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Everything posted by BillyBoB

  1. wtf? Okay first of all every one of my posts has been a real bug. This is just how I work. When I find a bug I report it. And I'm pretty sure I've found every serious vulnerability in the beta test section of phpfreaks.com. I guess if you want you can report me and I'll see what the mods think of my posting. :-\ The mods will not think very well of your behavior its double posting it doesnt matter if its all legit info you can just edit the first post...... its not like you need these to go in order when you post like that you are just trying to get the maximum post
  2. Actually it's worse than that, the Admin CP is blocked but you can actually edit the admin profile. And if you change the password you can get full access to the Admin CP. actually its worst than that as long as you are logged in and edit the admins profile then click admin cp it will let you in
  3. Your welcome please mark this post as resolved found on the bottom of the page
  4. next time please use the bbcode Code tag please its the # button when you post <form name="form2" method="post" action="showcategory.php"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="17%"><FONT color=#000000><strong><font color="#000000" size="2" >SEARCH</font></strong></FONT></td> <td width="31%"><input type="text" name="keyword"></td> <td width="24%"><select name="cid"><option value="all">All Categories</option> <? $cats=mysql_query("select * from sbwmd_categories where pid=0"); while($rst=mysql_fetch_array($cats)) { ?> <option value="<? echo $rst["id"]; ?>"><? echo $rst["cat_name"]; ?></option> <? }//end while ?> </select></td> <td width="28%"><input type="submit" name="Submit2" value="Go" class="input"></td> </tr> </table> </form>
  5. I can also edit anyone's profile from the userlist then click username i deleted your real name just to show you
  6. agentsteal im reporting you for quad posting you 8x posted in the last thread i saw you in sorry
  7. can i see the full coding you have now?
  8. agentsteal just to tell you there is a thing in the rules about double posting and you like 8x posted .... wow
  9. After reading a Post the New text doesnt go away More: i quoted you http://www.evillair.net/sourcebb/messages.php?forum=1&id=4 and it brought me to http://www.evillair.net/sourcebb/messages.php#0 i began to type my message and entered it in it took me http://www.evillair.net/sourcebb/messages.php?forum=&id= after i was done some how i replyed with a blank topic There is also no way to end the quote code.... if a member does not have rights to edit a message i get the error Fatal error: Call to undefined function: errorrights() in /home/.pudge/evillair/evillair.net/sourcebb/edit_message.php on line 83 thats VVVV http://www.evillair.net/sourcebb/edit_message.php?id=6 Last for now but not least i can create a member name Guest lol
  10. first please use the code tags [ code ] it has a button on the message page its a # <?php if (!$name) { include("search.php"); include("navbar.php"); echo ""; echo " "; echo "No search term given."; exit(); } else { $namen = explode(" ", $name); $namenlen = count($name); if ($namenlen == 1) { include("connectdb.php"); $q = mysql_query("SELECT tags FROM Searching WHERE `tags` = $namen") or die(mysql_error()); //then for each match do $i=0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) { $i++; echo $row[$i]; } } else {} } ?> try that code not many coding errors but the $i is creating a loop that doesnt go up till all the $row's are echoed
  11. Please just try to do the ob_start(); then tell me if it works or not
  12. sorry if i misslead you but the query should be $query2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM post WHERE time_posted>($time-(60*4)) AND posted_by = '{$_SESSION['id']}'"); i might have typed it in wrong the first time but the time has to be greater than the time 4 mins ago
  13. try using ob_start() it allows you to send headers throughout the page and for the HTTP_HOST it should be $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
  14. can i see the updated php and where you are runing this at?
  15. i usually dont recommend this but try typing this before any other code: <?php ob_start(); ?>
  16. fix the query: $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE time_posted<($time-(60*4) posted_by = '{$_SESSION['id']}'"); to $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE time_posted<($time-(60*4)) AND posted_by = '{$_SESSION['id']}'");
  17. um i wouldnt make either do somin like: <?php $access = "Allow"; $i = 0; $time = time(); $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE timeposted<($time-(60*4))"); while($info = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $i++; if($i>=10) { $access = "Deny"; } } if($access="Deny") { echo("Sorry you can't post you have posted to many times."); }else{ \\go ahead } ?>
  18. Please read stickys before posting http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,37442.0.html
  19. i dont think you would want to delete them just notify them that they cant post for 20 mins but just use the time then add a certain amount of time and then check it with the current time
  20. i would think that it would be better to store it in a db just use the username or an ip
  21. start by building a db with the info that you want to store such as id, type, title, UPC, etc.... then by building a input page that inputs the info into the db
  22. session_start(); $_SESSION['logged_in'] = "no"; $_SESSION['username'] = "admin"; try that
  23. could u just do: <?php while ($row_Clients = mysql_fetch_assoc($Clients)) { ?> <tr> <td><a href="admin-client-detail.php?id=<?php echo $row_Clients['memberID']; ?>"><?php echo $row_Clients['memberID']; ?></a></td> <td><?php echo $row_Clients['lastName']; ?>, <?php echo $row_Clients['firstName']; ?></td> <td> <?php $projects = 0;?> <?php while ($row_Projects = mysql_fetch_assoc($Projects)) { ?> <?php if ($row_Projects['clientID'] == $row_Clients['memberID']) { ?> <?php echo "YES";?><?php $projects++;?> <?php } else { echo "NO"; echo $row_Projects['clientID']; }?> <?php echo $row_Projects['projectID'];?> <?php } ?> <?php echo $projects;?> </td> <td><?php if ($row_Projects['projectComplete'] == 'y') { ?> <img src="images/buttons/complete.jpg" /> <?php } else { ?> <img src="images/buttons/notcomplete.jpg" /> <?php }?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> i would recode it all but i just tried to fix what i could just try it if it doesnt work then i will code it for you
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