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Everything posted by RichardRotterdam

  1. Which part you dont understand?
  2. do you mean enlarge in a modal/popup or just replace the image with a larger one(which would mess up your layout) maybe you could use something like this http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/
  3. Don't have IE right now so can't test it but maybe its the ; character you need to remove or try #000000 function clearBox(id){ document.getElementById(id).setAttribute('value',''); document.getElementById(id).setAttribute('style','color: #000000'); }
  4. a more a complete list over here http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,217156.0.html and about prototype and scriptaculous. You usually use those 2 togheter where scriptaculous is the effect library
  5. Using all 3 is a bit pointless using just one would be enough since you can achieve the same thing with all of these frameworks. I wouldn't call any of these bad though they all just aim for different things. mootools main goal is to be easy for OO developers while being as small as possible in file size jQuery is focused on CSS for the selectors which makes it the best choise for designers and prototype looks very much like mootools only bigger in filesize as for compressing. you can download all these frameworks as compressed files
  6. are you maybe trying to create a loop with links <script type="text/javascript"> var numlinks=10; for(var i=0;i<numlinks;i++){ document.write('<a href="1.php?photo_id='+i+'">link</a><br />'); } </script> sss</a>
  7. how are you trying to run your pl file(assuming it has a .pl extention) are you trying to run it from your localhost calling it on your webbrowser or run it in a terminal/cmd
  8. this is one I found there are more out there try a search on javascript querystring get http://www.bloggingdeveloper.com/post/JavaScript-QueryString-ParseGet-QueryString-with-Client-Side-JavaScript.aspx
  9. Hi, Is there anyone that knows some links how to properly build yaml files for doctrine. I want to know about the datatypes and the relations. thnx
  10. I think this link can help you out http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/php/2004/01/15/simplexml.html I am guessing that your xml data is only a part of the total. is that the total structure of the xml file or is modellijn nested?
  11. It's jQuery they have a more css approach compared to mootools and prototype. just include the jquery.js
  12. this page includes an ip regular expression http://www.regular-expressions.info/examples.html I'm sure you can find some domain validation function if you google it up. writting it yourself isn't that hard either
  13. maybe you could just use shuffle to randomize an array list and then call them from the start till end
  14. this is what i found when searching for actionscript 3 xml. http://www.gotoandlearn.com/play?id=64 That one should help you on your way
  15. these are just two relevant link on this forum there are more http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,194820.0.html http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,201206.0.html the solmetra thing I've havent seen before but it looks pretty damn good
  16. this <div class="headerimg"><img src="http://www.pmcsravenstone.com/includes/header_image.php" alt="myimage" id="myimg" /></div> should be <div class="headerimg"><img src="<?php echo($imageUrl);?>" alt="myimage" id="myimg" /></div> and the following code should be above that(either with an include or in the page itself) <?php $domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $imgUrl = "http://www.pmcsravenstone.com/media/"; switch ($domain) { case "webdesign.pmcsravenstone.com": $imgUrl .= "web.png"; break; case "dental.pmcsravenstone.com": $imgUrl .= "dental.png"; break; case "family.pmcsravenstone.com": $imgUrl .= "family.png"; break; case "fun.pmcsravenstone.com": $imgUrl .= "fun.png"; break; default: $imgUrl .= "bridge.jpg"; break; } ?>
  17. readup on ajax articles it should solve your problem
  18. because you are checking the domain to see what image you need to set. the following code switch ($domain) means check what value is inside the domain The way you had it made it check what image you had to determine what image you need the dot notation means add example(test it to see what happens) <?php $imgUrl="http://www.pmcsravenstone.com/media/"; $imgUrl.="image.png"; echo($imgUrl);//this will give http://www.pmcsravenstone.com/media/image.png ?> or you could say its short for <?php $imgUrl=$imgUrl."image.png"; ?>
  19. it's because you're not using your quotes right change <?php echo "<tr bgcolor='#FFFFFF' onMouseOver='bgr_color(this,'#FF0000')' onMouseOut='bgr_color(this,'#FFFFFF')'>"; ?> to <?php echo "<tr bgcolor='#FFFFFF' onMouseOver=\"bgr_color(this,'#FF0000')\" onMouseOut=\"bgr_color(this,'#FFFFFF')\">"; ?>
  20. You can't edit your first post anymore only a forum administrator can. It does not have to do anything with your problem but it could create one if someone decided to hack your server. also your problem is not really php related. I suggest you look in your browser source to see what goes wrong and check for javascript errors
  21. indeed why use the vanilla js way when jQuery has a great way of dealing with ajax. I think you should check the ajax documentation of jQuery and especially the working examples. http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax the js fade fx you can add after the succes event. this way you don't have to parse js and place js in your results.php. I recommend using the succent event and not parsing any js. in your case it would be bad practices even. also look into the domready event so you can place all your js code in your head
  22. I noticed you have this in your code <?php $imgUrl="http://www.pmcsravenstone.com/media/"; ?> does that mean thats the folder where all images are? if that is so change the lines where you give $imgUrl a value like so: $imgUrl="some.png"; to(add the dot) $imgUrl.="some.png"; that way your image url will always be absolute
  23. a popup will always open in the users IP since the browser runs on the users computer not the server.
  24. to point you a little more into the right direction try the following code <?php $domain=$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; echo($domain); ?> run that on the different subdomains. the values should be different so you can use that like so <?php $domain=$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; echo($domain); //your image url $imgUrl=""; if($domain=="yoursubdomain1"){ $imgUrl="image1.jpg"; }elseif($domain=="yoursubdomain2"){ $imgUrl="image2.jpg"; } ?> you can also use a switch statement which would tidier but I think you get the idea
  25. actually closing it or not depends on the doc type if it is html 4 then it correct the way he did it if it is xhtml then it should be closed
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