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Everything posted by elentz

  1. I got netbeans and used it to make the page, and (After the light went on)and I realized what benanamen was saying, voila it all came together and works the way I want it to. Thanks everyone for the patience and nudging in the direction I needed to go.
  2. got me on that one. I use Winsyntax for text, never trusted Notepad that much
  3. Actually nothing. I will try them out. Do either one had the head slap function for bone head entries??
  4. I didn't include the php in the code i last posted. That is working. Suggestion for a fdee ide?
  5. Here is what I have now. I think I fixed the broken tag. The table renders with 3 cols and 2 rows with borders all around. <body> <style> table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; } </style> <table> <tr> <th>Temp</th> <th>Pressure</th> <th>Humidity</th> </tr> <tr> <th>?php echo $t; ?</th> <th>?php echo $p; ?</th> <th>?php echo $hum; ?</th> </tr> </table> </body> </html> I result I get in the 1st col 2nd row ?php echo $t; ? the next ?php echo $p; ? and the last ?php echo $hum; ? The result I expect are the vaiables that print in the PHP code. I really appreciate the help
  6. Hmm, Didn't work I got ?php echo $t; ? in the cell
  7. I have a php page that gets data from several txt files. I want to take those variables and put them into a table. I don't quite know how to make it work. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" CONTENT="15" /> <title>Lentz Abode</title> </head> <?php //File to read $file = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-000004d139da/w1_slave'; //Read the file line by line $lines = file($file); //Get the temp from second line $temp = explode('=', $lines[1]); //Setup some nice formatting (i.e. 21,3) $temp = number_format($temp[1] / 1000, 2, '.', ''); $temp_f = number_format(($temp * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0),2,'.',''); $fahrenheit=$temp*9/5+32; $temp1=number_format($fahrenheit,1); print"<h4>The Kitchen Temp is: $temp1</h4>"; //*************BME280 code ******************** //Barometric PressureBME280 $pressure=file_get_contents("/var/www/html/BME280/pressure.txt"); $press=$pressure*0.0002952998751; $p=number_format($press,2); //Humidity BME280 $humidity=file_get_contents("/var/www/html/BME280/humidity.txt"); $hum=number_format($humidity/1000,2); //Temperature BME280 $temp2=file_get_contents("/var/www/html/BME280/temp.txt"); $t=number_format(($temp2 /1000 * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0),1,'.',''); print "<h4>The Barometric Pressure is: $p</h4>"; print "<h4>The Humidity is: $hum%</h4>"; print "<h4>The Temperature is: $t</h4>"; ?> <body> <style> table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; } </style> <table width="30%" <tr> <th>Temp</th> <th>Pressure</th> <th>Humidity</th> </tr> <tr> <th>$t</th> <th>$p</th> <th>%hum</th> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
  8. mac_gyver You are 100% correct, in what I want to do. It sounds like you have some history with this type of project. This project will reside on every machine I sell and will be on the same network as the phones. I am only familiar with using TFTP for provisioning the phones. If I use the http provisioning I can turn off the tftp server. There is an option to use HTTP but I do not know how it operates. As you say it might be the better way to do this with the page creating the information "on the fly" so to speak. I will have to look into how that works. I have a couple of weeks before the powers that be at my company will be breathing down my neck to roll this out. I did not pursue putting all the configuration elements into a DB. I thought it would be easier to create the files individually. I really appreciate your help in all this.
  9. Mac_gyver, Thank you for your explanation. I think I am starting to get it. Although I am wondering if I have not thought this out enough and this is not the way to achieve what I ultimately need to do. Ultimately, I need to take the extension number, and the secret and insert it into a text file that is named the template name and then rename that file the mac address.cfg. There could be 5 files to be created/appended or 105 of them. It will be dynamic. I have already figured out creating the template files and how to append them. The form I posted retrieves the extension, secret, MAC and template information from three DB tables. The Mac and the Template are then on this form I have "assigned" to each other. I thought it would be easier to insert all this into a new table. Maybe you could advise me if I should pursue the help in this thread or go another way. Thanks
  10. Here is the form code: <form action="insert.php" method="post"> <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors','On'); $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "", "") or die ('Error connecting to mysql' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("cqadmin"); $sql2 = "SELECT extension, secret from extensions;"; $result2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error()); echo "<table border='3'> <tr> <th>Extension #</th> <th>Secret</th> <th>MAC Address</th> <th>Template</th> </tr>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $sql = "SELECT id , mac FROM phones order by mac;"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); $sql1 = "SELECT id , templatename FROM templates order by templatename;"; $result1 = mysql_query($sql1) or die(mysql_error()); echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $row['extension'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['secret'] . "</td>"; echo "<td> <select name='phone'>"; while($rowA = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<option value="' . $rowA['id'] . '">' . $rowA['mac'] . '</option>'; } echo "</select></td>"; echo "<td><select name='template'>"; while($rowB = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) { echo '<option value="' . $rowB['id'] . '">' . $rowB['templatename'] . '</option>'; } echo "</select></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; ?> <input type="submit" value="Submit your selections"> </body> </html> Here is the insert.php file <?php echo "You got here"; //***********Get the Assignment information ************* $ext = $_POST['extension']; $password= $_POST['secret']; $macaddress = $_POST['mac']; $template = $_POST['template']; Echo "$ext"; Echo "$password"; Echo "$macaddress"; Echo "$template"; ?> When I hit the submit button I get "You got here" I know big deal... I know I need to use Mysqli instead of mysql as well. I am pretty sure I need to use a while loop but I do not know how to apply it to multiple rows. There will be an unknown number of rows each time this form is used. There are 4 strings of data to be inserted into the DB table each time. I put the other code in the insert file to see if I would get anything.
