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Posts posted by d22552000

  1. lol now


    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {


    // get total items in the $row array

    $items = count($row) - 1;


    // now that we not how many items are in the $row array,

    // we can use a for loop to loop through the array

    for($i = 1; $i <= $items; $i++)


        echo $row['stdntid' . $i] . '<br />';





    outputs 30 BR and no values.

  2. // get total items in the $row array

    $items = count($row) - 1;


    // now that we not how many items are in the $row array,

    // we can use a for loop to loop through the array

    for($i = 1; $i <= $items; $i++)


        echo $row['stdntid' . $i] . '<br />';



    im trying that out.


    uh no work BLANK page wher the thing should be


    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    // now that we not how many items are in the $row array, 
    // we can use a for loop to loop through the array
    for($i = 1; $i <= 30; $i++)
        echo $row['stdntid' . $i] . '<br />';


    I also tried that with no luck either.

  3. omfg lol remember yoru back quotes!


    if ($drive==0) { ob_implicit_flush(); die('shit');
    } else if ($drive==1 {
    } else { die('uh.. wtf?  not a drive, or no drive, OH GOD MULTI-DRIVE [bi]) }


    foreach ($enzite==1) (or) ($cialis==1) (or) ($viagra==1) {
    if ($length>12) { echo 'fake'; }
    switch sex($excitement) default {
    implicit_flush(); face_wash();
    } case 0 {
    } case 1 {
    } case -1 {
    echo 'Came'; break;


    Just htought that might be funny.

  4. simple


    setup all yoru scripts to ignore acess from an ip at more than a rate of 1 request per 5 seconds.  even the fastest poster wouldnt notice this.  Also limit the number of max requests to the site, and auto ban ips that acess the site really fast and often.

  5. ok my table is








    AND SO ON.



    wihtout writing out one thing for EACH student column and typing int he individual names (stdntid1...)


    I want to do a foreach like foreach variable? $row['stdntid1'] $row['stdntid2']  and Im not lazy its just that the number of students can change.  and the db can easily get extra columns added.

  6. your mysql is invalid


    			                            mysql_query("INSERT INTO fighter (id_user, character, name) 
                                               VALUES ('$user', '$character_select'  ,                                      
    									    '$character_name')") or die(mysql_error());


    but I cant see why it is.. try the standard format:


    INSERT INTO `fighter` ($variables) { VALUES ($values) }

  7. foreach($row['STDNTID'] as $stdntid) {


    as you guessed it, I am querying my databse.

    my database lists students in a class by STDNTID##


    so how do I do a foreach that does it like for each variable STDNTID## ?


    foreach($row['STDNTID'] as $stdntid) {} returns nothing. as $stdntid

    foreach($row['STDNTID##'] as $stdntid) {} returns a few errors, ugh.


    So, how do I do it?  is there a way to generate an array with the names of clsid1-35 ? IDK help!

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