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Everything posted by mga_ka_php

  1. how do i extract jar files into a specific folder. i could extract jar files like jar xf myjar.jar but it is always in the current folder. what if i would like to extract it into a new folder? thanks
  2. how do i remove the excess query string after i redirect it to the new url. example. i will redirect http://www.mywebsite.com/moreinfo.php?formid=434 to http://www.mywebsite.com/myforms/my-form my rule is RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} formid=434 RewriteRule ^moreinfo.php$ http://www.mywebsite.com/myforms/my-form [R=301,L] that works but after redirect the url becomes http://www.mywebsite.com/myforms/my-form??formid=434 i would like to remove the ?formid=434 to the new url
  3. does .htaccess have limits in number of lines? because i have tons of link i would like to redirect.
  4. i would like to use ffmpeg for my site. should i put a link of ffmpeg to my site for compliance?
  5. if i set the width of my DIV to 100% and i added a padding and margin, the width increases. how do i solve that? which the width won't increase? thanks.
  6. Redirect 301 /tank.php?form_id=143&form_name=contact%20us http://www.mydomain.com/forms/contact-us what wrong with that line, it doesn't work. thanks.
  7. it's not working. when i use the code the site goes into internal server error
  8. but it's not working with subdomains. it moves from sub.domain.com to www.sub.domain.com. how can we revise this?
  9. cags, great thanks! it's working! all the domains are parked domains, so all the sites are identical. that's what i'm looking for. thanks again.
  10. i have several websites in one cpanel account. how do i write in htaccess move the domain.com to www.domain.com for multiple domain? my existing rule is RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mydomain.com [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.mydomain.com/$1 [R=301,L] but i have several domains, my htaccess file will be long if i write that for each domain. any suggestions? thank you.
  11. i have a form that you will enter the url of a zip file. ex. http://www.getthis.com/archive.zip it will grab it by using wget then decompress it. how do i make that process secure. because users can enter a url with a scripts and hack my site.
  12. then what is the best solution? this is a big database. i want to optimize the database of our site because our server load is very high, it makes the site slow. i'm trying to optimize also the web pages.
  13. which is better to have create a 92 table columns or concatenate the values with delimiter and save it into 1 column (longtext)? which is faster to retrieve data from database example 1 column in longtext IdNumber:123[delimiter]Description:the quick brown fox[delimiter]LongDescription: .......... or i will separate that into 92 columns.
  14. my website has been hacked also. just found r3m1ck.html file in my public_html. didn't find any other files. but i removed all of my web files and reuploaded again.
  15. i have an experience with authorize.net but if you want the authorize.net to handle the recurring billing. i'm not there yet, because we have our own script which handles the recurring billing and i cron to run the script every midnight.
  16. any advice about Mutley problem. i wanna know it also.
  17. we have a 3 year old website. i would like to overhaul the url's, like making searchState.php into /state/search, i would implement that as RewriteRule ^state/search/?$ /searchState.php or searchCity.php into /city/search, i would implement that as RewriteRule ^city/search/?$ /searchCity.php does it will affect the current ranking and all the index pages? what are your recommendations? i just talk to a seo man which said i should use Redirect 301. thanks.
  18. is this possible rewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*).com [NC] rewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.(.*).com/$1 [R=301,L]
  19. fixed my problem by adding <base href="http://www.mydomain.com" /> to html
  20. how do i forward all domains and parked domains to www? we got 50 domains, 1 domain for the cpanel account then in the cpanel we got 49 parked domains. website is the same.
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