  11. mac_gyver, The info is in a form that the user fills out. Your third comment is what I am looking for. So an example of how to do that would be great! Thanks
  12. I have a form with a table with columns and many rows. The form uses Post and submits to an insert.php I am looking for an example of how I can insert the table info into a mysql table. I know I should use a while loop but unsure how to step through the form info. Can someone suggest or provide and example that I can follow, or a tutorial somewhere? Thanks
  13. Thanks for the direction guys!
  14. I freely admit I am pretty green in alot of this stuff. I have a php page that runs arp-scan and returns information on MAC addresses for the network. It takes 10 seconds probably. I am looking for a visual indication to tell the user that the scan is in progress. I have no idea what this is even called. Can someone point me in the direction I need to go to figure this out? Thanks
  15. Success The Notice I had was caused by this line: list($ip, $mac) = explode("\t", $host); Through some experimentation and googling I came up with this: list($ip, $mac) = array_pad(explode("\t", $host),2,null); The notice is a thing of the past. I now get both the IP and the MAC addresses of the devices in the network. Now to get it into the DB Thank you everyone for all your help!
  16. I am getting an error of: Undefined Offset: 1 on this line list($ip, $mac) = explode("\t", $host);
  17. Jacques1 That gets me pretty much what I want! Fussing with it a little I can get just the MAC address and now all I have to do is get it into my DB table.
  18. Getting closer ! Using : $deviceData = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($output)); Instead of explode I am getting : Array ( [0] => [1] => 80:82:87:03:9d:38 [2] => [3] => 80:82:87:03:d8:58 [4] => [5] => 80:82:87:03:19:f0 ) when I use print_r ($devices);
  19. When I do a chrome inspect on the page it appears just as Jacques1 has indicated, no commas, ", ' just spaces between the IP and the MAC. I am going to try preg_split and see what happens
  20. Thanks Psycho for your help. I think I uderstand what you have given me. It doesn't quite work yet. I get this error so far: Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/html/cqadmin/macfind.php on line 11 When I set a print_r $devices I get this. To me it looks like the chunking isn't figuring out how to split the $output. Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 80:82:87:03:9d:38 80:82:87:03:d8:58 80:82:87:03:19:f0 ) ) Here is the code I used for the results I got <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); $output = shell_exec("sudo arp-scan --interface=eth0 --localnet --retry 1 --timeout 50 --numeric --plain --quiet | grep -e 80:82:87"); $deviceData = explode(' ', $output); $devices = array_chunk($deviceData,1); Print_r ($devices); foreach($devices as $device) { $deviceIP = $device[0]; $deviceMAC = $device[1]; //Validate the values and then (if valid) insert/update into DB } ?> Thanks
  21. Thanks guys for the replies. The print_r is as far as I got. I needed a way to show that I was getting a result I could live with before trying to get it into a DB. I will check out the links you guys have offered. Thanks
  22. I just for some reason cannot wrap my head around this. I have this PHP code $output = shell_exec("sudo arp-scan --interface=eth0 --localnet --retry 1 --timeout 50 --numeric --plain --quiet | grep -e 80:82:87"); print_r ($output) Running this I get this on the page: 80:82:87:03:9d:38 80:82:87:03:d8:58 80:82:87:03:19:f0 This shows three devices on my network. IP address and a MAC address. I need to take that information and insert it into a db table. Can someone help me with how to accomplish this? Thanks
  23. Ok Jacques1 I get it, you are right. I think I will just use a txt file and write to that instead. I have done some testing this morning and it looks like I can create the file in the format I want. My concern now is being able to take that file and read it back to the html page that wrote it. The users might want to make changes, without starting over.
  24. Benanamen, I was unaware that the method I was using was obsolete. I will look into PDO Jacques1, For this topic the table had only two fields. The table that I was going to work with in this instance was only going to have 16 fields at most. You must be referring to a previous post of mine. For the record I broke up those 400 fields I needed into different tables. I am looking into just writing a file at this point.
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