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The Little Guy

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Posts posted by The Little Guy

  1. - Query optimizer :: analyzes your queries and database to optimize queries.

    - Hack Testing Site :: (Safely tests sites for security issues) You give it a website and it tries to hack it. It then Emails you the results, and how you can fix the issue.

    - Categorizer :: Give it a document and it assigns 1 or more categories to it (Science, Math, English, Programming, etc.). Sub-Categories would be cool too.

    - Niche Search Engine :: A search engine that searches a persons niche.

    - rock paper scissors lizard spock


    That is all I can think of ATM

  2. I'd go with Red or Green (not both) as a primary color, and keep the blue accents. It looks like a spam-site landing page. You know one of those "search pages" with links, on a domain that got snatched up.


    The tweet at the top says "Contains 542 different stopwords or noise words!" What does that mean?


    I would try changing the font size difference between a header and text to be much more different. (larger headers).


    Categories/Tags especially in a cloud.


    I chose green, I kinda like it, but maybe a different color green and I would like it more... What are your thoughts?


    The tweet you saw had to do with a conversation.


    The fonts are bigger. If I go any bigger some will wrap to a second line (some spots that's fine others it is not).

  3. (And Pikachu2000 has helped me a million times on this board, it seems.  Best to listen to his advice :) )


    And yet you only have 204 posts ;)



    You could try something like this:


    header("Refresh: 5; Admin.php");
    echo "<script language='javascript'>alert('FreeExam database backed up successfully');</script>";

  4. Absolutely hate the twitter feed right below the header. Why are you giving so much priority to that? At least make it so the user can close it


    We were actually thinking of getting rid of that and putting a tag cloud, or categories (mysql, math, images, etc.) there. What would you think of that?


    Judging by the home page, I find it difficult to navigate. Where is the main navigation? Categories? Can't really go any further because most of the links are returning 404s.


    The main nav is now icons on the top right, letter searching is to the right of the searchbar. Which links return 404's?


    I think the new site needs more color.


    I have been trying to find more colors to use, but I can't find anything. I have tried orange, but my co-worker says it looks too much like Halloween colors. Any Suggestions?

  5. Another option:


    function checkDateFormat($date){
    @list($m, $d, $y) = explode("/", $date);
    if(empty($m) || empty($d) || empty($y) || !checkdate($m, $d, $y))
    	return false;
    return true;

  6. why can't you do it on your first query? You can do it without distinct by doing:


    create table lat_long (coord_id int unsigned primary key, lat decimal(18, 9), long decimal(18, 9));
    create unique index lat_long (lat, long) on lat_long;
    insert ignore into lat_long (coord_id, lat, long) select id, lat, long from cities;


    How this works....

    1.) First we create our table (you probably already have that)

    2.) Next we add a unique index on lat, long so we don't have any duplicates (used for the "ignore" on the following line).

    3.) Finally we select every thing from cities and insert into lat_long, if the lat, long is already in there don't insert again (hence "ignore")

  7. Try this:


    $ScreenWidth = "undefined";
    echo <<<JS
    $ScreenWidth = $_GET['Width'];
    } else {
    $ScreenWidth = 235;
    echo "Screen width = $ScreenWidth";

  8. Hi


    I'm not familar with "insert ignore" function. what does "ignore" do?


    What it will do is it will insert into the database, but if there is a duplicate it will "ignore" the insert. aka the insert won't happen. so, lets say their is a unique index on the "email" column.


    msyql_query("insert ignore into users (first, last, email) values ('$first', '$last', '$email')");
    $id = (int)mysql_insert_id();
    if($id > 0){
    // Value was inserted
    // Value was not inserted, duplicate was found

  9. lets say for kicks and giggles Google goes down, or is taking a long time to respond making the page come to a halt, and say my site is using one of their JavaScript files. The page now has to wait until the browser decides to give up and continue on.


    I don't know if you have ever seen this, but some times when you load a page in Chrome it says "waiting for etc1.static.domain.com" and the page just sits there because the site is down, or has too much traffic and nothing else loads (I have seen this issue with Twitter). If there was a time out of like 10 seconds we wouldn't have to wait 60 seconds for the page to decide that it can not load that item.

  10. Is there a header that tells the browser to wait for connections to images/js/css/etc for a certain number of seconds, then if the file doesn't respond then cancel/close the request/retrieval?

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