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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Also you're getting that error because array_replace_recursive() is only available in PHP v5.3 and later.
  2. That's not what I posted before. The parameter in the constructor accepts an array of options, not an array with an 'options' key containing an array of options. Structure of yours: array( "options" => array( "upload_dir" => ROOT.DS.'files'.DS.'newDire' ) ) Mine: array( "upload_dir" => ROOT.DS.'files'.DS.'newDire' )
  3. if ($options) { $this->options = array_replace_recursive($this->options, $options); } This condition checks if you passed any $options to the constructor method, and if so replaces them in $this->options. So although you do originally define the 'upload_dir' key, the call to array_replace_recursive() overwrites it.
  4. // At construction $upload_handler = new UploadHandler(array( 'upload_dir' => '....' )); // After $upload_handler->options['upload_dir'] = '...';
  5. or maybe we should let the OP answer my question first. Why? Silkfire made a good suggestion.
  6. if ('2012-01-03' == '2012-1-3') {
  7. Can't really say more than scootstah; once you've learnt how to insert and retrieve from a database you have the essentials to create a blog. Any additional features or 'dynamic functionality' are all extras you will learn in time.
  8. To be honest this year ended in tragedy.. but I hope this a good, fresh new year for all!
  9. Should be "->", not "=>" to access object properties and methods.
  10. What exactly do you have 100 switch cases against? You're doing something wrong, or should I say there's a much better way of doing it. Edit Also I work in a development team, and whatever files you're working on, the use of version control takes away of lot of those problems. Again, if you're having a lot of troubles, you're doing something wrong.
  11. Since the more robust DOM extension also requires you to provide the URI of the namespace, not the namespace prefix, I'm guessing there's a reason. What comes to mind is probably that you can define a namespace for a sub-element without a prefix, that would make it impossible to distinguish one from the other. So my guess is it's to prevent any ambiguity.
  12. Just to add to Maq's post, to use the dialog() widget you need to also include the jQuery UI library (core + Dialog widget).
  13. QuickOldCar: you don't need to use github (or a remote repo in general) to use Git (or other version control software). You can just maintain a local repository.
  14. This looks like a decent little colour pick jQuery plug-in. Never used it myself though.
  15. Did you just agree with yourself then?
  16. It's not just images, it's any external resources the page needs; JS, CSS, favicon, etc.
  17. Why don't you just use mysqldump? That was the first question that came to mind when I started looking at that software, until I saw: It's just aimed at the average Joe wanting to back-up his database on a shared server.
  18. Since the decimal is basically 'point x of one', you just need to find out how many times it goes into 1: 1 / 0.0015625 = 640
  19. I don't understand why you're going to so much trouble for a count() of users? You can do it with the query you had already, minus the where condition: SELECT count(userID) FROM jos_backoffice_users Slightly off-topic.. Just to let you know, the way you're using prepared statements is wrong. The variables in a statement should be bound to the statement object separately, and then executed. This means you can then re-execute or bind new variables to the same statement, re-using the server's execution plan with a huge improvement in efficiency. The way you're doing it right now is constructing a new statement for each unique query, completely bypassing the point.
  20. Ahh, sorry. Saw rank and got page rank in my head. While I can't guarantee how correct accurate this will be (results can change between users based on country and such), you could try GoogleRankings.
  21. You can get plug-ins for Chrome/Firefox: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hbdkkfheckcdppiaiabobmennhijkknn https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/live-pagerank/ Don't know of any for IE or the others, but I dare say they exist.
  22. Listen... You need to take a step back and think about what we're saying. If you already have the jQuery library included, what you're doing now is basically fudging the code to work. I don't want to help you develop bad habits, I want to help you solve the main problem here -- simply because you're causing yourself more problems which will bring you back here to get more help. I've not really read your other posts because you post way too much and are difficult to follow. Explain things clearly and keep it relevant. If you have a new issue separate to the original, please create a new thread to keep things organised and easy to follow.
  23. Then how will the user edit it afterwards?
  24. From your wonderful picture I'm guessing you're loading the content via AJAX? These pages, since they're loaded into the DOM, will be able to make use of the existing jQuery library included in the main page. You don't need to re-include it.
  25. You're approaching this completely wrong. You have jQuery at your disposal, but instead of trying to fix the issue preventing you from use it, you're over complicating it. Why does it not reach the page? Why do you have to include it directly within the page?
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