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Posts posted by d22552000

  1. Since people keep ignoring me... Ill post the question in a different way, without the source.


    How do I instert multiple rows of SQL into a database from a php file?

    Is there a way to have a PHP file read a MYSQL DUMP (.sql) file and run it?




    Please reply this time.. -,-!

  2. I have run every SMTP server I have found on the net, and unles me and 8 other people don't know how to install an SMTP server, our ISP blocks SMTP.


    Is there a way to find out if they do?  I can't even use external SMTP servers, it says it can't connect.

  3. you can't unless you make cgi unload ALL of its variables to a text file and then make php read thattext file every time you want them to talk... althoguh if hte cgi redirects to a url iwth variables..?  you could use $_GET['var'] in php...

  4. I am asking for feedback on three sites hosted using my netowrking site.


    the links are below:

  (RolePlayFantasy) (Xin Dynasty Beta) (Lunentia, Open)

    We are getting domain names soon enough.


    Each site is a SEPERATE site and the themes are not supposed to work together.  The main site I want feeback on is RPF.  I know the flash intro SUCKS but I'm working on it, and im really new at flash.  I might just use DHTML, but that is not xhtml compatible -_-!!


    Please tell me what you think of RPF, XIN, and Lunentia.

  5. Yes I know, it i overly whitespaced.  I impleemented hte entire NETWORK of sites.  but i am specifically requesting help with the Easy Read feature.  Yes, the .. Tables are a problem, but I am right now working on making it all on one field (as it should be).  This is meant to convert entire threads into one large paragraph or page to make it easier to read role plays.

  6. Any good working css generator programs?


    I have been using the subsystem in DREAMWEAVER for a long time,

    but it sucks.  Doesn't generate the css properly and doesnt support many inputs.

  7. see... php was compiled WITHOUT one important C header file that would make it possible for php to be used with ajax asa per request platform


    Either you recompile php with 5.1.2 and the cuproq.c and cuproq.h files,

    or you find another wya of doing it, without ajax or cgi...

  8. to do sql on a seperate table from the one currently in:




    In your instance you would need to call the usernames like this:

    $result1 = "WHERE user.userid=mail.senderid'";
    $result2 = "WHERE '".$result1."'.'userid' == 'user.userid'";


    That example is in php though...

  9. ok im runnign word crawler now...


    crawl("SQL.PHP,REPLACE ALL WHERE \" WITH \\");


    It's replacing... I'll upoad SQL.php if the site lets me upload 3.5mb files -,-.


    EDIT, replace finished, im running the program now....


    EDIT, Page is loading... SQL.php is being parsed now...

    EDIT, Page Parsing complete, now its inserting the SQL...


    EDIT, 64912 files copied... Moving on to SQL...


    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\VB3.6.7\sql.php on line 13218





    function sql($DB) {
       $g_link = mysql_connect( '', 'root', '') or die('Could not connect to server.' );
       mysql_select_db($DB, $g_link) or die('Could not select database.');
    $sql = "
    mysql_query($sql, $g_link) or die('Could not perform SQL.' . mysql_error();echo 'End of SQL.';


    the full file can be found here:


    The file is: 5,971 KBytes.


    oh and to the quotes, it was BY HAND!!

    I tried the file with double quotes now, escaping all $ and "... and I still got the same error.

  10. try using quotations in the php then:


     $query = "SELECT mem_dname FROM gs_mem WHERE mem_validate='".$mem_validate."'";
     $result = mysql_query($query);
     if ($result)
       header("Location: http://www.veraci7y.net/GameSpaces/signup.php?step=three");

  11. I have just finished MAKING a vbulletin feature from scratch.

    It took a long time, and I think most of the bugs are gone.


    Please tell me if you get any errors with it..



    In "Thread Tools" at the top of every thread is a link "EasyRead This Thread".

    Please tell me what you think of the EasyRead feature... Please tell me if it gives

    any XHTML errors on those pages... IE: "Done, but with errors on the page"...


    Our website is completely valid as you can see at the bottom of every page :).

    Please tell me if this page ~asyread.php. and its output, is valid.

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