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Posts posted by ayok

  1. Thanks Andy,


    I've tried to cut the height, but the image is even farther from the top. I've tried to position the background image to the top and it doesn't work either. It looks like there is a margin between the top navigation and the header.

  2. Hi, I've got a question.


    Is it possible to create a button or navigation menu that shows the page we are on. For example, we are on "home" page, I want to make that "home" button has different color than others, so we know that we are on "home" page.


    I have tried with a:active, but it doesn't work on firefox and the active state change if we click on anywhere. Is it also possible to make the other button, which is also "home" button if we have two "home" buttons on a page. Or I can only do it with php?


    Thank you. I hope you understand my question.



  3. Hi,


    I've got a little problem on firefox and opera which I cannot solve. Please take a look the site here. It looks fine on IE 7.


    The background-image on the top doesn't look right on Firefox and Opera. It makes a gap between the image and the top navigation menu. Please also check my css file.


    Thank you,



  4. Hello,

    Back with another problem.. ;D


    I have problem with a height in IE. I've got this css:

    <tr><td id="navigation">Home | about us | etc</td></tr>

    This height is the same height with the next cell of a table. I have no problem with other browser, but in IE the height is expanded to 10px (51px). How could this happen? How can I fix it?


    Thank you for your time.



  5. Hi,

    I have problem to escape this character in mysql. If I insert this character, then I got strange symbol as a result.

    How can I find tutorial for this? I don't even know how to search on google.





  6. Hi,

    I have another problem with firefox and javascript.

    I created a back button with javascript that will send the page back with exact page position before.

    I use this code:

    <a href='#' onClick=history.go(-1)>Back</a>


    It works in IE and opera, but what's the problem with firefox?


    thank you,



  7. Hi,

    I'm stuck in this case.


    I have a form which will insert some data's to a database, and in the next script I need to select the "id" immediately.

    Let's say I have this form:

    <input type=text name=yourname>
    <textarea name=msg></textarea>


    After submit the form, it will insert the data's to mysql:

    <?php mysql_query("INSERT INTO list(yourname,msg) VALUE('$yourname','$msg')")

    So for example a visitor fill in the form, name: John, msg: Hi, How are you?

    This input will be inserted into the database as:

    id      name      msg

    3        John      Hi, How....


    The problem is, how can I select the 'id' immediately in the same php page?

    I've try "SELECT id FROM list ORDER BY id DESC". It works, but if someone else insert a new data, then the result is different.



  8. Thanks haku I've generated a css.php file. So every div has different id.


    But I still have a little problem with ie.

    If u see the website in opera, the image on the header is align with the content.


    (see the red lines).


    But in ie, it's not. The image stay in the center.



    I have centered the #header and attach a longer image, so that I can put the "R" outside the content's width. It works on firefox and opera, but not on IE. (css)


    Damn I hate IE.




  9. Thanks haku, it works.


    Yeah I'm aware of those same id, but i haven't seen anyproblem with that. I'll try fo fix those after the website is finished.


    Or you have any solution? because those div's are generated from php. I think there should be combination php and css, isn't it?



  10. I don't understand what's happened with IE, it always show different result than other browsers.


    In firefox and opera I got this result


    This is good.


    But I got this result in IE.


    It's unacceptable.


    This is the link to the website, and css file. Any help would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you,



  11. Hi, I make a jump menu with the options based on mysql database.

    The jump menu is working, however, when it gets to the selected page, the "selected" option is back to the first page.

    This is my try:

    $payment = mysql_query("select * from payment") or die(mysql_error());
    echo"<select name=\"pay\" onchange=\"MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)\">
              <option value=''>Select method</option>";
    $amount = $_GET['pay'];
    while($pay = mysql_fetch_array($payment)){
    	echo "<option value=cart.php?pay=$pay[pay_id]";
    		echo "selected";
    	echo ">$pay[type]</option>";
    echo "</select>

    So everytime it jumps to the other pages, the selection always back to "Select method" option.

    What should I do to make the selection stay in each option selected?


    Thank you,


  12. Hi,


    I've made a form that validate the name, email address, etc. So, if a visitor submit without filling their name, an alert box will appear and the visitor must klik ok and fill in the name field. It works properly on opera and ie, but not firefox. It always return true, and go to the next page. Why?


    This is the javascript code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function valid(){
    var check_lname= document.myform.lname.value
    var check_email= document.myform.email.value
    var check_check= document.myform.agree.checked
    if (check_lname==''){
    	alert('name required')
    	return false
    if ((check_email=='') || (check_email.indexOf('@',0) == -1) || (check_email.indexOf('@',0) == -1)){
    	alert('valid email please')
    	return false
    if (check_check==''){
    	alert('You must agree.')
    	return false
    	return true

    <form method='post' name='myform' action='confirm.php' onSubmit='return valid()'>


    Could anyone help?





  13. Hi,

    I've got another problem with CSS and IE. This time, I try to style the horizontal rules with css.

    This is the css i made.



    It works in firefox and opera, but not in IE. I only got a little dot on the left.


    How can I fix it?




  14. Thanks again man..

    So the navigation bg is the bg of the #body, right? Make sense.. hey you're the man, man.

    It works.. but not in Opera.. :-\. In opera, I got no background for #body. Any idea why? Cos I only tried with bg-color, not bg-image.



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