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Everything posted by premiso

  1. Bottom left hand corner above Quick Reply, "Topic Solved"
  2. mkdir I believe is what you would be looking for. For the file fopen, fwrite and fclose is what you are after.
  3. Have you tried debugging it and see where the name gets skewed? If it is from the imap, chances are your mail server is doing it. If the file has .jpg.html chances are it is not suppose to be .html. A simple replace of that would suffice. Anyhow see where it gets changed, if it is that way from the get go. If it is, check with your mail service provider as they may know what is going on and what attachments are being returned as .html
  4. On a side note: <?php $times = (float) date("i"); $times = ($times / 100); echo $times . "<br />"; $timeh = date("H"); $times = floor($times); $time = "$timeh:$times"; echo $time; $logtime = $time; $logdate = date("d/m/y"); die(); ?> That would do what you "wanted" it to do. You just had to divide it by 100 to get it to be in decimal format.
  5. Why even have the minutes then? Why not just do the hour if you are just going to set it to 06:00 ???
  6. Bottom left hand corner above the quick reply.
  7. Weird, I never knew you could do it that way.....that is just bizarre! Thanks for clearing that up for me.
  8. You need to escape the double quotes in your string under the img tag.
  9. Well why are you using the user's name as a field in your table....that really makes no sense to me, instead of just having a field called username and storing it there. Anyhow, if KingPhilip's worked, then yea that is how your table is designed. Weird, but I guess it works for you.
  10. Why not just replace .jpg.html with just .jpg ....quick solution to the problem. Have you done any debugging to see when/where the name gets changed to the .html?
  11. That query makes no sense at all. "UPDATE thebusinesstycoon SET logoutdate ='$logdate' WHERE username = '{$logged['username']}' " Try that instead.
  12. Yes, you should set both to Off. For data going into the DB (textual data) you should use mysql_real_escape_string to escape it instead.
  13. If you can, modify that field in the table to be "UNIQUE" this will prevent duplicates from being entered at the SQL level. As far as why that is not returning the affiliates like it should, try trim ing the data and check if Magic Quotes are enabled on the production server, as that may be escaping data. If it is I would suggest turning them off or using get_magic_quotes_gpc to test if it is on if it is, do a stripslashes on the data.
  14. if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if($_SESSION['adminmenu'] == "news" && $_SESSION['auth'] == "TRUE") { include "tpl/adminnews.tpl"; mysql_query("INSERT INTO news (news_ID, news_Title, news_Date, news_Entry, news_Picture) VALUES (NULL, '$_POST[title]', '$_POST[date]', '$_POST[content]', '$_POST[picture]')"); include "tpl/adminmenu.tpl"; } } Should only run if the submit button (given that its name is "submit") has been pushed.
  15. Did you set_time_limit for the script to be 0? Maybe it has something to do with your host? Are you on dedicated, shared or local? This could also have something to do with the PHP Memory Limit, if that is not greater than the size of the file, I think that would cause it to stop once that limit has been reached. (Most default to 16M). That can be changed via the ini_set or php.ini or .htaccess, whichever is available to you.
  16. Or just test/define variables properly. The easy solution, put anything that requires the form to be posted inside of an if that checks if the form was posted.
  17. Move the echo inside the if statement, chances are everything in that if is not being executed. As to why that is never executing, I am not sure. I do not know what your form looks like.
  18. While we are on the boxes topic... Google up Shadowbox, that should be what you are looking for!
  19. You do have a syntax error. mysql_query($SET) or die('Error, query failed'); } That } is not being opened anywhere. Remove that and see if anything comes out.
  20. EDIT: Removed the syntax error as it was posted twice before me The "." is concatenation.
  21. When you echo them, you need to echo them in the same case....$SET $ADD $UPDATE you are doing it in lower case.
  22. Shuffle restructures the array/rebuilds it. array_rand look into using that, as it leaves your array in-tact but will just give you a random order of keys. $arrayKeys = array_rand($array, count($array)); I am not sure if that will return duplicate keys, but give that a try and see if that works for you.
  23. I doubt it really needs to be sent in octet, actually. Found that at http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.header.php#86554 Maybe that will solve your problem?
  24. $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("SQL WAS: {$sql}<br /> Error was: " . mysql_error()); See what error that gives you.
  25. Give it a try and see. If the standard says OCTETS, then I would use octets.
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