want something that's related to PHP. How about all of them? Here is something for you to consider: If you're studying computer science (and when you've graduated), it's expected that you can teach yourself a language in a few days and start using it to solve real problems. How is that even possible? Well, it's because the theory, the mindset and your analytical skills are the things that matter. Learning the syntax of a programming language is easy.
  9. You already have one topic about this: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,270431.0.html
  10. You're talking a completely wrong approach on learning, and I guess that's why you don't seem to progress very fast (sorry if you're offended by this, but it's how I perceive things). You don't need a tutorial for "how to create a forum/blog/booking service". You need to be able to decompose a large problem into smaller problems, you need to learn how to think abstractly, you need to learn how to solve problems - you need to learn how to program! Try to go to your local university's web site and find their computer science courses. What kind of courses do you see? You won't find any "how to create a forum" courses, but you might find courses on algorithms, cryptology, compiler theory, etc. It is in itself rather uninteresting how you specifically create a forum. Take this problem from Project Euler for instance. Nobody cares what the 10001st prime number is, but the task of writing a program that quickly calculates would train you in programming techniques. You could try to start solving Project Euler problems. They're great fun, and I assure you that you quickly will find some that are challenging.
  11. Well, you can watch 10000 hours of videos, but you still will not become a programmer. You become a PHP programming by programming in PHP. It's that simple. Skills come from experience.
  12. That page just screams "scam".
  13. Sure, here you go: daniel@youtube42 ~ $ ls /var/disk546/videos9371 68468421.flv 67813131.flv 48645312.flv 45686431.flv 31684684.flv 68468421.flv 68468421.flv 45678123.flv 76432115.flv 45684877.flv 12315831.flv 98453122.flv *snip*
  14. When Google's OS hit, I wonder if they'll be forced to do something similar in Europe (perhaps given they are not the majority in the browser market share, they might not have to - yet). They won't. Special rules apply to monopolies and Google does not have a monopoly on neither the OS nor browser market. Under EU law, no monopoly in one market may be used to force or help a monopoly in a different market. That's also why Apple is allowed to ship Safari with OS X. You may call it a stupid law, but it's a law nonetheless.
  15. Assuming it's not, you know, password protected. I'm pretty sure the XP installer prompts you for a password for the admin account.
  16. Protip: If you want help with your operating system, it's a good idea telling what operating system you're running.
  17. Looks like you've zoomed out a tiny bit. The text seems rather small.
  18. If you're going to use number_format(), using round() is redundant. It already knows how to round numbers: number_format($ex_gst, 2);
  19. You can just compile it from the source at pecl.php.net.
  20. Actually it is. They dropped dropping IE in EU.
  21. Oh seriously come on, xcoderx. Look up what "reading comprehension" means and get some skills in that. Nobody insulted anything Indian here. It's just you who are making up shit. I said that IF your logic was correct THEN I would be able to conclude that all Indians are stupid. However, your logic is NOT correct so I haven't said anything about Indians at all. My point is that using hasty generalization, you can conclude ANYTHING. So get some skills in logic/argumentation as well. By the way, my father can beat your father, and in a parallel universe my uncle is king of the world. Yeah, all I did was to apply xcoderx' faulty logic on things I knew he for sure would disagree with to show, well... that his logic was faulty.
  22. I think you need to take a course on logic. That's a crap argument. That there is a majority of X kind of people in Y, and there are some clever people in Y does not automatically mean that the aforementioned X are also generally clever. In fact, X may be incredibly stupid, or really smart or something else. The only thing you can tell about X is that there are a lot of them at Y. For all I know, the Indians could have the low level, entry jobs while all the higher positions are occupied by other kinds of people. The point in my previous post was of course that you cannot conclude something based on only one or a few observations. That is a common logical fallacy known as a "hasty generalization".
  23. I've met an Indian who is stupid, you are an Indian, therefore you are stupid. Same kind of logic, so would you agree with my conclusion?
  24. You can still simplify it. See export of a Maple worksheet. So the extremum is at [math]x = \frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{P+EC+EP}{P}[/math] [attachment deleted by admin]
  25. Well, it's still the same. Substitute u into m. Optionally, simplify. Then find the derivative of m. Solve for dm/dx=0.
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