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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Take a look at this. The first log in the change history links to a plug-in you can use.
  2. array_count_values - did you even attempt to find this yourself? It was the second result on Google for "php count array".
  3. The two source codes you attached are not the same.. which explains the confusion! The problem is that you're trying to get the input by an ID it doesn't have. IE is letting you off with it and checking the name attribute instead, but every other browser is giving you an error.
  4. That certainly looks like a call to it, but where in the page source is that?
  5. ... and right they are! You don't store customer information in cookies. Why is the client advising the developer on security? -- If their data is stored in the session, why isn't it still available on their return?
  6. Yeah I've seen the function. Where is it called?
  7. Fixed a typo: $("#button").mouseup(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.hasClass('checked-highlight')) { $this.removeClass('checked-highlight').addClass('checked'); } else if ($this.hasClass('unchecked-highlight')) { $this.removeClass('unchecked-highlight').addClass('unchecked'); } });
  8. Not tested, but try this: $("#button").mousedown(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.hasClass('checked')) { $this.removeClass('checked').addClass('checked-highlight'); } else if ($this.hasClass('unchecked')) { $this.removeClass('unchecked').addClass('unchecked-highlight'); } }); $("#button").mouseup(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.hasClass('checked-highlight')) { $this.removeClass('checked-highlight').addClass('checked'); } else if ($this.hasClass('unchecked')) { $this.removeClass('unchecked-highlight').addClass('unchecked'); } }); $("#button").toggle( function() { $(this).removeClass('unchecked').addClass('checked'); }, function() { $(this).removeClass('checked').addClass('unchecked'); } );
  9. Yeah that's what I'm referring to. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with it, but the code you posted doesn't call it. Have you sent the source from an earlier/later page?
  10. showFN() is the 1,500 or so line JS function (and only JS) in the source you just posted: function showFN(ID, FNnum, LNnum) { if (ID =='0101006') {document.getElementById(FNnum).value='Steve'; document.getElementById(LNnum).value='..'; } else if (ID =='0101007') {document.getElementById(FNnum).value='Damien'; document.getElementById(LNnum).value='..'; } else // etc I'm assuming this is where the problem is?
  11. No where in the code you sent is "showFN()" called..?
  12. Couldn't you just mount the hard drive as drive X: or something, and set the document root to that?
  13. You're not sending $headers to mail(), you're sending $header. Meaning the email is rendered as plain text, because you're not passing the HTML content-type MIME header.
  14. Check if your PHP installation has the Tidy extension installed; you could use the Tidy::cleanRepair() method to fix the broken mark-up. If not and you have root access to the web server, you can install it yourself. Otherwise you might need to use a scripted solution such as this - I can't vouch for it though.
  15. The PHP you've posted heavily obfuscates the JavaScript. Can you show us the mark-up produced from the PHP (the source of the web page after it's rendered)?
  16. As nogray explained before, you're only binding the event handlers once the toggle event is called. As the user clicks the button for the first time, the mouse down/up events are bound. The handlers aren't called because the events have already happened. On the second click the mousedown/up events are called, and then new mousedown/up event handlers bound. On the third click the events already exist, so from that point on it will work as expected. Within your toggle handlers you only need to switch a class name that will alter the look and represent the checked/unchecked state. Separately (outside of your toggle handlers) you need to bind the mousedown/up events to the button, and then you can simply detect which state the button is in with hasClass() and add the right highlight class.
  17. Which part do you need help with? What have you got so far?
  18. Can you show us the outputted mark-up? No need to pick through the PHP if it's a JS issue.
  19. I would question why the developers of the third-party app chose to send requests through port 21 when 80 is the default for HTTP..? Have you asked them if it's configurable at their end?
  20. Can you not just use a DBMS like PHPMyAdmin and change it manually?
  21. As I was going to say yesterday, I think Access has confused your terminology a bit. Bound/unbound means to me whether or not the statement has variables bound to it, which is optional but irrelevant, it would still be a prepared statement. While ultimately achieving the same result, they're a different concept to standard queries. They're programmed differently and handled by the database server differently. You can't go from one to the other by not binding parameters or executing an INSERT instead of a SELECT, they're just not the same. Best cheesy comparison I can think of right now is a push-bike and a motorbike... They look fairly similar and both work to the same goal, but function very differently. Unless you're repeating the same query a lot, you probably won't notice much difference in terms of performance. The obvious benefit though is that you don't have to worry about SQL injection, and you'd also be covering yourself for future developments that may re-use the statement. If you can I would say use them unless you encounter a specific situation where you think a regular query would be better.
  22. 15 open spots with only 500MB of disk space?
  23. I would forget what you have learnt in Access terminology. While it is a loosely based SQL-package, the support for standards isn't great. A prepared (...) will finish this post off when I get home, my phone screwed it up!
  24. Sorry can you be more specific?
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