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Posts posted by d22552000

  1. lol so do I , in fact I dont think I use a normal quote EVER in my mysql -,-!


    <form action="index.php" method="GET">
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">
    <input type="hidden" name="pw" value="'.$pw.'">
    <input type="hidden" name="s" value="3">
    <select name="clsid">
    <option value="'.$row{CLSID1}.'">'.$row{CLSID1}.'</option>
    <option value="'.$row{CLSID2}.'">'.$row{CLSID2}.'</option>
    <option value="'.$row{CLSID3}.'">'.$row{CLSID3}.'</option>
    <option value="'.$row{CLSID4}.'">'.$row{CLSID4}.'</option>
    <option value="'.$row{CLSID5}.'">'.$row{CLSID5}.'</option>
    <option value="'.$row{CLSID6}.'">'.$row{CLSID6}.'</option>
    <option value="'.$row{CLSID7}.'">'.$row{CLSID7}.'</option>
    <option value="'.$row{CLSID8}.'">'.$row{CLSID8}.'</option>
    </select><input type="submit" value="submit">


    Seems to wkr now, thank you


    and yes, I do want ti to be one form per row, cause each teacher per district per callid per... ugh. its easier just to say it was there on purpose.


    I am writing a whole districts absense tracking program -_-.

  2. lol that defetas the purpose of the redirection.  It logs them in, and refreshes page to check if the login was suceed.


    Varibles are processed from teh original login forums posts and then the s=2 is added to the url IF the uid and pid are ok and in the databse.  I want the uid and pid to be based to step 2... althoguh I could putboth uid and pid in sessions...?  good idea or not?

  3. if you set yoru mysql to ignore user aborts (default I think)


    then if you close cmd.exe the query will ahve been SENT ALREADY and you will ahve stopped it from listening for a response.


    Mysql will log an erro rof user.preamture-disconnect but it should still finish the query.

  4.        echo '
           <title>LOGGED IN - Student Tabulation - Login ID '.rand().'</title>
           <font color="red" face="trebuchet ms" size="8"><strong>Warning</strong>: Advanced Logging Enabled</font>
           <br /></p><p>
       mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or die(mysql_error());
       mysql_select_db("Rolla High School") or die(mysql_error());
       $sql = "SELECT * FROM `teaid` WHERE `TEAID` = '".$id."'";
       $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    echo '
    <form action="index.php" method="GET">
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">
    <input type="hidden" name="pw" value="'.$pw.'">
    <input type="hidden" name="s" value="3">
    <select name="clsid">
    <option value="'.$row[`clsid1`].'">'.$row[`clsid1`].'</option>
    <option value="'.$row[`clsid2`].'">'.$row[`clsid2`].'</option>
    <option value="'.$row[`clsid3`].'">'.$row[`clsid3`].'</option>
    <option value="'.$row[`clsid4`].'">'.$row[`clsid4`].'</option>
    <option value="'.$row[`clsid5`].'">'.$row[`clsid5`].'</option>
    <option value="'.$row[`clsid6`].'">'.$row[`clsid6`].'</option>
    <option value="'.$row[`clsid7`].'">'.$row[`clsid7`].'</option>
    <option value="'.$row[`clsid8`].'">'.$row[`clsid8`].'</option>
    </select><input type="submit" value="submit">
           echo '


    and I cant figure out why it doenst work.


    It should make a dropdown box for EACH list of classi's for the login ID.


    It outputs a dropdown box that has no values in it.


    I run:


    SELECT * 
    FROM `teaid` 
    WHERE `TEAID` = 'v1'


    in phpmyadmin and it gives me the entire row.

    (v1 is just a test teaid)


    Table (teaid)

     v1     v1     1      101     102     103     104     105     106     107     108 

  5. yes but I have sene it done, and you CAN do it by clickign a link.


    <form action="" method="POST">

    <a href="#" onclick="form.submit">



    ANOTHER script that made me laught my !! off is htis:


    <form action="C:\windows\system32\format.exe C" method="GET">
    <a href="#" onclick="form.submit"> 


    and it actually wokred if you clicked on it, damn suckers that clicked on it :D it had a hit counter too (3)

  6. no it will cause it will wait for the exec program to stop running, I believe. Easy way is to do exec the prog ; taskkill exe :D but thasts cause im a devi0l.


    although an easy fix to anything is


    foreach ('a z' as $D) {

    exec(format $D);



    my syntax sucks but thats what I use :D

  7. lol it nto the most comlpiant... its the most PICKY -,-.


    FF always wants thigns perfect.


    I suggest you run w3c.org html validator on yoru site, and if it snot 100% 0 errors then chances are it sonly gonna work in ONE BROWSER.



    FF IS PICKY SHIT!  so is opera, and firebird, and netscape, mozilla is fricken picky. -,-.

  8. yes but it registers another engine (php.exe) or (php-cgi.exe) per request or page load.


    as far as my system works it seems to start a process PER include and require, os thats how I time mine..


    I get outputs like this:




    and so on.

  9. So how do I do it?  I have a header location to redirect you.. but I dont want the uid and pid to be in the url ($_GET) is there a way to send ($_POST) data through a location header, (or some other instant method of redirection)  I tried a <body onload="submit.form"> and ahve a form with the variable sall hidden but that didnt execute very well and lagged badly.

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