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Everything posted by ayok

  1. Hi guys, Thank you for testing it. He is silent now. I show him your comments.. I guess he knows what's wrong now. ayok
  2. Thanks DA, I've asked my friend as well, and it works.. So what could probably wrong? I have asked my client to try it on other computer, but he keeps saying that the flash doesn't work. ??? ??? ayok
  3. I've made a flash website sometimes ago, and this client also ask this page to be search engine friendly. Well.. this is a flash website, so I need to do something. What I've done is that I used SWFObject. With swfobject I can make a normal html page which will show up when the visitor disabled the javascript or doesn't have any flash player installed on their computer. But now I've got this problem. This morning he called that he cannot open the flash in firefox.. (other browsers are ok). I've tested, and it was true. What I've done is get rid of all css style, and I don't know why it works on my laptop and PC at home. However, this client keep saying that it doesn't work. He cannot open the flash on Firefox and keep getting the html page (which is very simple). Could anybody please help me to check it out on http://www.woonmodern.nl? I cannot find out what's wrong cos it works on my firefox... but not on my client's firefox... What's happened with Firefox??! Thank you, ayok
  4. Hi, I just re-built my friend's website. Please check it and give me your feedback. Thanks, ayok
  5. Well I think it's quite usefull for newbies. Sometimes people just need a contact form for their small site and don't want to spend time on it. Instead of looking for free source, using this generator is handy. It's a good idea..
  6. I like the background. But... - i think you need padding on the footer. (i open it with opera). - i don't like the tables with border on roster page. looks like an old style website. - You should change the default font. I don't know whether you set special fonts, but it's times romans on my laptop. ayok
  7. ayok

    Web example

    Could anyone test my web on ie6/5?
  8. Hi mezise, Like this forum, if you forget your own password, you can write your email, then the script send you your password. How can you do that? Should i make two user tables? Is that why we sometimes are asked to retype password? Thanks, ayok
  9. Hi, I've got a question about user password. What I mean is that an admin table (for example) which contain passwords for all admins. I use password('password') statement to insert a password from registered form. So for example, a user has insert a new password "newpassword" it will show in mysql table as *667072648CC4B683F6292F5DB1556. The problem is, how can I view the real password if they forgot their own password? Thank you, ayok
  10. ayok

    Web example

    Hi, I've tried to add some js code, but cannot test it. Could anyone test for me? Thanks, ayok
  11. ayok

    Web example

    Oh man.. i remember that there is a problem on earlier ie with png... What can I do with it? Put it below the navigation bar? Change to gif? ???
  12. aah yes of course.. thanks, ayok
  13. ayok

    active link

    Hi God, I've tried to do #nav ul li#active { code.... } <li id="active"> but it doesn't work. #nav ul li a#active { code.... }<a id="active"> is working.. Why is that?
  14. Hi. thank you guys. I have a question regarding the links on image. How should I set link on background-image? For example i put the image in <h2 style='background-image:url(img.jpg);'>, and i want to set a link on the image shows. I've tried <a><h2></h2></a>, it works, but it's not allowed in xhtml. any advice? regards, ayok
  15. Hell with validation and coding.. the site is great from the design view.. i'm so jealous.
  16. Hi, I was you, I'd set the menu bar instead of buttons, and the blue color into darker color.. like the rollover color.
  17. ayok

    Web example

    Hi 947740, thanks for the comments. Hmm.. thanks for telling me. does it overlaping because of small screen or the image align to the left? May I know why? because too simple, or..? do you mean the space between the body and the right menu is too big? All right thanks ayok
  18. Hi, I just wonder why nowadays more people like to use background-image instead of <img src=""> for the header of their site. Is there any good reason? Because i tried and i found it easier with just using <img> tags. Thanks, ayok
  19. ayok

    active link

    aah.. i c what you mean.. Thanks for the trick. ayok
  20. You can put image to show people what is this website about..
  21. Too much gradient colors and contrast. The gradient buttons on the left are all right, i think. But the rest, in my opinion, shouldn't use gradient color. And the footer, is definitely ugly (sorry). I thought it's not the part of the layout.. (with those weird buttons). Purple doesn't match with the rest of the page. If you can, please change that ugly counters on the footer. Replace with simple ones. or just get rid of it. You can find the statistic from your hosting (i guess) or go to google statistic (something like that). The pictures are great! But I almost missed all of it because of those colors on the layout.
  22. Hi, I've got a task from a webdesign company where I apply for a job. They test me to make a layout for a company. Could anybody please comment on my example? It's done with css. No php script yet. Thank you, ayok
  23. the problem is solved as i changed the image. Thx ayok
  24. This style could apply 100% table. html, body, #wrapper { height:100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; text-align: center; } #wrapper { margin: 0 auto; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } <table id=wrapper>
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