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Everything posted by mga_ka_php

  1. how do you do that in button? <form method="post" name="form1"> <input type="textbox" name="username"> <input type="textbox" name="password"> <button onclick="javascript:document.form1.submit('user.php?do=add');"> <button onclick="javascript:document.form1.submit('user.php?do=edit');"> </form> like this?
  2. i am currently in the process of developing a website using php and mysql. but have a problem with my script. <form method="post" name="form1"> <input type="textbox" name="username"> <input type="textbox" name="password"> <a onclick="javascript:document.form1.submit('user.php?do=add');"><img border="0" style="cursor:hand" src="add.gif"></a> <a onclick="javascript:document.form1.submit('user.php?do=edit');"><img border="0" style="cursor:hand" src="edit.gif"></a> </form> actually, this script works if i am doing it in windows. i installed easyphp in my computer. but in the office, i am using fedora 6. and this code doesn't work at all. when i click the button. it only bounces me back to the same page. it doesn't direct me to the specified page. and i think it is in the browser i am using. at my house i use internet explorer. but in the office i use firefox2. what i need to do to be able to make this script work in both browser? thanks a lot.
  4. in VB if i want to get the data of a column i use Set ra = DB.OpenRecordset("select * from employee") While Not ra.EOF itmX.SubItems(1) = ra!name wend how do i do this in php? what is the ra!name in php? thanks
  5. how do i go to another page? sample. if the argument is correct in page1.php3 then it will automatically go to page2.php3 thanks.
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