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Everything posted by RichardRotterdam

  1. does $refid have a value? try to echo $reqid to see if it does. also echo out the query to see what the query looks like
  2. edit: sorry you were trying to get the id didn't read well you could do a query with the session data you have
  3. something like (you dont need id parameters you have those in your session) <a href="profile.php">check profile</a> on your profile.php you get the user data with a query <?php session_start(); $regid=(int)$_SESSION['regid']; $query="select from users where user_id={$regid}"; ?>
  4. the * characters shouldnt be there maybe that was comment you pasted ?
  5. If you use a session why would you attach the user id as url param? What does your query look like if you are going to display info you'll have to fetch it first. Or do you just need the session data?
  6. are you confusing php unlink with mysql maybe?
  7. Because the variable will be reset each time the page gets viewed, you have to store the amount of times a page has been visited externally. This could be a in simple text file or a database.
  8. are you sure there are no javascript errors? this part doesn't look like it will not cause any errors <script type="text/javascript"> $(".carousel").jCarouselLite({ * btnNext: ".next", * btnPrev: ".prev" * }); </script>
  9. you only need one of this js files it's the same file but compressed(or not compressed) differently. What are the errors you recieve?
  10. Could be anything like you only depend on javascript validation or you might have the validation on a seperate page. just show the form code
  11. here is one using jquery with a tutorial http://jonraasch.com/blog/a-simple-jquery-slideshow and one build with mootools that uses a javascript array to build the slideshow(check the source) http://www.electricprism.com/aeron/slideshow/example1.html hope that helps
  12. Do you mind if I gave you a link of a script that does that? I remember making one from scratch one and the part where fading from one image to another was a pain in the butt to get working properly
  13. Usually what I see with javascript galleries are list elements or nested divs for example <ul> <li><img src="somethumb1.jpg" /></li> <li><img src="somethumb2.jpg" /></li> <li><img src="somethumb2.jpg" /></li> </ul or <div id="gallery"> <div><img src="somethumb1.jpg" /></div> <div><img src="somethumb2.jpg" /></div> <div><img src="somethumb3.jpg" /></div> </div> something like that is easily created with a php loop. Then you can use javascript to build a gallery from it.
  14. You probably forgot a semicolon before the line you posted. can you show the code before that?
  15. you could use a RTE (rich text editor) javascript
  16. I think you will still need c or c++ to communicate with the sensor. You could write a desktop app that receives signals from the sensor and stores it to a mysql (or any db). then as second application you build a php driven website that reads the same database as the c++ application
  17. just keep it in mind next time It is a interesting project though. You could simply have a <select>menu with all the persons currently stored in the database on that person edit page. <select> <option spous_id="2">Julie</option> <!-- etc --> <select> after you safe that person's with the partner relation. Later you can make it a bit more user friendly with ajax if you like.
  18. an easy way is to create an array with error messages if the error array is empty then don't do the action for example $errorMessages=array(); if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ //check field 1 if($_POST['field1']=="") //add error to array $errorMessages[]="field1 is empty"; } //check field2 if($_POST['field2']=="") //add error to array $errorMessages[]="field2 is empty"; } } //the error array is empty i guess its safe to do something now if(sizeof($errorMessages)==0){ //Do something }
  19. What happens if you put UPDATE testimonial SET Website = 'http://www.imagesbytroy.com', Date = 'January 24, 2009', Testimonial = 'test' WHERE Client = 'imagesbytroy' in mysql query browser or phpmyadmin
  20. shouldn't $conn = mysql_connect(HOST, DBUSER, PASS) or die('Could not connect !<br />Please contact the site\'s administrator.'); be before you use mysql_real_escape_string()? I usually get an error if i don't do that
  21. here's your help http://www.phpfreaks.com/page/forum-rules It's under VARIOUS THINGS NOT TO DO
  22. It is indeed javascript related. I think you just needed the right search keyword. try searching for "javascript modal" here are some posts I made earlier about that subject http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,210459.0.html http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,193208.0.html
  23. in that case that what I said was pretty close only that you probably want to have ABC(nerve) to be exactly maxABC(maxNerve) when it exceeds maxNerve. But which part do you not understand? And isn't this just more mysql related? update users set ABC=ABC+5 where ABC< maxABC
  24. Is this what you are saying? (your table structure) players: nerve int(11) maxnerve int(11)
  25. Yes you do thats what both these guys have been telling you
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