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Everything posted by ardyandkari

  1. hello. i was wondering how a php page calls pages to itself... what i mean is this: i have a contact form. when i submit information to the form, i basically want a new page to be up, but the page should still be contact.php. i have seen it done in shopping carts and stuff...now i want to figure it out to use on my site. does it have something to do with includes or something? thanks a lot. ardy
  2. uninstalled when my laptop went to crap...(i would use with a more powerful computer)...but i was using the most recent versions (as of 2 months ago)
  3. That's keyword stuffing. That might just get you banned instead. only if you over use the keywords...the guy i was talking to said that if you only use each keyword once, you will be ok. more than that is spamming or something... granted this is coming from a guy that is selling a product, but the lady that purchased the service is pleased...it seems to work too...
  4. there are more on other pages too.... now, let me ask you... Who r3ally Cares??? not the feds... If you want to have errors in your code which force people to add automatically error checking and correction for every possible error you could make, thus significantly bloating and slowing down and decreasing the stability of all popular browsers, then by all means, continue to put up invalid code. If not, then make sure that your code is standards compliant. The W3C validator makes this extremely easy to do. Judging by your "grammar" (or extreme lack there-of) I'm guessing that you are one of those people that simply does not care whatsoever how horrible what they say and write is, as long as it is possible to decipher, so my wisdom is probably falling on death ears. But at least I tried obviously you didnt read my second post in this thread (although it wasnt necessary)...maybe before you go and be a jerk you should read everything that is said... the fact that i was commenting on was that government page which was advocating compliance to standards was not following its own advice...before making a comment stop and think about what you will say...
  5. i am sorry...your post is super hard to understand... please dont use run-on sentences...they make it super hard to read. separate ideas with periods (.). please. also, posting the form or the code would help a lot.
  6. just make a gif of a button and use it like this: <a href="Administration.php"><img src="submit.gif"></a>
  7. <table width="60%" height="538" border="1" bordercolor="#000000"> <tr> <td height="533" align="left" valign="top" bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <p align="left"><strong> <div align="center"></div> <form action="http://www.geekinc.info/Themes/default/feedback.php" method="post"> <div align="left"> <table width="521" height="471" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="7" cellspacing="2" bordercolor="#000000" summary="feedback form"> <tr> <td width="50">Name:</td> <td width="437"> <input type="text" name="name" size="50" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="52">Email address:</td> <td><input type="text" name="email" size="50" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="295" colspan="2"> Message <br /><blockquote><textarea name="comments" cols="50" rows="15"> </textarea> <br>(Please be as detailed as possible).</blockquote> <div align="center"> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit Question" /> </div></td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </table> </div> </form> <div align="left"> <p></p> </div> </strong></td> </tr> </table> try this, i think that it will work.... you do have an html editor, dont you??? i just changed some very minor things to get this...
  8. ardyandkari

    IE and FF

    the problem here stems from ignorance...sure microsoft made a low end product, but what do you expect...now, with a good portion of people being computer illiterate, they will just use ie because it came packaged with the computer. they may not know where to go to find ff... the point is not to just build for ff, try to make the page look nice in ie too...especially if you are selling products... a good majority of people are probably viewing the page on ie.
  9. http://wordsmith.org/anagram/ go here...it is an anagram creator...fun and functional...
  10. another way is to try typing: http://www.mysite.com/INDEX.HTM(or whatever your root file is.) linux WILL NOT pick up capitalized letters, where i have had no problems with windows doing so......
  11. i had the "pleasure" of talking to an internet optimization guy for a customer for a while...i did learn some stuff though. put 3-5 keywords in the title. dont put anything else your site is about cats??? <title>cat, persian, mouser</title> something like that... also, seperate with commas and spaces, google is the only one that will accept just spaces ***or so i am told*** put in meta tags the same way, only use 15 to 20 keywords or so... also, make keywords specific to what you do... submit your site to any major or minor search engine at least once a month but no more than twice a month. ***google and probably other search engines use a point counting system where each listing on a search engine counts as a point. the more points you can rack up the better... sorry for any misspellings...been up working all night like usual.
  12. once again...this assumes that the server is set up to parse html files for php... it is just easier to save the file as php...
  13. i think what you want is to change the height... it looks like this: <table height="100%">
  14. i used dvdfab decrypter (the free version) to rip my dvds and used handbrake (open source and free) to compress them. worked great, except i think my laptop went nuts from all of the dvds stuck on it...
  15. yes thank you... the affiliates is for people we will be signing up to help sell...not just template crap.
  16. it is basically finished...i believe that the only thing that i really need is the logo, which is going to be the same color scheme... i have just one question though...why is it that when someone who has nothing on their page except the logo and a box where something will eventually go comes here for a critique, you might say, hey why dont you put more on the site? but then you give that person a critique anyways, where i come on with an almost completely finished site, just detail work now nothing big, and people just say, "finish it, then we'll critique"... whats up with that???
  17. hey could you guys/ladies whatever go over to http://www.biotechair.com? this is my new site. still a little unfinished, but for the most part it is done. working on site logo now, but still need to get it okayed by the owner. it was a template purchased from ecommercetemplates.com, so there wasnt too much fiddling with colors and whatnot, please give me your honest opinions. thanks
  18. i cannot...it was purchased through ecommercetemplates.com sorry if you want to buy it it is only 150 dollars (us) it comes with the template and all of the scripts to run. fully customizable... i am very pleased with it myself. sorry again.
  19. its pretty dark...which may be good or bad. if you look around at the web, you will see that most pages fit into the category of "white with a splash of color". you might look at it as "hey, i am sticking out on the internet as opposed to all of these other sites that all look the same..." or you might look at it as "hey, i am sticking out like a sore thumb...and nobody likes a sore thumb...." work on it, and i will check back once in a while... oh yea. the bottom of the page gets discombobulated on my machine...it looks like the bottom table or row is slid all the way over to the left.
  20. looks nice. just keep fiddling, change stuff if it bugs you, if you want you can pm me with questions...
  21. ok...i purchased a shopping cart script online...so far it works beautifully except on the index page. please look at http://www.biotechair.com the php/mysql errors there only show up on that page. that is a mini cart. if you click on the about tab at the top you can see a working mini cart... i didnt program this at all, this was purchased as a whole bundle...just some modification of the html and using the admin panel... if you need the code, just ask...but i checked and it is the same on both pages...just an include to the mini cart php...
  22. in the change settings table, make the widths consistant (ie. <table><tr><td width="25%">blah blah</td><td width="75%">the rest</td></tr></table>) also...not in the area under the date, but under welcome to your account, add this code into your <td> tag: valign="top" that will make the information appear at the top of the table instead of being in the middle...
  23. definately a lot better... now i will say, "hey...nice site!" yellowbox.php looks distorted... also if you have a return to help topics link on one page...you should have it on all the list gets smaller...nice job
  24. never mind...im retarded hey...all you new guys out there READ DOCUMENTATION VERY WELL!
  25. im sorry, i thought that from the subject of the topic it was obvious, but here i go... it is an image rotator that cycles through any type of image in the specified folder. it can also do html, and other items, so as to serve up a random page...but that is not what i want....also, this is a downloaded script from dynamic drive....took out the extra code so as to save on space....
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