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Everything posted by ILYAS415

  1. Thanks im going to make the changes ASAP
  2. could av wrote that b4 every1 posted y'know
  3. I wouldnt agree on using that code... The reason your one may have come up like that vamos is because you were probably visiting the address http://website.com Also the reason why that script id dodgy is imagine the website was website.com the code would cut off four characters so it would look someting like... http://ite.com <-- notice first of characters webs have gone. I would recommend... $string="www.website.com"; $string= str_replace("www.", "", $string); Problem is that the code might create a slash in the new string. Try it out anyway
  4. Hmm the script you provided isnt all of the script is it? Because in the script you provided theres no users online thing but in your screenshots there are.
  5. What your basically trying to do is Pagination (putting results on different pages). Heres a tutorial for it... http://www.allsyntax.com/tutorials/PHP/23/Pagination-with-PHP/1.php Read through it carefully you might pick up quite a few stuff which will be useful. If you need any more help just ask.
  6. in your script when your looping for ur replies you used this... <? echo $getreplies3['author']?> Quickly check to make sure that thats right in the db. I dont think that'll fix it tho. Its definately to do with the table (html and also layout). Cant find the problem tho...
  7. I think you would use something like... <a onclick="youajaxfunctionhere(document.form.name.value);">search</a> it would depend on what you want to send thru ajax.
  8. try changing... if($page) $start = ($page - 1) * $limit; //first item to display on this page else $start = 0; to if($page) { $start = ($page - 1) * $limit; //first item to display on this page }else{ $start = 0; } Not sure if that'll make a different tho. Have a look anyway
  9. same mistake towards the end... <tr class='mainrow'><td valign='top'><? echo $getreplies3['author']?> </td><td vakign='top'>replied at <? echo $getreplies3['showtime']?> <br> you done vakign
  10. spotted a spelling mistake on the 7th line... <td vakign='top'> supposed to be valign not vakign also im not clear wat the problem is :S
  11. change... $username=trim($username); $password=trim($lpassword); to... $username=trim($_POST['username']); $password=trim($_POST['lpassword']); Then it should work. If it doesnt try changing the form action (on index page) to login.php instead of adminhome.php
  12. Have to do this... <select name="choice"> <option value="masterruby">Master Ruby(s)</option> <option value="master">Master(s)</option> </select> You need to add a name attribute to the select tag. This is what you get thru php... <? $get= $_POST['choice']; //the ouput of this will be the value of the option selected in the select box ?>
  13. instead of... $important=$getthreads3[important] try using... $important=$getthreads3['important']; As you can see i aded a semi colon to the end of the variable and also added those small quotes around important
  14. ummm fix the loop? or just show us the code and we will help u fix? Also you can block certain senders from sending you messages on outlook i think.
  15. try... <tr <?php if($important == 1){ echo "bgcolor='#993399'"; } else { echo "bgcolor='#F2F2F2'"; } ?> class='mainrow'><td width="3%"> that should definately work
  16. for the links bit when ur using link1_1 thing... i would recommend doing something like... <? for ($i=1; $i<=20; $i++){ $link= $link$i; ?> <a href="'.$link_$i.'">'.$title1_1.'</a> <br> <? } ?> well couldnt complete it because im in a rush. sorry. Also look up creating files in directories... http://www.tizag.com/phpT/filecreate.php
  17. try putting the hidden input outside the select box. thats probably why.
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