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Everything posted by mga_ka_php

  1. but not all users enable their cookies?
  2. how do i track returning visitors? how will i know if the user is a returning visitor? i stored their ip address but ip address always changes.
  3. solve my problem. a friend of mine suggested to convert it to hex. then i get the hex of space and remove it. and it works. thank you for help guys. i appreciated your suggestions.
  4. i've been playing around with htmlentities and str_replace but still no luck.
  5. i'm downloading the data from a site. by using curl stip the xml tags and separate the each tags with a delimiter ex. <name>my name</name><address>my address</address>..... then will convert that to name:my name|#|address:my address........ then save that to our database. if i'm going to get that data, i will save it as an array so i could get the key and value. now as im researching the data. i found out that in the name, it has space before and after the name so it will be like name: my name |#| i couldn't remove that space
  6. still didn't work. i'm getting this string from database to form like this id-name-state-city-date then use that as my url for my pages got the id, name, state, city, date from a site then save it in our database
  7. from database Where is this string coming from/generated?
  8. still didn't work. this is giving me a headache.
  9. it didn't work also, i tried viewing the source and found out that the space is in how do i remove that?
  10. That's what i did, but there are still spaces left, i don't know why. is there a special character for space?
  11. how do i remove space from a string? because i'm using str_replace, there are some spaces which couldn't be removed?
  12. i'm getting information from a website using curl the data is in xml format and use preg_match to get the information like <php>content</php>, it will get content. and when i print it, it will display "content" but when i try to post it in the database when i check the database it, it will be posted as <php>content</php> what is the problem?
  13. i want to directly convert via the sql statement
  14. is it possible that i could get and convert the content of a column. example. id message 1 have a message for you last 12993234 the 12993234 is a timestamp for example. i want to have a sql statement that will get that timestamp and convert it to a date example: SELECT id, message, (statement here) AS date FROM table1 id message date 1 have a message for you last 12993234 2009-02-16 12993234 ---> 2009-02-16 the timestamp was converted to a date format of yyyy-mm-dd is that possible? if possible how do i do that?
  15. can rsync copy only new and modified files only? i want to backup my website and copy only the updated and new files because we have an account which is almost 3GB and if i do full backup that regularly it will eat so much storage space and long load for both servers. how do i accomplish that? can you specify the parameters to be used. Thanks.
  16. figured it out.thanks. what i did was SELECT siteDomain 'Site', ( SELECT COUNT(userID) FROM users WHERE (userDateRegistered BETWEEN '1231733663' AND '1231910698') AND users.siteID=sites.siteID ) 'New Members', FROM sites
  17. thinking about this sql statement SELECT a.siteDomain 'Site' FROM sites a WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(b.userID) FROM users b WHERE b.userDateRegistered between '1231513284' and '1231553482' ) can i move the COUNT(b.userID) to SELECT a.siteDomain 'Site'?
  18. still doesn't work. if i remove the WHERE result would be Site | New Members site.com | 50 site2.com | 10 site3.com | 25 result is good, it gets the total number of new members, all time but if i add the WHERE, it will not show all the sites, it will only show the sites with new members Site | New Members site.com | 50 site3.com | 25
  19. How do you correct this statement have 2 tables, sites and users, i want to view all the sites with how many members the problem with this code it only display the sites with >0 users i want to show even the 0 users Site | New Members site.com | 0 site2.com | 10
  20. how do $_GET['query'] will have value? i add echo $_GET['query'] into my index.php then go to google then entered the search phrases then click my site and it doesn't have a value how do i get that search phrase?
  21. how do i track the search phrases used by users in search engine to go to my website?
  22. how about & in new? ex. $dbConn = &New dbConn; i'm debugging the others programmer work and im not that hight level programmer
  23. what do you mean if you have @ in your variable? ex @$var1
  24. do i need to install something in a server?
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