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Everything posted by BillyBoB

  1. this is alot of work but it is possible. to tell you the truth nobody here is going to do it for you especially if its a class you are doing it for. if you learn some php you can prob start. but nobody here will do it all for you... sorry we just help fix problems mostly
  2. is there a reason you guys are using two different tags??? you use html (<a>) then you use bbcode ([/url]) ??? this doesnt make any sense
  3. the only thing i could think of is that it isnt setting the varibles right i really dont know why is the else memberstatus = 0?
  4. can i see this function at work and where u use it in the code?
  5. add a whole new table with id rank text (username or userid) userid if you use it
  6. add rank to a db table then 1=admin 2=moderator 3=member so on then use the numbers to refer to their rank
  7. you could try to use p.php?hash=login#login ??? i dont really know anyway else
  8. id say you have your sites mixed up why does it make your eyes hurt the red one?
  9. the only way i can think of doing that would be using the forum db and build around it
  10. you could use a iframe mine always work try: <iframe src=\"steps.php\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" frameborder=\"1\"></iframe> i dont know your desired width and height
  11. please mark this as solved
  12. can you take a screenshot of this and tell me your resolution and browser type?
  13. um you should look into this little thing called diversity before saying the logo doesn't go with the navigation buttons..... white and dark blue make a great scheme
  14. also this is quite a clean looking layout but it doesnt make sense to have 3 different types of styled layouts on one site.....
  15. all of the pages work without the np=blah except they have a 7 infront of the Previous
  16. BillyBoB


    that would be a good way too...
  17. that helped the footer but what about the other stuff?
  18. or you could do somin like: $h= 0; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images"); while($array = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $images[$h] = $array[name]; $h++; } $num = rand(0,$h); echo("<img src=\"images/$images[$num]\" />"); That should work
  19. BillyBoB


    ok look i will explain exactly what you should need: for the first part the () words: $words = array('word1','word2','word3'); ok now for the random part: $selection = $words[rand(0,count($words)-1)]; tada now just take $selection and use it...
  20. The site I am working on is called Anime Blog Site we currently have 2 templates I would like to get opinions on both and then tell me which one you like the best... http://animeblogsite.com and http://topgamingteam.net the animeblogsite.com is further developed because that is the one we were working on first so i just have to transfer the php
  21. BillyBoB


    thorpe you are genius man thats pretty great work
  22. im sorry im not going to help you this time because you need to first shorten your scripts just remove the parts that you think we dont need and the parts that you have finished and bug free.... and you need to use the code tag its the little button that has a # in it next to the quote and printer looking thing it really wouldnt be bad but you double posted without putting either one of them in the code tag
  23. BillyBoB


    why do you think that??? you could do like: <?php $verb = array('walked','ran','skipped','jogged'); $adj = array('orange','red','blue','yellow'); $noun = array('computer','sign','door','wall'); echo "I ". $verb[rand(0,3)] . " to the market and saw a " . $adj[rand(0,3)] . " toy car so i stole it and threw it at the " . $noun[rand(0,3)]; ?> always an interesting outcome
  24. i dont know if this makes any difference but i would try using the code like ImageCreateFromGif this is what i do on my site
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