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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Try: RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off I don't believe an operator is valid in there (may be wrong though). If not, temporarily enable the rewrite log and check what error you're getting.
  2. Everything the framework can do, there's nothing special about them. They're written using normal PHP code, by people that (generally) know what they're doing. The only difference is that someone's done all the thinking, programming and testing for you, which is the whole point of a framework. It frees you up to concentrate on the features of the application. Obviously the first time you use a framework that's probably not the case, because you'll constantly be referencing the API documentation. Once you're comfortable with it though you can knock features out really quick. As mentioned though, before you jump into a framework it's worth gaining at least a basic knowledge of OOP.
  3. What big, successful companies do you see using a Wordpress site full of plug-ins? Some may have started out that way, but at some point the time will come when it's necessary to upgrade the platform for one of many different reasons; be it performance, customisability, advanced features, internationalisation, etc. That's where the industry professionals come in. You can scrape together a living slotting a bunch of plug-ins together and getting paid peanuts for it (because as you say anyone can do it), or actually invest a lot of time into developing your knowledge that will eventually earn you a lot of money.
  4. You realise kidneys extract waste from the blood right? If bleach had gotten into its eyes, and into its blood stream, the kidney would deal with it. (I believe that's right anyway, I'm no biologist.)
  5. What do you have against PDO?
  6. So you did spray your cat with bleach?
  7. Did you 'lick it a little' before or after you started spraying it daily?
  8. I can't see bleach giving it a funny neck. It there was enough bleach in there to do damage, I'm sure it would have gone blind first.
  9. A vice and some weights.
  10. Well that's not actually Firebug. Admittedly though Firefox's default developer tools are getting much better. The 3D layering is pretty good, but I've not found a use for it yet. In terms of GUI, Firefox's tools may look a little better on the eyes, but there's nothing wrong with Chrome's. Chrome's has more functionality though, so it wins IMO.
  11. I don't think there's anything in Firebug that's not in Chrome's developer tools?
  12. I've had a hair cut, but should still be recognizable
  13. Well work's paying for us to go so it doesn't cost me anything. £115 is pretty steep, but I bet what you learn is worth it. Be interesting to meet up with someone from here though.
  14. Yeah I think that's a bit of an excessive journey. I'm going with some guys from work. I'll try to get some pictures, but imagine there will be plenty on the site afterwards.
  15. Is anybody attending PHP NW this year? http://conference.phpnw.org.uk/phpnw12/
  16. Please do not make any effort to make it PHP4 compatible. As the author of the app you can add whatever dependencies you want, so long as you make them clear. You may need to consider your target audience however, and the server set-up they're likely to have, but even most shared hosts support PHP5 these days. Perhaps even the majority are on 5.3 now (maybe). What do you mean by "3rd Party PHP modules", in relation to a framework?
  17. Just to be sure, is your production server Windows-based?
  18. Welcome gec100! Good luck
  19. You can view the headers, but not 'tamper' with them. Anything like that I would use Charles for though anyway, which can do a lot more.
  20. You need to update the PHP module used by Apache. The module's compiled, so when you update PHP you need to re-compile it to use the new version.
  21. I think he may have sussed it after 3 months
  22. Don't think I've ever heard a better reason to switch to Chrome.
  23. I doubt such a tool exists, and if there is I doubt it's reliable. TL-SQL has features MySQL does not, and vice versa. These go beyond switching one keyword for another, and when you factor in differences in each language across their versions, it's just not feasible. Such a migration requires a developer or DBA to do it manually.
  24. PEAR's essentially just a group of PHP files (kind of a mini-framework) stored on the web server, with a command line package manager. If you're on a shared host it's possible (probably likely) that it's not been upgraded for a while, though it's also perfectly possible it's fully up to date, but the MDB2 package has just never been fixed. As I said, take a look at the PDO extension. PEAR is pretty out dated now. If you have access to the database server, why not just create the database yourself?
  25. You're getting the deprecated notices because you're using an old PEAR package, that hasn't been updated in over two years (assuming you're even using the latest version). PHP has changed in that time, and although they aren't the cause of the issue here, you really should switch to a better, up to date database abstraction layer like PDO. Eventually those notices will turn to fatal errors. There error here is that the user you're connecting with doesn't have read access to the database specified in "DATABASE_BASE".
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