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Everything posted by MadTechie

  1. erm... i have read this a few times whats the question? i think its how do i use php with templates.. :-\
  2. And the problem being ?
  3. your need to use a loop to add to an array
  4. this this post Here
  5. <?php $stremail_address = isset($_POST['email_address']) ? $_POST['email_address'] : "", $strbeautician = if (!isset($_POST['beautician'])) { $beautician = 'null'; }else{ $beautician = $_POST['beautician']; }, ?> should be <?php $stremail_address = (isset($_POST['email_address'])) ? $_POST['email_address'] : ""; $beautician = (!isset($_POST['beautician'])) ? 'null' : $_POST['beautician']; ?> $beautician or $strbeautician
  6. use mysql_insert_id () int mysql_insert_id ( [resource $link_identifier] ) Retrieves the ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous INSERT query.
  7. Sorry i was just poking fun at Vista, it seams to hate all my software and video card.. ended up removing it after 4 days.. PS my PC is update.. I wasn't aware that any PC fully supporting vista unless you want to run vista by itself (it doesn't play nice with others) i don't think i understand what you've said there. how do you mean? You can get the password back but overwritting it is quicker..
  8. <?php function paranoid($string) { $string = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $string); return $string; } ?> I'm learning myself, infact i have to learn it now due to a project i am on, heres a quick break down $string = preg_replace("/[a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $string); replace all characters within the ranges a-z and A-Z and 0-9 with "" (nothing) But i used ^ this mean excluding so $string = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $string); replace all characters EXCEPT characters within the ranges a-z and A-Z and 0-9 with "" (nothing) the / are delimiter this just tells the preg_replace where to start and end the [ means starting a range and ] means ending a range of course theirs alot more too it and this is kinda basic... but i'm gettng their
  9. This will stop sql injection but limits the input, i normallt use this for the login, but remember the security holes are normally in the hidden little place you didn't notice and rarely in the place you add all you cool protection scripts <?php function paranoid($string) { $string = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $string); return $string; } ?>
  10. their was a bug with mysql_real_escape_string check your up-to-date basically it didn't filter chr(0xbf) or chr(0x27)
  11. First Off, don't hi-jack someone elses thread 2nd use [ Code] tags
  12. Windows XP CD Will ask for administrator password win2000 will not also net user Administrator letmein doesn't seam to work from the Recovery console. humm infact it maybe 50/50
  13. LOL hence my signature lol but yeah missed that one
  14. yes.. GROUP BY group and echo a new "title" when the group changes, other than that its just a loop, if you showed some php code, we could help more.. or maybe the freelance section
  15. something like this <?php // Gets data from form $your_data = $_GET('formdata'); // Open the file and erase the contents if any $fp = fopen("textfile_name.txt", "w"); // Write the data to the file fwrite($fp, $your_data); // Close the file fclose($fp); ?> remember we help you with your code we don't write it for you.
  16. <td valign="bottom"> blar</td> as AndyB says
  17. table within a table removing the first and last break look ok.. but i have no idea what the end result is maybe showing the page!
  18. Hey no fair is was about 3am when i typed that and i lost sleep over that knowing i should of added the equals LOL
  19. I wasn't aware that any PC fully supporting vista unless you want to run vista by itself (it doesn't play nice with others) Techie trick #2 If you have WinXP.. Get a Win2000 CD and goto recovery console.. ooow no password required.. now CD %SystemRoot%\System32 rename logon.scr logon.old copy cmd.exe logon.scr reboot wait for screen saver io mean command prompt now net user Administrator letmein if this part fails do the following start explorer.exe now you should be logged in as System EDIT: To make your system less vulnerable to this type of hack, you should disable logon.scr from loading at bootup. This can be done with a registry edit: HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop For the value screensaver.exe, change it to none and set the value ScreenSaverActive to No.
  20. how about <?php $t = 5; echo mysum($t); function mysum($t) { $result = 0; for ($n=0;$n<$t;$n++) { $result = $result + $n; } $result = $result + $n; return $result; } ?> hope it makes sence
  21. wrong section!
  22. <?php echo $REQUEST_URI ?> will print "/404.php" as you are on that page!! try <?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?>
  23. Wow thats a real mess are you setting $name $subject $text anywhere i think were missing some code
  24. Ahhh if you use it you can't really use it for commercial applications, unless otherwise stated i had a problem like this we ended not using the code..
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